
Satiating Food

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I am almost ignorant in regards to nutrition. OK, I do know the basics, like the fact that clean plant-based diet is better in most ways than the animal one. I am a vegetarian (except I eat fish sometimes, suggested by my doctor) for a couple of years now and because of the lack of proper research and knowledge, I got in some trouble. Long story short, some of my hormone levels went down. To give some more details, my diet includes lots of fruits. In fact, I notice now that when I eat a fruit it makes me crave more of it. Like I would eat 5 apples a time or 3 bananas in the morning. So I am wondering if I actually became sugar addicted because of that?

Another thing, it's hard for me to feel full for a long time. In fact, I eat quite big portions of food. Though, usually the food is rather light. So what would be examples of food that you eat and that make you feel good, but also satiated for a long time? 


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Had a huge omelette and some salmon in the morning! Ooh, that was satiating! 

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Legumes are amazing source of nutrients and generally tend to keep you full for a while. Also there is escalating evidence that they promote longevity just in small doses. Just make sure you cook them yourself if you can and not buy canned. 


Regarding Fish

Although fish are generally considered a healthy meal, there is an increasing evidence suggesting that the only place fish belong to, is the ocean, they should not be on your plate. here is why: 

* Fish is generally believed to be rich in Omega 3 fatty acids. While that is a truth, the thing nobody tells you is that the Omega 3 come from Blue,Green Algae that fish consume. Small fish eats algae growing at the ocean bottom, large fish eats small fish and the circle goes on. Every new fish in this food chain adds its own "elements" to it. 

* Fish is rich in highly toxic heavy metals such as Mercury, Lead, Cadmium. The greatest source of mercury are underwater volcanos which release large doses of heavy metals into oceans. Of course not to mention a human destruction of oceans. Ever heard about the Large Pacific Garbage Patch? A garbage dump at the size of Texas? Fish eat this stuff mistaking it for plankton, these fish are eaten by carnivore fish. As always, the circle goes on ending up in many cases as a delicious meal of chemical death - if you are lucky, it is at least cooked. Toxins from this can be transferred thousands of miles by rain so your "pure wild salmon" is a a disease and toxin riddled creature storing incredible amounts of toxins in your body. These things like to hang around in Fat cells so the more bodyfat a person has, the easier it is for them to stay in..oh and human brain is mostly fat ..

* farm raised fish - 90% farmed fish come from China where they "live" in tanks so overpopulated that they literally consume each other's fesses. Many times they are so anaemic that they have to manually paint them to look Orange or whatever colour they should be. can you imagine what that does to you?

Don't take my word for it, I'm not a scientist but sort of a nerd when it comes to this stuff, I enjoy researching and reading about nutrition, this is what i found so far. Fish industry won't tell this to you of course, why would they haha. An amazing way to get a full benefit of fish is to look around for a Blue& Green Algae wholefood supplement or chlorela supplement. Beware, these are really really expensive.  Remember only wholefood supplements, the rest is synthetic rubbish. Nuts and seeds can give you a lot of fatty acids as well. 

Here is a link about benefits of BG Algae http://hippocratesinst.org/algae-scientific-algae-breakthroughs


While glucose metabolises in muscle cells, fructose metabolises in Liver only via help of pancreas. In the end, the end product is the same, glucose (sugar)  An excess of fruit can over strain your liver and slowly build up an insulin resistance. While there are many benefits of eating fresh fruit, the amount of sugar it contains is a warning sign. For a healthy individual, it should be fine just don't overdo it ( 3-5 pieces per day of low GI fruit). 

Why fruit makes you crave is that it spikes your insulin, especially fruit like bananas which are easier to digest hence the Fructolyses is undergone much quicker. Add some plant protein like nuts and seeds to your fruit to slow down the speed of metabolising. Also 5 apples and 3 bananas is a dose of sugar similar to 2 snickers ( just without all the shit that is in snickers such as trans fat). 


