
thoughts on piracetam?

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couldn't try it yet as it's a prescription med here.

but i know in the u.s. it's an over the counter supplement.

is it worth to get my hopes up for piracetam for things like focus, mood, add?

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It is over the counter in my country as well.

It is very mild in effect in my opinion. I do 4,800 mg a day, sometimes I have extended periods off it.

For me it has been really great for motivation, getting more enjoyment from simple things and work - so I presume this classifies as mood. As for focus I have been struggling with mild OCD and ADHD and I think it helped.

But for the type of focus, where you want do sit down and focus on a task, focus meditation works the best. :) 

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Just to clear some things:

By describing it as mild I don't mean it as a negative, in fact it is very positive in my view, because I don't do very well with "harder" stimulants like coffee, it makes me very jittery. I like green tea, that I would include in that mild category.

Overall if I would choose only one nootropic, piracetam is my go to. And Japanese green tea.

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I tried it long time ago. It gave me weird side-effects. It doesn't feel healthy. Not worth it for me.

Modafinil is way better.

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On 4.1.2022 at 1:34 AM, CuriousCreature said:

It is over the counter in my country as well.

It is very mild in effect in my opinion. I do 4,800 mg a day, sometimes I have extended periods off it.

For me it has been really great for motivation, getting more enjoyment from simple things and work - so I presume this classifies as mood. As for focus I have been struggling with mild OCD and ADHD and I think it helped.

But for the type of focus, where you want do sit down and focus on a task, focus meditation works the best. :) 


On 4.1.2022 at 1:45 AM, CuriousCreature said:

Just to clear some things:

By describing it as mild I don't mean it as a negative, in fact it is very positive in my view, because I don't do very well with "harder" stimulants like coffee, it makes me very jittery. I like green tea, that I would include in that mild category.

Overall if I would choose only one nootropic, piracetam is my go to. And Japanese green tea.

sounds lovely thanks. are you located in europe? because of the over counter thing

On 4.1.2022 at 9:01 AM, Leo Gura said:

I tried it long time ago. It gave me weird side-effects. It doesn't feel healthy. Not worth it for me.

Modafinil is way better.

modafinil is fine-ish it just interferes too much with my sleep

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1 minute ago, PurpleTree said:

modafinil is fine-ish it just interferes too much with my sleep

Take it in the morning and take very little. And maybe use armodafinil instead.

And try using it only once a week or so to get some important work done.

Stories are made for children to fall asleep, and adults to wake up.

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4 hours ago, PurpleTree said:

modafinil is fine-ish it just interferes too much with my sleep

That's the point. It's a drug designed for narcoleptics. Lol

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@Leo Gura why did you use it for? To become more productive or to facilitate thinking and contemplation, I remember you describing it as similar in quality  to 5 meo which sounds somewhat rediculous, lol.

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“In my own bed, with a belly full of wine and a maiden’s mouth around my cock, at the age of eighty,” he replied.

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It's like a better version of coffee. Makes you hyper alert, productive, and creative.

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@Leo Gura did you try ritalin or adderall? How does it compare to them?

How would you like to die, Tyrion son of Tywin?”

“In my own bed, with a belly full of wine and a maiden’s mouth around my cock, at the age of eighty,” he replied.

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41 minutes ago, LSD-Rumi said:

@Leo Gura did you try ritalin or adderall? How does it compare to them?


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3 hours ago, LSD-Rumi said:

@Leo Gura did you try ritalin or adderall? How does it compare to them?

@LSD-Rumi I have. Stay away from stimulants like these. They fuck your shit up.

They make you depressed and even more unfocussed for days after. 

They tone down and mute your ability to experience emotions. You just become emotionally flat. They can make you depressed as a result of this as well.

It's not worth it.


Modafinil and Armodafinil are far superior. It's like the benefits of adderall without the bullshit that comes from adderall. And I believe it's way better for your brain and overall mental health.


Also, make sure you have stapled down a healthy diet, sleep routine and exercise. These three pillars are MASSIVELY underestimated in fixing your life.

Also use Leo's video on heavy metal detox.

Use psychedelics to deconstruct your limiting beliefs around focus and have them inspire you to destroy your laziness.


That is way better than taking something like ritalin/adderall.

Edited by ZenSwift

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7 hours ago, LSD-Rumi said:

@Leo Gura did you try ritalin or adderall? How does it compare to them?

i have, modafinil is a bit less anxiety inducing for me but interferes worse with my sleep

7 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

That's the point. It's a drug designed for narcoleptics. Lol

i know but i'd like to find something that i could take 2-3times a week

can't with modafinil as it interferes too much with my snoozey time

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@PurpleTree Hmmm, What time are you taking it?

You would need to verify for yourself if this a good idea, but I use melatonin to get to sleep.

I forgive my past, I release the future, and I honor how I feel in the present. 

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11 minutes ago, ZenSwift said:

@PurpleTree Hmmm, What time are you taking it?

You would need to verify for yourself if this a good idea, but I use melatonin to get to sleep.

haven't taken it in a long time

but used to take it in the morning couldn't sleep at night

(i'm very sensitive and many things interfere with my sleep though)

melatonin i'm also not a big fan of

fingers crossed for piracetam

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Racetams are not healthy. They were basically banned from US shelves by the FDA for that reason.

So watch out.

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^ yea i don't think any of those things are healthy

so they should always be used with caution and enough pauses

always weighing pros and cons

different strokes for different brain chemistries (yikes don't ram dass stroke us though dear infinite god)

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7 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Racetams are not healthy. They were basically banned from US shelves by the FDA for that reason.

So watch out.

It would be great If you could provide some details or link some reference, because from my googling around, it is regarded very safe and has very low toxicity.

Also from what I read, the FDA didn't ban it for the reason that it is not healthy, but because it doesn't technically qualify as a dietary supplement.


A dietary supplement is a product intended for ingestion that contains a ‘dietary ingredient’ intended to add further nutritional value to (supplement) the diet. A “dietary ingredient” may be one, or any combination, of the following substances:

- a vitamin

- a mineral

- an herb or other botanical

- an amino acid

-a dietary substance for use by people to supplement the diet by increasing the total dietary intake

- a concentrate, metabolite, constituent, or extract

Because Piracetam is not considered to be any of these things, the FDA says it does not qualify as a dietary supplement. As such, the only way it could be approved for human consumption is if it were to be sold as a drug.

However, the process these days for a drug to be approved by the FDA requires upwards of $50 million in order to go through the FDA’s strenuous regulatory process. This is despite the fact that Piracetam has been approved in dozens of other countries as either an over-the-counter or prescription drug, and is considered less toxic than even table salt.

But of course, there is lacking long term use research, so it should be used carefully.

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