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John Paul

Physical safety/confrontation while socializing

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@Leo Gura and others on the scene right now.

How do you handle disrespect from men in the club or venue?

What do you do if you encounter a dangerous man? Someone threatening you maybe for example




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@itachi uchiha

I'm interested in learning how to fight but I don't want to fight. Fighting is not the way I want to earn respect from friends and potential lovers.

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1 minute ago, John Paul said:

@itachi uchiha

I'm interested in learning how to fight but I don't want to fight. Fighting is not the way I want to earn respect from friends and potential lovers.

bjj is a soft martial art. it use minimum force if the other guy start to attack u. u do not hit him in bjj, u just put him in certain situations and lock him there until he calms down


there is no way to deal with an agressive person who start to dominate and attack u. no amount of theorizing, philosophising or argument will work if the other person try to use physical forece. believe me i tried . the only thing that work against physical force is u using physical force

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@itachi uchiha

You're right. If someone started fighting me I would fight them. And in that hypothetical scenario I'd like to know BJJ.

If someone disrespected you to your face at a party, what would you do? I don't have a particular memory to share but there are always cock-blocks, competitive males, and males acting protective of females in their group. I was wondering if there were any hacks to these scenarios. 

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@John Paul

15 minutes ago, John Paul said:

@itachi uchiha

You're right. If someone started fighting me I would fight them. And in that hypothetical scenario I'd like to know BJJ.

fighting is the last resort. if u have an option to run then run . if u do not have an option to run or any other means then fight

16 minutes ago, John Paul said:

@itachi uchiha


If someone disrespected you to your face at a party, what would you do? I don't have a particular memory to share but there are always cock-blocks, competitive males, and males acting protective of females in their group. I was wondering if there were any hacks to these scenarios. 

i am also researching this topic for a long time. i do not know any concrete answer. read the book 33 strategies of war and 48 laws of power by robert green. perhaps it may help

the above is 185 books on topics like machiavellianism, manipulation, war tactics,propoganda,sales skills , debating and arguing etc. if u read the book perhaps u will find your answer there. i am also looking for the answers in the 185 books above

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@John Paul read the book way of men by jack is the best book on give u knowledge to help increase masculi ity.i think if u apply the book then u can solve the mental and physical side of violence

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@itachi uchiha I have read this book by jack and I have to say that even though he makes some very reasonable statements and observations, he also seems to incorporate a little bit of toxic masculinity as well. 

I've never been a seriously masculine man in my life though so maybe that's from my perspective.

The book seems to be written from a very stage red perspective

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If you think he is actually gonna fight you, I'd just leave the interaction and move on.

If he is just hostile, I always thought you can treat him like a friend or you can ignore him. The latter is a bit more risky. Its effective tho gamewise.


There is no failure, only feedback

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56 minutes ago, MJamesM said:

@itachi uchiha I have read this book by jack and I have to say that even though he makes some very reasonable statements and observations, he also seems to incorporate a little bit of toxic masculinity as well. 

I've never been a seriously masculine man in my life though so maybe that's from my perspective.

The book seems to be written from a very stage red perspective

We have been programmed from birth to hate masculinity.what he is saying is pure masculinity in its true form without being politically correct.we have some hate against what he says because we are programmed by media.i also agree that we need to put some checks ,measures and breaks to keep masculinity in check .


His book is stage red and purple.but masculinity is stage red and purple.without those foundational stages, higher stages will collapse.we need those foundational stages

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You don't think that the monkeys will perceive John paul as a human being disrespected and then lower him in the monkey hierarchy from their perspective?

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37 minutes ago, John Paul said:


You don't think that the monkeys will perceive John paul as a human being disrespected and then lower him in the monkey hierarchy from their perspective?

Not really no. It’s hysterical with your picture & all, but it’s otherwise absurd. You are the hack you’re looking for. ?



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I'm glad you appreciate my profile picture. I got all done up for it tbh. 

What do you mean I'm the hack I"m looking for? can you word that another way for me please?

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maybe I'll just treat the men in social settings who test me as women? i mean that might just be asking for it but

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@John Paul

If you want to, take a self defense class or partake in boxing, karate, etc. 


“I want to earn respect from potential friends and lover’s”


Given the class would address the self defense… why do you want to earn respect from others?



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okay so maybe not needing respect is what gets respect.... is that what you're hinting at?

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