Tyler Robinson

Offline dating versus Online Dating - which is better?

6 posts in this topic

Is offline dating better than online? 

What do you think of the pros and cons of each? 


 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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9 minutes ago, Tyler Robinson said:

Is offline dating better than online? 

What do you think of the pros and cons of each? 

Online dating:


- can set up a profile which does a lot of the work for you (if it's good)

- less need to socialize/go out/meet people

- can rather easily choose between a lot of people


- your pics are everything = still more superficial than offline

- looks matter still more, more objectification/reduction on looks

- more logical and less fun than offline

- need to constantly message new people and then decide about dates without having met someone

- as a woman you'll need to deal with a lot of needy bullshit from desperate guys



Pretty much the reverse of the above. You can convey your personality better. You become a better person if you socialize regularly and it's more fun, more "real".

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For a guy offline hands down...

Who teaches us whats real and how to laugh at lies? Who decides why we live and what we'll die to defend?Who chain us? And who holds the Key that can set us free? 

It's you.

You have all the weapons you need 

Now fight.

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On 4.10.2022 at 5:34 PM, NoSelfSelf said:

For a guy offline hands down...

For 9/10 guys that’s the case. If you are really attractive as a guy you will get all the girls there. 

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31 minutes ago, Jannes said:

For 9/10 guys that’s the case. If you are really attractive as a guy you will get all the girls there. 

Or if you have really good pics. I am apparently really good looking (routinely get rated a 9) but if I make my profile kind of shitty it's rare to get any 7.5+ matches (my cutoff), and the 7.5's I do get usually don't message super eagerly, at least not at first. From cold approach I literally get 8.5's saying shit like "wow you are SO handsome!" and I can at least get my foot in the door with stunners -- interestingly the most common way for me to get blown out is actually forgetting their fucking name one too many times xD -- if I've been drinking and especially if also on dabs, this happens way too much, it's bad...


If you create a female account you get shown all the most popular male users (this is to get the girls hooked on the app) -- they're not necessarily model looking, but they are all 6 foot 5... So height matters a whole lot. More than model looks. I'm 5'10'' barefoot so I can pass for 6 ft in most or at least some shoes. Have the camera facing up slightly so your head is the furthest thing on your body from the camera -- this will make you look taller. Don't have any photos of you looking shorter than anyone else in the picture.


In the "about me," don't give too much away -- it needs to be slightly mysterious. Put just enough to convey a bit of your freely expressed genuine personality and best (high value) self.

Part of the game is allowing the girl to have her fantasy of you -- don't spoil it for her.


So get pro pics or at least use the timer and portrait mode on your phone, or use a good camera. And use Face App for filters, and get hot girls to tell you which photos are good -- if this isn't an option I hear there's something called Photo Feeler that you can use to get rated.

You can even use green screen and photoshop. I haven't done this yet. Taking a break from Tinder and the other apps but I will probably using those when I go back on there. No idea how to implement that but I guess I'll have to figure it out.

Starting now, take pics whenever you're out doing cool shit -- start now so you get better at it and can build up a stockpile of pictures. I neglected to do this so I'm having to start over.


Also, find a graffiti wall for a background, and bring a phone/camera with timer so it doesn't look like a selfie. Selfies (visibly holding the phone/cam) make you look narcissistic as fuck, so avoid that.

Edited by The0Self

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