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Making my parents and friends try psychedelics?

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I can't seem to stop thinking that it's a good idea to make those whom I love try psychedelics. After all psychedelics was how I first got into this journey I'm currently on with meditation, practicing work, working out, eating healthy, yoga, reading, self improvement, trying to make the best of every situation, no matter what hand I'm dealt, trying to bring acceptance and love to those around me. And I'm loving it every day, even my worse days, I can stand now. I wish everyone would be able to experience this inner transformation phenomena. The perceptions, visions, sound alterations, thoughts etc during the trip itself is magic, completely unexplainable and amazing . But the direction life can take a couple of years later as a long term consequence of the inner change that sets into action during the trip. There is not a word for the thankfulness which I feel for that.

But how would I be without it?

My life was heading downhill fast. My mental condition was not good, not good at all. I can picture myself working at McDonalds 45 years old, alone, fat, porn addicted, taking hard drugs, playing league of legends 24/7  for 10s of thousands of hours yet still being the lowest rank, telling kids on there they should kill themselves for playing poorly. Dying early from heart attack due to horrible progressed kyphosis and bad food and training habits. OR just from sheer anxiety itself. This is a highly likely scenario from my point of view. Oh what my life would be without my curiosity and open-mindedness toward psychedelics.

But if I couldn't make it without psychedelics(atleast according to how I think about the matter), how could most of my friends and my family ever make it? Some of them are doing fine and have things going for them despite the fact. But I can tell most of them are just depressed to a crippling degree and they're not even conscious of it themselves. It is a horrifying thing to bear witness to. The endless self imposed suffering, they don't have the belief systems, open mindedness, they don't have what it takes to stick to meditation for months on end or stop themselves from eating McDonalds daily and start working out. And neither had I before psychedelics. So what if I could make them think it's a good idea to swallow a piece of blotter once, in an educated manner? How would I convince them it's a good idea, is it even a good idea making my friends and perhaps even parents and siblings try psychedelics?

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@Asayake This is a common desire we fall into when we discover something that benefits us. I would just lightly plant some seeds or share information and drop it. Everyone is on their own journey. If there isn't an openness or seeking you will waste a lot of time. 

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I think the main solution to all of this is to start watching Neace to actually climb in LoL. Plat 3 singed main checking in. 

On a more serious note, you can feel free to sell the benefits of psychedelics to people, but never coerce anyone into doing them. There are some people whose lives may be made worse by psychedelics. 

“Any kind of consciousness whatever, whether past, future, or present, internal or external, gross or subtle, inferior or superior, far or near — a disciple of mine sees all consciousness as it actually is with proper wisdom thus: ‘This is not mine, this I am not, this is not my self.’” - the Tathāgata

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Bear in mind, even to be open-minded enough to give psychedelics a shot already shows a certain degree of development and is relatively  rare in society. Don't assume that people are as open-minded as you are

Most people see psychedelics as drugs and drugs are bad, as the story goes. If your family and friends are pretty conservative and have a "Kids, don't do drugs" type of attitude, I would say it's not a good idea

If you think about it, this should be the other way around. Our parents should be introducing these precious plants to us 

You have to be intelligent and indirect with it. Let them see the benefits and make them curious. Drop the wisdom that you get from the trips. Don't act like a drug dealer by approaching them with "Hey, wanna try some LSD?" or something like that 

Edited by Jakuchu

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Give them a cigarette laced with DMT. When they start freaking out and panicking just say "you're welcome". When they sober up and kick your ass just yell "I'M IMAGINING YOU!" repeatedly.

This usually works.

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