Sorry for a long post, I know most of this was not our question but thought maybe you'd be interested to know a little bit about these things :)






Edited by Michael569

Personalised Holistic Nutrition & Lifestyle Support
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about a health problem you are currently struggling with

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Thanks a lot @Michael569 for your post! Very helpful. A few more questions:


1. Why do you think that canned legumes should be avoided? 

2. Which fruits are low GI, I actually thought all of them are. 

3. I think nuts and sweet fruits do not combine well. I would expect digestion issues. From my experience. 

4. Even though I have been eating tons of fruits I actually notice I don't get extra weight don them. Or at least not much. If I eat two snickers I am positive that I would notice the change immediately. 

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1. Why do you think that canned legumes should be avoided? 

 In some countries, they have used preservatives that were not necessarily beneficial. Generally if you look at a tin can and there is an ingredient that you cannot pronounce  in 2 seconds, don't buy it. Even though they may not be harmful in long term and small doses, I prefer to avoid them as we already get a lot of toxicity from the pollution so the less from food the better. Also another concern is that these packages just as plastic package may release molecules of its material to the food they contain. That's why you should never ever heat your food in plastic bowls. Same with cans. Buy raw, soak 12 hours and cook for 90 minutes. 

2. Which fruits are low GI, I actually thought all of them are. 

Not necessarily. You can actually taste that some of them are much sweeter than others. What I should have mentioned is that there is even a  better indicator for your daily sugar consumption, it is called Glycemic Load.

Glycemic index shows the amount of Glucose.  1 equals no glucose, 100 is pure glucose. The problem here is that it doesn't consider portion size. Hence Glycemic Load is much better indicator. It takes the value of GI , divides by 100 and multiplies by average amount of carb grams in food. To simplify this, your daily intake of GL should be 50-60 for optimal weight however this of course depends on your weight,metabolic activity, excercise routines etc... Few examples of Glycemic Load content. I suggest you do a small google research, there are many sites that contain thousands of foods and their GL values. Optimise your daily fruit intake throughout the day and you'll see the difference in energy levels.  

High GL Foods - Mangos, Pineaples, Figs, any dried fruit ( avoid at all cost), dates, Grapes, raisings). e

Low GL Foods - apple, pear, berries, plum, orange....

3. I think nuts and sweet fruits do not combine well. I would expect digestion issues. From my experience. 

You may be right on this. Fruits are best consumed alone and on empty stomach although I've never had similar experience when consuming. Need to research this topic a bit more, thanks for picking it up. I remember reading this somewhere a long time ago that protein inhibits the sugar digestion but that could be wrong. 

I think it also depends on how quickly the fruit ferments, the more sugar it has the quicker it does and that strains the digestive system much more. 

4.  Even though I have been eating tons of fruits I actually notice I don't get extra weight don them. Or at least not much. If I eat two snickers I am positive that I would notice the change immediately. 

I was merely comparing the sugar content. Snickers contains a large dose of saturated fats which contribute to obesity a lot. If you are conscious with your diet, even if you eat more fruit but exercise remain active throughout the day, your body can consume the glucose. Glucose you eat is converted into glycogen in your muscles as an energy storage to be used when needed. With fat, this is not possible, the more processed the fat is, the easier it is for body to store it like Olive oil which goes directly to your fat stores. Glucose is a primary source of energy while fats (especially saturated) are harder to digest and can hang around much longer. not to mention they like to hang around your arteries and cause all sorts of nasty stuff like atherosclerosis, high LDl cholesterol, high blood pressure and many heart problems. 



Edited by Michael569
missing word

Personalised Holistic Nutrition & Lifestyle Support
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about a health problem you are currently struggling with

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@ElenaO Nowadays many women (especially young girls) are confused regarding diet, because there is too much info all over the place, and people just don't know what and how to eat anymore. I've done the same thing, eating loads of fruit, raw food hype for a long period of time, feeling great (spiritually, physically, emotionally) - but on the long run, this kind of lifestyle has gotten me in some serious health issues, similar to yours.

