Richard Purdy

How to connect with loved ones who passed away?

16 posts in this topic

How do you connect with loved ones who passed away? I want a practical answer here, at my human level of understanding.

Don't give me a one sentence answer like death is an illusion or I'm imagining it. Being that those may be true, those one sentence answers are hard to articulate from my point of progress. Give me a human being answer. Here's what I want to know:

Where the fuck are they? Where did they go?

Can they see everything I'm doing? Do they know what I'm thinking?

What are physical/spiritual symptoms that they are around/watching me right now?

How do I communicate with them?

After a year of being dead, are they just hanging out in nothingness being able to do anything they want?

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1 minute ago, Richard Purdy said:

Give me a human being answer. Here's what I want to know:

Where the fuck are they? Where did they go?

Can they see everything I'm doing? Do they know what I'm thinking?

What are physical/spiritual symptoms that they are around/watching me right now?

How do I communicate with them?

After a year of being dead, are they just hanging out in nothingness being able to do anything they want?

1. Stop contradicting yourself. You ask for a human being answer. This usually means you want something in the realm of the materialistic paradigm when you refer to human.

2. After asking for a human immediately start asking for spiritual answers and then have the nerve to ask about nothingness? These questions deal with concepts that are not part of the normal human being paradigm.

So the first thing you need to figure out what it is you want. Do you want a self-help materialistic answer? Or do you want a metaphysical answer? If you want both...understand that they will conflict and contradict each other as the human paradigm deals with logic which is finite, whereas metaphysics deals with infinity.

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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They are still inside your head. The 6th dimension is imagination and imagination is where they came from. They are the exact same thing as you are a base slate with algorithms on top. Once the algorithms are taken away they are nothing but themsleves

Edited by Hojo

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6 hours ago, Richard Purdy said:

Don't give me a one sentence answer like death is an illusion or I'm imagining it. Being that those may be true, those one sentence answers are hard to articulate from my point of progress. Give me a human being answer.

Death. Is. An. Illusion.

You. Are. GOD.

I tried to catch some fog earlier. I mist.

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6 hours ago, Richard Purdy said:

How do you connect with loved ones who passed away? I want a practical answer here, at my human level of understanding.

Don't give me a one sentence answer like death is an illusion or I'm imagining it. Being that those may be true, those one sentence answers are hard to articulate from my point of progress. Give me a human being answer. Here's what I want to know:

Where the fuck are they? Where did they go?

Can they see everything I'm doing? Do they know what I'm thinking?

What are physical/spiritual symptoms that they are around/watching me right now?

How do I communicate with them?

After a year of being dead, are they just hanging out in nothingness being able to do anything they want?

Go to their grave and you will meet them. As for now, I believe that they become nothing. Their death is their end. Nothing more. 

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After one of my most profound ketamine trips with my therapist, I stared into the eyes of my therapist for what felt like an eternity. 

What were we staring at? Of course… OURSELVES as GOD!

You can die without physically dying. 100% possible, but science won’t tell you that. 

I tried to catch some fog earlier. I mist.

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I'm very sorry for your loss. It's one of the most difficult and Inevitable things that a human being can experience in life.

The most normal thing, after loosing a loved one is to feel feelings of grief which usually include feelings of deep sadness, guilt, pain, longing.

There is a lot of ignorance in society about the natural process of grief and its very dismissive of this very important process.

Same with many spiritual communities, there is a lot of bypass of the natural feelings of grief by some unhelpful statements like "there is no death".

While it might be technically accurate that there is no such a thing as death, and intellectually convincing enough, it doesn't address the emotional pain and the distress people feel after death of their beloved one, which no intellectual statement, as accurate or true it may be, can effectively address.

That's why I would like to recommend you a book that might be a helpful companion in your grief process. It might answer some of your questions and give you the tools to recover and keep living a bit more peacefully despite the loss.

When I lost my dear grandmother and my dear dog, the same questions have raised in my mind. I feel you.

These questions arise naturally but it's very difficult to answer them accurately.

