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God allowing Suffering is a valid Critique: A rant against myself

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For very long I used to always put it off, when people said stuff like "If God is so Loving, why is He allowing so much suffering?". I used to answer things like "Just because your Ego does not like it, it doesn't mean it's not Love" or "You need to get a bigger picture of God / Love". I kinda realised how ignorant and foolish that was of me!

Reality / Absolute Infinity can be fucking cruel, since it includes ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING! All the worst forms of suffering one can imagine. And to realise that (through own experience) is - I would say now - a totally valid critique of God / Absolute Infinity. Reality can be horrible thing to experience sometimes. Sometimes one is forced to go through it and it's impossible to just "meditate it out" or to become more conscious. It was so stupid of me to just repeat those nice sounding phrases, one heard from spiritual people. But that does help the suffering person at all.

All of this does not mean God is not Loving. It sometimes just is a very cruel form of Love. Not the childish one, we would wish from God.

Edited by Mormegil

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I still don't understand why we call that specifically "Love". Something like "unappealable acceptance" is a much better-suited term, for example. It just makes more sense. Truth is you won't feel, think or realize any kind of Love when Jason is stapling your body to a tree with an axe. 

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This is why I think god is not perfect at all. In fact god is one of the worst imaginable gods.

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The logic is simple after you understand why you suffer. The reason why you suffer is because "you" (what you believe yourself to be, aka the ego) is in constant resistance to the present moment. You are always running from what you believe will generate suffering, and running towards what you believe will generate happiness. This is flawed because what you believe will generate happiness is based in what is external, and happiness that arises externally is always temporary. If happiness that arises externally is always temporary, you will never truly be happy because you will be endlessly searching for it. If you were truly happy right now, you would have absolutely no reason to continue searching for it. The fact that you even have to look for happiness at all, automatically proves that you aren't truly happy. In order to end the endless cycle of inevitable suffering, you need to get your illusory ego to surrender to the present moment itself. By truly surrendering to the present moment, the illusory self dissolves, the true Self is shown, and the search for happiness based in conditions ends.  

You should seek to transcend the limitations of the ego and the mind in order to experience a sense of unity with the universe or ultimate reality. You can do meditation,sef inquiry and contemplating for that. To recognize the underlying oneness that is believed to exist beyond the realm of dualistic perception.



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Indeed, You're only criticizing yourself.

You can stop suffering at any time.

Stop hitting yourself!

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suffering is not meaningless, it is necessary. it is balance, engine of evolution.

reality is like an enormously complex multicolored mass that moves in one direction. every minute of your suffering was necessary . the work we are creating requires it

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