Muhammad Jawad

I do not EXIST. Does that mean everyone is allowed to make fun of me?

77 posts in this topic

12 hours ago, Mosess said:



Someone who is completely dead inside does not act a certain way, rather the actions automatically take place without any effort from him, because he is not there. Only actions exist without a co ordinator. GOD is in control of that individual, or vessel. 

You are looking for an idol to copy. A person to look up too. There isn't anything wrong with doing that as long as you know that that is what you are doing. But i am telling you, "an enlightened being" could act in a way that would produce an outcome that if you tried to imitate, would produce an entirely different outcome, maybe even one that would negatively impact your life.

Do inner work, more and more, until you purify your self so much that the people that you call "your friends and family" can no longer resonate with the way you act, unless they also do some inner work themselves.

hmmm. Right. Thanks for sharing your perspective. :-)

Me & My World is the imagination of The Nothing. 

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12 hours ago, Ulax said:

@Muhammad Jawad Honestly dude it doesn't sound like you should be focusing on enlightenment right now. I don't think you're in the correct environment.

These people sound like people you should get away from asap, and that you lack boundaries.

If i were to guess, your pursuit of enlightenment right now is probably a flight trauma response to a traumatic situation (abusive people you're living with) that you feel powerless towards.

You are right.  One can not focus on spirituality and work on himself in that kind of environment and fortunately, I live separately in a very safe & peaceful environment that is helping me a lot to work on myself.

I just face this kind of situation once a month when I go back to meet my parents.

Me & My World is the imagination of The Nothing. 

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My dad has always been abusive to me, and now I just avoid him, barely ever see him and barely ever talk to him and I don't care, and I don't care if he cares.


Edited by Yulduz

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9 hours ago, Yulduz said:

My dad has always been abusive to me, and now I just avoid him, barely ever see him and barely ever talk to him and I don't care, and I don't care if he cares.


Right. Thanks for sharing this. :-)

Me & My World is the imagination of The Nothing. 

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stop with this mumbo jumbo if you are not enlightened stop talking about this this 

"if 'I' am the only one that exist "

if you don't have direct experience stop talking about spirituality and everything its a belief you don't know 

give advice on what you currently experienced and are living in now 

if leo made a 3 hour video on unicorns and you saying yeah unicorns are like this and this

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my advice:

why the fuck are you sitting there being made fun of? get up and leave spend time with the people who appreciate you

if you are living with them decrease the time you want to spend with them a lot

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5 hours ago, MovForward said:

my advice:

why the fuck are you sitting there being made fun of? get up and leave spend time with the people who appreciate you

if you are living with them decrease the time you want to spend with them a lot

@Muhammad Jawad It is not so easy if in your culture family hierarchies are fundamental and respect (and submission) to your elders is a fundamental value. These elders, out of insecurity, since they do not feel really comfortable in their role, but they must pretend that they do, could tend to treat their descendants with condescension and mockery, thus affirming their role as patriarch. they are not free, they are scared, they fear all the time that they will not meet expectations. you have to understand them. a direct confrontation will leave them baffled, and you feeling guilty. it is better to treat them as a little senile and endearing and make them see that their stupidities slip you. deep down they will realize their ridiculous behavior and in the end they will respect you, if you respect yourself, of course. 

Growing up in a repressive culture where everyone has to play roles and deep down they're scared of not being enough, it's very alienating. it is what it is, there are no simple solutions, a boxer's waist and a lot of intelligence to see behind appearances 

Another possibility would be to talk to him alone and make him see his behavior, but open and honest conversations could be difficult in this environment, people feel threatened right away. still i would try 

but everything has to be built on a foundation of stone: your real and unwavering respect for yourself. if not, there is work to do

Edited by Breakingthewall

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23 hours ago, MovForward said:

stop with this mumbo jumbo if you are not enlightened stop talking about this this 

Is it wrong to look for a solution?