Still, if you find that it's helpful, I can give you the most accurate answers, from my understanding, that I've found so far for these questions:

11 hours ago, Richard Purdy said:

Where the fuck are they? Where did they go?

According to Leo's video about death, which is very profound in my humble opinion even though it might be misused as emotional bypassing of loss, the answer to where they all go is that they go to no where, they stay here, because where else the consciousness can go if everything is fragments of consciousness? And why they would go further than their living loved ones?

Per the stories of people who have experienced clinical death, they said that at the moment of their death their didn't realize it immediately. The only thing that changed is that they felt an overwhelming sense of peace, tranquility and love. 

Probobly, sometimes it takes a bit time for the consciousness to realize that it's dead and there is no longer a body to return to.

11 hours ago, Richard Purdy said:

Can they see everything I'm doing? Do they know what I'm thinking?

Probobly they can see you but not in a way we perceive "seeing" in our human understanding and experience of seeing.

I read and heard lots of stories of people who have experienced clinical death, and some of them described that at the moment of what they later realized as death, they recall looking at their crying and sad loved ones, but in a way that we would perceive as surreal.

I don't think that they know what you're exactly thinking, word by word.  

I think that they overlook thoughts and more prone to seek your level of emotional vibration, emotional state maybe read you in other dimensions that we don't know much about. I believe It's very likely that they know you feel love towards them, longing, sadness, pain.

12 hours ago, Richard Purdy said:

What are physical/spiritual symptoms that they are around/watching me right now?

It's really hard to answer. I think that in order to feel their presence with us, maybe even see and communicate with them at the moment, it requires some paranormal or mystical abilities.

However, I believe it's quite possible for everyone to feel at least the presence of their dead loved ones from time to time, maybe in some random and spontaneous or intential mediative states.

Assuming there's no such a thing as reincarnation or they chose not to reincarnate.

12 hours ago, Richard Purdy said:

How do I communicate with them?

You can always talk to them, sing to them, write to them, make art for them. It's very likely that they evident to that and appreciate it. Morever, these practices often help to deal with loss on the emotional level.

But if you want to literally communicate with them, it is very likely through developing paranormal abilities (which can take years).

I heard from Leo's videos that Yoga (the real yoga) is a good start for developing paranormal abilities.

Lucid dreaming is an option too.

12 hours ago, Richard Purdy said:

After a year of being dead, are they just hanging out in nothingness being able to do anything they want?

They are very likely to be at constant state of joy, infinite love, peace. I don't think that at this state they have some wishes or desires as these come from the ego.

12 hours ago, Richard Purdy said:

What are physical/spiritual symptoms that they are around/watching me right now?

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6 hours ago, Lila9 said:

Same with many spiritual communities, there is a lot of bypass of the natural feelings of grief by some unhelpful statements like "there is no death".

While it might be technically accurate that there is no such a thing as death, and intellectually convincing enough, it doesn't address the emotional pain and the distress people feel after death of their beloved one, which no intellectual statement, as accurate or true it may be, can effectively address.

Death is an illusion does not mean that there’s no such thing as death. 

You have misunderstood the teaching.

In any case…


Edited by Yimpa

I tried to catch some fog earlier. I mist.

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No conscious being exists including both me and you, there is only consciousness itself as such:

There exists the experience of being X person, and then there's not. There's also the experience of seeing this screen and when you turn off the computer there's not. But existence remains. When the experience of being X person stops, existence remains. It is the same as you 10 seconds ago vs now.

I can't really give a good answer on what it will subjectively or relatively be like without using concepts of there existing different conscious beings who have experience. The you can only die or go somewhere if the you is something which actually exists. If there is no you and only existence itself appearing as various things, then that simply continues uninterrupted.

Edited by OldManCorcoran

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3 hours ago, Yimpa said:

Death is an illusion does not mean that there’s no such thing as death. 

You have misunderstood the teaching.

In any case…


I'm not sure I understand the difference between them, it's very likely that they have the same meaning.

