Rishabh R

Leo and guys I need your help

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So there was this girl whom I liked and I proposed her on telegram by saying - I love you. She first said - Are you crazy man.I said - I like you . She asked why? I said cuz you're beautiful. She then said shut up . And then said I will slap you in the face . I said- please reply . She said - that's the reply . Next day I got a threat call from her friend. After an year I told about her to  my classmates even a senior. Then I had a conversation with her on WhatsApp where she abused me but I didn't abuse her cause it's my authenticity not to abuse. I told her friend who threatened me that I was hurt by him . He told me to stop crying (I don't know why he told me this cause I wasn't crying ). Then I came to know that that guy's girlfriend was laughing at me saying that how fearful am I how juvenile am I . When my college opened I saw her making a guy her best friend.And this memory is lingering in my mind even though time has passed. Maybe I need to move. After watching Leo's how to get laid series I daily talk to atleast 2-3 girls.So how do I deal with this situation?- Maybe I need to contemplate it . Anyways thank you @Leo Gura for your life transfoing content even though I am feeling bad right now .Also I have a question that must I be an optimist that good days and good girls are coming in the future ?

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14 minutes ago, Rishabh R said:

Next day I got a threat call from her friend.

That escalated quickly! But also tells me you kept pushing to the point where she didn't feel comfortable. Telling her you love her won't raise her attraction for you. Why not? Because it doesn't tell her much about you. If you haven't hung out with her before then as far as she's concerned you're just a stranger to her. She doesn't know if you're safe or not.

25 minutes ago, Rishabh R said:

He told me to stop crying (I don't know why he told me this cause I wasn't crying ).

Crying here implies complaining. He's not going to take responsibility over hurting your feelings. Watch Leo's video "Explicit vs Implicit Understanding", this is going to be crucial, especially when it comes to having fun with women.

28 minutes ago, Rishabh R said:

So how do I deal with this situation?

You deal with it by talking to other girls, as you are wisely doing. Also, I don't recommend chasing after women you already fucked up with. You shake off the dust and focus on those who actually have higher attraction for you from the start.

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Ya I watched it. Thank you . Basically we must operate on implicit understanding in life .

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7 hours ago, Rishabh R said:

After watching Leo's how to get laid series I daily talk to atleast 2-3 girls

Watch it again, opening to a girl you don’t know with “I love you” is not a great opening. That series explains why quite well

I guess it seems more acceptable to do this in Indian culture? But I can’t imagine it goes down well most of the time there either, it’s just very needy

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Hey Rishabh, thank you for sharing this. Social situations can be confusing and painful. It takes a lot of practice to understand it.

4 minutes ago, something_else said:

opening to a girl you don’t know with “I love you” is not a great opening

Agreed, People want to be loved because they earned it with their energy and personality over time. They want to be loved for who they are, not just what they look like. If you say you love them without knowing them, just because they are beautiful you are loving them for the wrong reasons. It comes across as weak. That you would love anyone just because they are beautiful.

All things considered, you are brave for taking on this challenge of improving with women. Just know that while you are learning, you may have many harsh and unpleasant interactions. But as you begin to understand the nuances things will get much better. It is worth doing.


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16 minutes ago, Something Funny said:

And then if they are actually dumb enough to attack you in person, you can just kick their ass with pure conscience since they are the ones who initiated the conflict.

That escalated quickly once more.

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If someone threatens you please be careful. We are all here for you, we will help you step by step. Don't worry. We got your back. A while back I was talking to a girl to whom I was interested erotically. When I made my move she told me she had a boyfriend and I proposed to stay friends, since we go to the same college. After a while I had a difficult night emotionally, I got drunk and I texted her "I feel grateful that you are in my life". This creeped her out since we were talking for about a month and we only had gone out together once. Advice: keep your expressions of feelings towards people light: I am happy we talked/are talking, you're a fun person, we have such a good time together etc. Don't say I like you, I love you easily or quickly. Be socially calibrated. Don't over-invest in situations where you can't ask a lot from the other person.

Edited by TheGreekSeeker

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Hey @Leo Gura and guys I contemplated that how do I deal with this situation?

.She was hurt by me 

.That situation is no longer true

. I have attracted many girls after her

.Stop thinking about it

.People act according to their emotions

.That is only in my head

.There are other better girls 


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@Rishabh R Forget about girls for a while. Just work on yourself, get successful. Get access to higher-quality people in general first. 

You need people in your life who have a few brain-cells to rub together. All of the people you mentioned are not worth the time of anyone's day. They're idiots. You want something other than garbage to come out of their mouth when they open it, right?! 

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