
What is your definition of Love?

9 posts in this topic

Love is that heart fluttering feeling. Excitement . Believing in our destiny & confirmation.. 

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Love is appreciating the raw existence and the endlessly deep uniqueness of what you're loving. It's an energetical hug on everexpanding layers. It's fully surrendering to BE in the present moment with the loved. Love is embracing what you truly are and shining that true light onto the world. Because that's actually the MOST loving thing you can do. To be your true self. And to gift your true self to others. Love is the realization that everything is perfect and is worth of being unconditionally honored and celebrated. Love is giving space to something to just exist.

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“I once tried to explain existential dread to my toaster, but it just popped up and said, "Same."“ -Gemini AI

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Living One Vibrational Energy

As above so below, as within so without.

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Thanks for your replies.

I thought about it like this:

If I love someone or something, I accept the thing/person just the way it is. No intention to change anything. If I do something out of love, I do it simply for the sake of doing it, without any expectations or desired outcome. It's loving the experience, no matter what it is. Assuming that life just "is", nothing but an experience, I really like this quote I read on a blog once:

"You can either love everything or you're not really loving at all"

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Love is another word for focus. The more you focus on something the more you love it. So you can choose what you love. Choose wisely. 

I left this forum because a moderator has a problem with me talking positively about myself and giving advice. This reflects the forum as a whole. This place is negative, bitter, hateful and anti success. If you don't notice this that's because you're one of them. I hope some of you benefited from my posts. Take care.

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5 hours ago, theleelajoker said:

If I love someone or something, I accept the thing/person just the way it is. No intention to change anything. If I do something out of love, I do it simply for the sake of doing it, without any expectations or desired outcome. It's loving the experience, no matter what it is.

Trust me, it’s okay not to love every experience. 

If you have a bully tormenting you and you simply “love the experience”, you’re going to run into a lot of problems down the road.

The Devil loves to take advantage of people who love out of ignorance. 

“I once tried to explain existential dread to my toaster, but it just popped up and said, "Same."“ -Gemini AI

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Yeah, you have a point there I think we might mean sth similar but the semantics in my definition is tricky.

In your example, the path I have in mind is 1. Accept that this is the reality. You are bullied. Don't try to deny or change this experience you are having. Don't label or judge it as bad or good. It's like receiving a message.  2. After acceptance, you can act accordingly.  You can confront the bully, get help, distance yourself etc. You do whatever it is that feels right.

I don't mean to unconditionally remain with whatever is if it does not feel right. Everything changes, but you can only change what you accept first.

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