23 hours ago, MovForward said:

"if 'I' am the only one that exist "

I didn't say that.

23 hours ago, MovForward said:

if you don't have direct experience stop talking about spirituality and everything its a belief you don't know

I have direct experience.

23 hours ago, MovForward said:

give advice on what you currently experienced and are living in now

I am not giving any advice, I am looking for advice.

23 hours ago, MovForward said:

if leo made a 3 hour video on unicorns and you saying yeah unicorns are like this and this

I am not saying.

23 hours ago, MovForward said:

my advice:

why the fuck are you sitting there being made fun of? get up and leave spend time with the people who appreciate you

if you are living with them decrease the time you want to spend with them a lot

I am not living with them. I meet that occasionally. 

Me & My World is the imagination of The Nothing. 

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17 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

It is not so easy if in your culture family hierarchies are fundamental and respect (and submission) to your elders is a fundamental value. These elders, out of insecurity, since they do not feel really comfortable in their role, but they must pretend that they do, could tend to treat their descendants with condescension and mockery, thus affirming their role as patriarch. they are not free, they are scared, they fear all the time that they will not meet expectations. you have to understand them.

You are right, we should understand them deeply.

17 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

a direct confrontation will leave them baffled, and you feeling guilty.

That's also true. Normally I do not confront them directly but whenever I do, it leaves them baffled and then I feel guilty.

17 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

it is better to treat them as a little senile and endearing and make them see that their stupidities slip you.


17 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

deep down they will realize their ridiculous behavior and in the end they will respect you, if you respect yourself, of course. 

That's true as well. He makes fun of me only in front of me. I often hear from others that my Father is talking about me in nice words & appreciates me.

17 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

Growing up in a repressive culture where everyone has to play roles and deep down they're scared of not being enough, it's very alienating. it is what it is, there are no simple solutions, a boxer's waist and a lot of intelligence to see behind appearances 


18 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

Another possibility would be to talk to him alone and make him see his behavior, but open and honest conversations could be difficult in this environment, people feel threatened right away. still i would try

I will surely try that soon when he is in good mood.

18 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

but everything has to be built on a foundation of stone: your real and unwavering respect for yourself. if not, there is work to do

Right. Thanks

Me & My World is the imagination of The Nothing. 

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You neither exist nor do not exist. 

Stand up for yourself if they are actually being toxic rather than just playfully poking fun. You’re doing a disservice to yourself, them, and everyone else they interact with if you just allow them to do fucked up shit to you. But first, make sure you’re not doing any fucked up shit to them…

“Any kind of consciousness whatever, whether past, future, or present, internal or external, gross or subtle, inferior or superior, far or near — a disciple of mine sees all consciousness as it actually is with proper wisdom thus: ‘This is not mine, this I am not, this is not my self.’” - the Tathāgata

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Well, if you're asking that then you haven't realized that you don't exist.

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If you really believed that you don't exist, then how would such a question come to your mind? 

When you cease to exist, everything becomes or turns to nothingness. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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15 hours ago, BipolarGrowth said:

You neither exist nor do not exist. 

Stand up for yourself if they are actually being toxic rather than just playfully poking fun. You’re doing a disservice to yourself, them, and everyone else they interact with if you just allow them to do fucked up shit to you. But first, make sure you’re not doing any fucked up shit to them…

Right. I understand. Thanks

Me & My World is the imagination of The Nothing. 

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11 hours ago, Michal__ said:

Well, if you're asking that then you haven't realized that you don't exist.

Maybe, you are right.

Me & My World is the imagination of The Nothing. 

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5 hours ago, Preety_India said:

If you really believed that you don't exist, then how would such a question come to your mind? 

When you cease to exist, everything becomes or turns to nothingness. 


True. Thanks :-)

Me & My World is the imagination of The Nothing. 

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21 minutes ago, Muhammad Jawad said:

True. Thanks :-)

You're welcome. :)


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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