
Are suicidal thoughts normal? Or does it look crazy from the outside?

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For someone who’s never had this, does it look CRAZY looking from the outside?

Edited by blankisomeone

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Not at all. It only tells me that person is in some kind of crisis and needs to be heard and understood.

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To me it seems desperate, but not crazy. I just can't imagine being in so much mental or physical pain that I'd rather die than live. Death is so scary and permanent. The only way I could see myself considering suicide is if I had chronic excruciating back pain or similar. I get depressed semi-regularly but even at my lowest it never seems like a viable option. I'd rather live a bad life than no life at all unless things were truly hopeless or I was getting tortured every day or something.

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I’ve felt depressed all my life. I wish for non-existence every single day of my life, unless I really distract myself so I don’t think about it. I can’t wrap my head around people who actually enjoy life

i now got a job which is MIND-NUMBINGLY MONOTONOUS. And I keep losing focus all the time. it really sucks man

i might do it tonight honestly lol (I won’t)

idk wot to do

am sitting at a restaurant right now during break from work holding back my tears

Edited by blankisomeone

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I think I’m going to come up with stories to tel my coworkers so they think I’m an interesting person 

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On 31/05/2022 at 10:20 PM, Yarco said:

To me it seems desperate

I see..

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Whether you look crazy or not, that depends on the person you tell it to, and how much they understand you.

Is it normal? I think that depends on the degree to which you think about it. I have thought about it as a possibility, and the results that come after it, but I have never seriously thought about executing it or planning it out. I've only ever thought of it as a thought experiment. (FYI, "normal" here means how many people on average think about it.)

For me personally, warm showers and walks help me get out of my head when it comes to this stuff. Especially showers. You can feel an immediate increase in awareness and consciousness after coming out of the shower, it makes you much more present and it washes away all the different thoughts you've accumulated throughout the day. Showers are basically effortless meditation sessions, the sensation of water really pulls you into the present moment, away from your thoughts and fantasies.


Edited by Osaid

"God is not a conclusion, it is a sudden revelation. When you see a rose it is not that you go through a logical solipsism, 'This is a rose, and roses are beautiful, so this must be beautiful.' The moment you see it, the head stops spinning thoughts. On the contrary, your heart starts beating faster. It is something totally different from the idea of truth." -Osho

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what seems absolutely crazy to me is to see how people have totally materialistic perspectives, toxic relationships, jobs they hate, and manage not to get depressed to suicidal levels. Their mental strategies are masterful

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In my opinion, suicidal contemplation is entirely human.

Suicide is fundamentally the deepest human conflict. And I believe most of us, if not all, contemplate this idea at some point in our lives. However, is it the answer or solution? No. Not at all.

Depression or suicidal thoughts only appear "crazy" on the outside to those who lack empathy or true understanding for what are actually ancient/universal human emotions. In other words, they are normal to experience or come across in life. It starts to become an issue when these ideas or thoughts become more constant or begin to consume your entire mind or dominate your worldview. But even then, I wouldn't label you as "crazy". If anything, life is pretty crazy if you ask me! 

Personally, one of the things that's helped me in the past, is to create a safety-toolkit list of all the things which helps you find comfort, peace, and solace. I would focus on the simple, little things. For example, sipping on a hot cup of tea or coffee is something I find much relief and appreciation for whenever I am having a hard time. Taking warm showers or bubble baths is another great one. Listening to calming music, reading something that gives you joy, I have the Tao Te Ching that I often return to when I am feeling low and it always brings me to tears of joy and lifts my spirit back up; it literally gives me life. So if I'm having a rough day and I feel like the life is washed out of me, I will return to the things I know which feed me love & life. ❤️

Edited by VioletFlame

"Those who have suffered understand suffering and therefore extend their hand." --Patti Smith

"Lately, I find myself out gazing at stars, hearing guitars...Like Someone In Love" 

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