Yet, all these magical phrases, no matter if it's 'death is illusion', 'there is no death' or 'death is just a drug queen making fun of religious people', they don't address people's emotions due to loss. People have to go through grieving process.

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On 5/30/2023 at 0:00 AM, OldManCorcoran said:

No conscious being exists including both me and you, there is only consciousness itself as such:

There exists the experience of being X person, and then there's not. There's also the experience of seeing this screen and when you turn off the computer there's not. But existence remains. When the experience of being X person stops, existence remains. It is the same as you 10 seconds ago vs now.

I can't really give a good answer on what it will subjectively or relatively be like without using concepts of there existing different conscious beings who have experience. The you can only die or go somewhere if the you is something which actually exists. If there is no you and only existence itself appearing as various things, then that simply continues uninterrupted.

You almost got are close. When the human dies, the whole world/universe dies with them. The appearance disappears until there is a new appearance.

Edited by Razard86

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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1 hour ago, Razard86 said:

You almost got are close. When the human dies, the whole world/universe dies with them. The appearance disappears until there is a new appearance.

That's based on ideas about there existing a self or soul. Without individual selves or souls you can watch your own funeral, except of course there's no you to watch things, there will exist the appearance of your own funeral. You also die every instance, as appearances are always changing, you died while reading this, but see how nothing has changed...

Without selves this is no issue, there could exist one appearance or many, there's no conflict. Rather than a me seeing my computer and you seeing yours, there exists both appearances and both are MADE OF "consciousness" rather than existing observed by a consciousness. More like origami where the paper is consciousness.

All of your ideas are stemming from within ego function and you need to book an appointment with the toad.

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23 minutes ago, OldManCorcoran said:

All of your ideas are stemming from within ego function and you need to book an appointment with the toad.

DALL·E 2023-05-31 11.00.31 - A toad personified as a doctor in one of the patient’s room, digital art.png

I tried to catch some fog earlier. I mist.

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get one of these and a couple of friendsouija-main.jpg


no but seriously, since you want a human (not awake) answer:
hopefully they are in heaven, which means you won't be able to make contact.
The ones that theoretically you could contact from here, are souls trapped in purgatory, or demons making themselves appear as your dead loved one. (At least according to people into paranormal stuff.)

Edited by Dioxide2533

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On 5/29/2023 at 2:34 AM, Razard86 said:

1. Stop contradicting yourself. You ask for a human being answer. This usually means you want something in the realm of the materialistic paradigm when you refer to human.

2. After asking for a human immediately start asking for spiritual answers and then have the nerve to ask about nothingness? These questions deal with concepts that are not part of the normal human being paradigm.

Let me rephrase. I want the spiritual answer, but said in a way I can understand. I want the breakdown. Wtf happens? Can you still go back and watch people alive after your dead? That's my main question here.

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On 5/31/2023 at 7:36 PM, Richard Purdy said:

Let me rephrase. I want the spiritual answer, but said in a way I can understand. I want the breakdown. Wtf happens? Can you still go back and watch people alive after your dead? That's my main question here.

I like what Razard86 said, "When the human dies, the whole world/universe dies with them. The appearance disappears until there is a new appearance."  IMO it depends on the person. Some people may create a hellish reality. Some may create a similar reality where they still exist on Earth as a "ghost." I think most people eventually "ascend" to a heavenly like reality, which initially may not include visiting their friends and family from their Earth life. Eventually a great deal of "deceased" loved ones ascend to a reality where they may "descend" to Earth to visit their loved ones. That doesn't mean they will invade upon your privacy. They usually visit, often to help you throughout your life and in whatever ways they can.

I believe the common construct frame work in this "universe" and the various surrounding layers is reincarnation until one "graduates" off the wheel of life. And for Earth humans that usually consists of a physical death, followed by a life that typically lasts 75 to 300 years, which in itself dies in a flash of light, which may be followed by yet another life in the "mental realms" of immensity, which may be followed by the "Soul" descending to the Earth realm in the reincarnation plane where the soul will quickly find a mother. And from there the soul will stay in the mother's energy field.

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