The thing is, are bodies are wired differently, we come from different lifestyles, and while one 40 year old women who is already a mother may have long term benefits from eating only bananas and apples for breakfast, a girl in her 20's who is active all of the time, wants to be a mother one day, with a lot of things going on in her life, all affecting her hormone levels - adding loads of fruit (=carbs, sugar) in her diet will only spike her insuline levels which will lead to a hormonal imbalance. We need to stop listening to others and re-program our minds to listen to our bodies insted. But of course, first we need to be aware how our bodies, or in this case - hormones are functioning in different periods of our lifes, and be aware of what nutrients they need to function properly.

You cannot feel full because the fruit you eat is mostly water and sugar, that diagestes quickly, and you body horomones need calories from whole foods that won't spike your insuline to function properly. Mostly, they need vegetables, leafy greens, healthy fats and good quality protein so that you blood sugar levels don't go insane, because every time that happens, you'll start feeling hungry again. You don't have to cut off fruit from your diet, just try eating it in moderation and combining it with protein, nuts and seeds for example, because protein keeps your blood sugar normal. Also, if you are suffering from a hormonal imbalance, it is true that it would be good to eat LOW GI food in general.

For example, if you want to eat fruit, eat it WHOLE, not in a smoothie, because with making a smoothie, you are processing the food and the GI of the food goes up. Also, with every meal you eat, don't forget adding some protein and healthy fats. But the most important thing is to really listen to your body, whenever you are hungry eat. You can try reversing your diet with a candida cleanse diet, it can help with getting back on track.

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6 hours ago, Michael569 said:


3. I think nuts and sweet fruits do not combine well. I would expect digestion issues. From my experience. 

You may be right on this. Fruits are best consumed alone and on empty stomach although I've never had similar experience when consuming. Need to research this topic a bit more, thanks for picking it up. I remember reading this somewhere a long time ago that protein inhibits the sugar digestion but that could be wrong. 

I think it also depends on how quickly the fruit ferments, the more sugar it has the quicker it does and that strains the digestive system much more. 

I notice the issues right away - bloating and gases. Maybe some people are less sensitive to this than others. So for me it's a no-brainer. I guess I would have to skip sweet fruits altogether.

Regarding the beans, I think it's still fine to use canned if it's not every single day? Otherwise, this becomes too complicated. Or at least in the beginning. 

I've actually noticed how today I ate whole lots of beans at lunch (even though skipped the breakfast) and then after like 2 hours felt hungry again :(I'm becoming kind of desperate because of these cravings. Will keep researching. Thanks a lot for your suggestions!

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6 hours ago, Awomanaware said:

@ElenaO Nowadays many women (especially young girls) are confused regarding diet, because there is too much info all over the place, and people just don't know what and how to eat anymore. I've done the same thing, eating loads of fruit, raw food hype for a long period of time, feeling great (spiritually, physically, emotionally) - but on the long run, this kind of lifestyle has gotten me in some serious health issues, similar to yours.

The thing is, are bodies are wired differently, we come from different lifestyles, and while one 40 year old women who is already a mother may have long term benefits from eating only bananas and apples for breakfast, a girl in her 20's who is active all of the time, wants to be a mother one day, with a lot of things going on in her life, all affecting her hormone levels - adding loads of fruit (=carbs, sugar) in her diet will only spike her insuline levels which will lead to a hormonal imbalance. We need to stop listening to others and re-program our minds to listen to our bodies insted. But of course, first we need to be aware how our bodies, or in this case - hormones are functioning in different periods of our lifes, and be aware of what nutrients they need to function properly.

You cannot feel full because the fruit you eat is mostly water and sugar, that diagestes quickly, and you body horomones need calories from whole foods that won't spike your insuline to function properly. Mostly, they need vegetables, leafy greens, healthy fats and good quality protein so that you blood sugar levels don't go insane, because every time that happens, you'll start feeling hungry again. You don't have to cut off fruit from your diet, just try eating it in moderation and combining it with protein, nuts and seeds for example, because protein keeps your blood sugar normal. Also, if you are suffering from a hormonal imbalance, it is true that it would be good to eat LOW GI food in general.

