
I am

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Yes man, i am. Fuck!. Just now, here, i am in infinite deep. Could you feel it? You are me. Look inside yourself. It's bottomless. Abandon any resistance, flow in yourself, feel your plenitude. You are. 



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Nothing else matters. Nothing matters. You are and you will always be. the form is indifferent, you are the eternal smile, the eternal flow, the total freedom. at the end, after all,  I am without resistance. that's what it's all about. identify the resistance, look at it. is fear. Step over it, open up yourself. surrender. Don't be petty, give it your all to the now. open your heart completely to the now and say: I am. and you will flow

Edited by Breakingthewall

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There is not enlightenment, there is only being. You, now, are. Man ...that's everything. Shit, we are trapped in ourselves, like miserly misers holding back an infinite river, for fear that it will be spent. each one in his capsule of greed, caressing his treasure like crazy gollums. just drop it. Give it. break your greed, give yourself to yourself. You are holding what cannot be held. Let it go. now .

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Heh... grabbed some treats from the psychedelic candy box again, huh?

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Hahaha no, I'm sober, psychedelics are just tools, they serve to understand the iron grip that you are imposing on yourself. control. Form. You have to spill yourself, break the glass. all this work deals with that. relax the hold, open yourself to the now for real, without any reservation. You will see the infinite right now. You will be the infinite, because you are! It's obvious. Fucking miser greedy coward ? 

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It's not about not thinking, it's not about knowing, it's about not being afraid of being. fear is a wall in front of your face. Get over it and your vision will be infinite. Right now you are creating limits with your fear, you little coward. you have to throw yourself into the well, without reservation. without keeping anything for yourself, because you already have everything, you idiot, there is nothing to get. you have to open your heart completely. freedom. total surrender to now. How are you not going to give up to yourself? it's completely stupid. it's like robbing yourself. 

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3 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

Get over it and your vision will be infinite. Right now you are creating limits with your fear, you little coward. 


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Sorry for insulting, i was insulting myself, because you are me, and i have been so greedy, caressing my treasure of bitterness, like a gollum caressing a piece of shit ?. human stupidity knows no bounds. 

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Hallelujah brothers, because we are. and that's it. we have it all. we are what it is . we are the depth. we just have to forget the clothes and focus on the only thing that matters: being. form is utterly indifferent, pale and unimportant, compared to the vastness and wonder and sheer beauty of being. Bottomless. absolute. 

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@Breakingthewall congrats bro???. Like wave is a shape of shapeless water, You are shape of shapeless life. Enjoy The Life You Are. Surf the waves of reality!

Much love?

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Can confirm I was having a mental breakdown of some sort today after exposing myself to my worst fears (on my own accord). It got so intense that I had the urge to end it all. Despite that, I tapped into my inner power and overcame hell.

I’m learning to enjoy overcoming hell, because hell ain’t shit when you see beyond it. 

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Nice :)

The answer is You, never a thought, never an identity, never a 'thing'.

Seems Immortality is a thing after all 9_9

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there is the infinite vastness of existence, and superimposed on it, a beautiful drawing of colors. everything is pure beauty, perfection. only the greed of the self sees misery where there is plenty. it is extremely difficult to convince the greedy usurer to open his hand. He has an iron fist closed with a hydraulic machine, the bastard. You have to caress him and whisper in his ear: greedy bastard, open your hand, it's the best for you. if I already have it wide open! he will say . no, bastard, you have it totally closed. give him anesthesia with a psychedelic to make his greed manifest. everything is pressure, control, fear of losing what you have, absolute terror of opening your arms and letting go. deep, solid, encysted. the miser has to understand that with his attitude he gets absolutely nothing. upside down, lose everything. miser, you already have everything, but your closed hand prevents you from enjoying it. open it.

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Bunch of bs, everything is up to god, the experience we have is up to god also. A bunch of meaningless and pointless talk that is not gonna help anyone. 


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7 minutes ago, Jowblob said:

Bunch of bs, everything is up to god, the experience we have is up to god also. A bunch of meaningless and pointless talk that is not gonna help anyone. 

keep clinging to your little ideas and your fictitious structures of reality. It's your way of controlling. but you control absolutely nothing, you just keep hanging around on the surface. the miser has many strategies. Knowing things is one of the ways to keep you locked up. The question is: Do you want to get out of your jail, or do you prefer to stay inside? or put another way: are you smart, or stupid?

Edited by Breakingthewall

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1 minute ago, Breakingthewall said:

keep clinging to your little ideas and your fictitious structures of reality. It's your way of controlling. but you control absolutely nothing, you just keep hanging around on the surface. the miser has many strategies. Knowing things is one of the ways to keep you locked up. The question is: not even God locks me up. I break everything that comes my way. and you?

It's all meaningless talk, it is you who is trying to structure reality but you're upset that it doesnt work. It is you the  ego that tries to be god with no avail. None of you have clue what god is.


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9 minutes ago, Jowblob said:

None of you have clue what god is.

if you try to capture god, what i said before happens. you lock yourself up. to open your hand is to give up knowing. knowing is like saving water in the sea, it doesn't make sense, it's useless, stupid, impossible. the reality is. you can only be. all you can do is to tune yourself in to what is. completely break the barrier. knowing is a barrier, it is greed. The mind has to be totally empty of knowing. The only knowing that is useful is about the ego, to manage to open it. The infinity can't be Known, it's in another frequency, the frequency of being, if you try to know it, you are in jail

Edited by Breakingthewall

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46 minutes ago, Jowblob said:

Bunch of bs, everything is up to god, the experience we have is up to god also. A bunch of meaningless and pointless talk that is not gonna help anyone. 

- Everything is up to YOU 

- The experience we have IS GOD


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52 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

[... to open your hand is to give up knowing...]

[...knowing is like saving water in the sea, it doesn't make sense...]

[...knowing is a barrier, it is greed. The mind has to be totally empty of knowing...]

[...The infinity can't be Known, it's in another frequency, the frequency of being, if you try to know it, you are in jail...]

yess yess yess ?


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1 hour ago, Breakingthewall said:

Knowing things is one of the ways to keep you locked up. 

Knowing from lower state is prison. 

Higher state is all-knowing Alien Intelligence 

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