
Is Abortion Murder?

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Is every birth good? Obviously if you could have aborted hitler you would? Or wouldn’t you have? This is why the decision should never be in someone else’s hands

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On a different note it seems crazy to me that we need exams and certifications to drive a car, but no knowledge at all to be responsible for human life.

I don't think everyone should be able to be a parent. Of course many problems with that, who would decide that, how and so on, but fundamentally I think there should be some learning required.

Think about it. Basically the most important and difficult task - to raise a healthy human being - and still what is the precentage of parents that even though about reading a single book about parenting? Like 0.0001%? All the rest assumes that "it is in them" and that they instinctively know what is best for their kids. And then they just pass on trauma from their parents and so on. 

On abortion, the line between life and fetus is 100% imaginary. Like some could argue that from the moment zygote is formed then it is illegal to abort it. Some other may say that we can kill a child even after going out of the womb - like maybe 2 years after birth it is still okay to kill it? Some other may argue that sperm already has the potential to be a child, so jerking off should be illegal ( comparison to a brick by some guy earlier may be used exactly the opposite way, that single sperm actually has significantly more potential to be a kid - 0,0000000001% compared to 0 is still infinite times more potential)

So we just gotta realise that this line is imaginary, and we should decide as a society at what place in the spectrum this imaginary line would benefit society the most. As I think the less kids the better for our planet, environment, and society at the current level of psychological development of an average parent then I personally would draw the line like to 2 days after birth. Some painless death. The amount of suffering and trauma that is created by forcing kids to live in dysfunctional families, and then they pass on this trauma onto the world for generations is huge imo. So much less suffering for just pushing an imaginary line a little bit further seems good to me. And the soul of this kids is untouched. They will incarnate onto some other, possibly in not so dysfunctional family.

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How about you start framing your political and ethical questions in a Tier 2 way?

This isn't kindergarten.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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