For example, if you want to eat fruit, eat it WHOLE, not in a smoothie, because with making a smoothie, you are processing the food and the GI of the food goes up. Also, with every meal you eat, don't forget adding some protein and healthy fats. But the most important thing is to really listen to your body, whenever you are hungry eat. You can try reversing your diet with a candida cleanse diet, it can help with getting back on track.

That makes SENSE! I will look into the candida cleanse diet and also into low GI products. Thank you so much @Awomanaware ! And you are totally right. Because of these hormonal imbalances I am not even able to have kids at the moment. I am going through a hormonal therapy right now, taking pills every single day :/. I might be actually more prone to this than others, of course. It seems my body needs fat stored on my belly to be able to have any kids :S Which is disgusting. But so it is... 

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@ElenaO you're welcome, I am in a similar situation, just not taking pills but some herbs. It's not disgusting, it's only disgusting when you compare yourself to other women with flat bellies, but in most cases, that kind of comparison leads to this kind of health issues. It took a long time for me to REALLY accept that my body is unique, and what may work for others can actually hurt me. But our minds can get brainwashed so easily, it's so amazing, you may think you are feeling great, almost like a placebo effect, but the hormonal system is so sensitive to changes, especially in women, and can give us some unexpected results after a while. Learning more in depth about our hormonal system and woman's reproductive system has helped me a lot. Everything will be fine, just takes some time for our hormones to get back on track, they need some good loving :D

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Problem with canned foods is Bisphenol or BPA. The most worrisome of all, among canned foods that can harm you, is plastic contaminants in our canned goods. Most canned food these days have a plastic coating inside the can to supposedly keep the food, vegetables, and fruits – fresh.

Structural damage to your brain: Changes in gender-specific behavior, and abnormal sexual behavior

Hyperactivity, increased aggressiveness, and impaired learning: Early puberty, stimulation of mammary gland development, disrupted reproductive cycles, ovarian dysfunction, and infertility

Increased fat formation and risk of obesity: Stimulation of prostate cancer cells

Altered immune function: Increased prostate size and decreased sperm production


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6 hours ago, pluto said:

Problem with canned foods is Bisphenol or BPA. The most worrisome of all, among canned foods that can harm you, is plastic contaminants in our canned goods. Most canned food these days have a plastic coating inside the can to supposedly keep the food, vegetables, and fruits – fresh.

Structural damage to your brain: Changes in gender-specific behavior, and abnormal sexual behavior

Hyperactivity, increased aggressiveness, and impaired learning: Early puberty, stimulation of mammary gland development, disrupted reproductive cycles, ovarian dysfunction, and infertility

Increased fat formation and risk of obesity: Stimulation of prostate cancer cells

Altered immune function: Increased prostate size and decreased sperm production

thanks for adding the missing science, I didn't know any of that. 

Personalised Holistic Nutrition & Lifestyle Support
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about a health problem you are currently struggling with

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@ElenaO it's ok to get hungry after a while. The issue is to balance the blood sugar level. So have a small fruit snack once those cravings arrive. If you work, prepare not one large meal but few smaller meals including mix of fresh vegetables, protein and carbohydrates (ideally non-animal) and snack on it multiple times throughout the day. This is what many of us do who eat smaller amounts but more frequently. This way your insulin levels and level of blood glucose are going through a nice and stable curve, up and down like a sinusoidal curve instead of going from extreme to extreme. 


One more question if I may, Do you exercise? If so, how frequently and how vigorously? 

There have been studies published in book called "Spark" from JJ Ratey that physical exercise 5 days a week has a direct influence on your hormonal levels as well as your dopamine and serotonine levels.

Suggest you have a look at that book, it is amazing !


Personalised Holistic Nutrition & Lifestyle Support
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about a health problem you are currently struggling with

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Make a shake in the morning with this stuff, peanut butter, ice, a banana, and milk.. It's raw food, tastes great. Energy all day. You'll feel full for 8 hours. 




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On 24/03/2017 at 2:27 PM, Michael569 said:

@ElenaO it's ok to get hungry after a while. The issue is to balance the blood sugar level. So have a small fruit snack once those cravings arrive. If you work, prepare not one large meal but few smaller meals including mix of fresh vegetables, protein and carbohydrates (ideally non-animal) and snack on it multiple times throughout the day. This is what many of us do who eat smaller amounts but more frequently. This way your insulin levels and level of blood glucose are going through a nice and stable curve, up and down like a sinusoidal curve instead of going from extreme to extreme. 


One more question if I may, Do you exercise? If so, how frequently and how vigorously? 

There have been studies published in book called "Spark" from JJ Ratey that physical exercise 5 days a week has a direct influence on your hormonal levels as well as your dopamine and serotonine levels.

Suggest you have a look at that book, it is amazing !


Somewhere I've heard (I believe it was on a TED talk about sugar) that we shouldn't get hungry when eating the "right food" only after two hours of having a meal. It was said that we should be good for 4-5 hours after eating. There's so many opinions on how we should feel that I am getting lost!

I do exercise. I recently had a surgery so my regular exercise routine was challenged. The minimum is 2 hours of intense workouts (cardio and/or strength) and walking during the day for around 2 km. Then I go swimming once a week too (750 m swims usually).
I will most definitely check out the book, thank you so much for suggesting!

Btw, I checked the canned beans contents and it seems it doesn't contain anything too bad. I think. I will list the contents tomorrow, it's mostly some antioxidants, salt and the beans.

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7 hours ago, Nahm said:

Make a shake in the morning with this stuff, peanut butter, ice, a banana, and milk.. It's raw food, tastes great. Energy all day. You'll feel full for 8 hours. 


Milk and banana? And also peanut butter? For me personally that would definitely result in huge bloating :/ I could of course replace the bananas with something else, maybe cocoa? But that's also too stimulating I think. 

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Eat more fats! Avocado, olive oil, coconut oil high fat nuts, greek yogurt ect

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18 hours ago, Joel3102 said:

Eat more fats! Avocado, olive oil, coconut oil high fat nuts, greek yogurt ect

Fats make digestion harder. Although I have to agree that you have a point. The key is probably the balance. I don't want to eat too many fats either. And it's hard to know what is the right amount. 
Regarding nuts, they don't make me full at all! I've tried eating like 10, even 15 of them and their effect is minimal. Eating salmon has an immediate satiating effect, even though there's other side effects to it as @Michael569 already mentioned. Eating avocado also doesn't make me full (tried with eating one whole avocado). 

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Regarding the canned beans. Here are the can contents: red kidney beans, water, sugar, salt, modified maize starch, antioxidant (ascorbic acid). 100 grams of the beans carry 111 kilocalories. 

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@ElenaO  absorbic acid is the main component of 99% of vitamin C supplements, it is a synthetic antioxidant. So a lab-made component. Whether or not it is harmful over a long term, I have no idea. Google should be able to answer that question.

Btw this weekend, I made 800 grams of Beans ( raw not canned), which took around 12 hours out of which 11 and half was having them submerged in water(do it overnight + few extra hours) to soften and 30 minutes boiling. So this is might be a better alternative to save money, reduce waste and reduce your exposure to preservatives whether they are good or not :) The good thing is that even if you boil just 200 grams it is still a huge portion, just store it in a container in your fridge and they are there for you to snack on whenever you feel like it. From here, just be creative, mix them with various foods like quinoa, couscous, vegetables, spices until you create few nice and cheap meals that you can carry around in your bag to snack on throughout the day. Not to mention legumes is an incredible source of protein and minerals as a post-workout fuel. 


Personalised Holistic Nutrition & Lifestyle Support
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about a health problem you are currently struggling with

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@Michael569 Will do that, thanks for suggesting! Probably adding them to a salad is the easiest. Do you btw add any salt to them? The canned ones are salty, which is sure not healthy. However, it makes them that much tastier.

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