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Everything is awareness..?

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I have a problem with the idea that everything is self-aware/awareness. Awareness/consciousness is made up of the combination of the experience of the senses: touch, sight, hearing, smell and taste. How can there be awareness outside of what we experience as animals if nothing outside of animals have eyes, a nose, nerves etc AKA no means to perceive or be aware of anything?

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Everything is awareness. The body does not produce awareness. It's the other way around. You have these fundamental misconceptions about reality and seem to be trying to fit explanations of awakening into your existing paradigm. In order to understand you have to deconstruct your current way of seeing reality.

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20 minutes ago, Psych2Awak3n said:

Awareness/consciousness is made up of the combination of the experience of the senses


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30 minutes ago, Psych2Awak3n said:

I have a problem with the idea that everything is self-aware/awareness. Awareness/consciousness is made up of the combination of the experience of the senses: touch, sight, hearing, smell and taste. How can there be awareness outside of what we experience as animals if nothing outside of animals have eyes, a nose, nerves etc AKA no means to perceive or be aware of anything?

You're as much dreaming now as when you'll go to sleep later.
Except this one dream is so consistent that you totally believe in it.

Now the thing is, if there is only dreams, can you really call any of them a dream ?
The whole assumption of a dream is that you can wake up from it in a physical body with a personality that is stable in time and space.

Physicality, personality, time and space are things you're imagining as God.
There is like, nothing to wake up to, except the realization that you're "dreaming", that you're love, infinite, God (all different facets that you may not realize at once).

God is a singularity in which everything is made possible (literally everything), it's not an ego with a personality like you think you are right now, so when I say you're God, I'm not saying Psych2 is God, Psych2 is an appearance inside God's Mind, the same as the character you talked to last night (and right now on this forum).

You don't have to believe me, or Leo, or anyone else on this forum, youtube or at retreats/books etc.
Just directly become conscious of what those words from all those sources point to.

It doesn't need to make sense, actually it never will from a logical stance, the human mind is a tiny fraction of infinite intelligence, you can't grasp it logically with your thoughts, that would be like trying to hold the ocean in a cup, you can try but it will never happen xD 

Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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23 minutes ago, Psych2Awak3n said:

I have a problem with the idea that everything is self-aware/awareness. Awareness/consciousness is made up of the combination of the experience of the senses: touch, sight, hearing, smell and taste. How can there be awareness outside of what we experience as animals if nothing outside of animals have eyes, a nose, nerves etc AKA no means to perceive or be aware of anything?

Think back to a dream you had. You were there right? Where, or to whom do you think that dream was appearing?

"Only that which can change can continue."

-James P. Carse

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25 minutes ago, Psych2Awak3n said:

I have a problem with the idea that everything is self-aware/awareness. Awareness/consciousness is made up of the combination of the experience of the senses: touch, sight, hearing, smell and taste. How can there be awareness outside of what we experience as animals if nothing outside of animals have eyes, a nose, nerves etc AKA no means to perceive or be aware of anything?

This is where the mind can't conceptualize about the true nature of this Awareness/Consciousness. In a sense, yes the touch, sight, hearing, smell, and taste are constructed out of awareness... Phenomena and the awareness of the phenomena are inextricably interlinked, completely nondual. But Awareness can also manifest as formlessness, utter and complete emptiness/infinity. Until this is directly experienced, the mind can't conceptualize it's way to such a direct encounter. 

This formless quality is always present even within the waking, mundane state, however. Practice, meditation, and reliably resting within one's true nature can start to allow this Awareness to penetrate into all moments. More specifically, meditation allows one to recognize how this Awareness was always penetrating into all moments, at all times, completely un-phased, unaffected, by whatever form is taking place. 

As one goes deeper down this rabbit hole though, the awareness of Emptiness starts to develop, to the point where it's seen that there is nothing going on at all, nor was there ever. Self, world, other, space, time, nothing but a dream. We become so lucid to this dream that it all basically implodes, going full circle until we see that there was never anything needed. Right where we are was always enough. 

Now this entire process can be cyclical, take on different forms, different speeds... We think we 'got it' and then we REALLY GET IT, only to realize we know nothing at all and are still a child, as well as recognizing the infinite equilibrium that is the entire journey, that there are no steps, or phases, or progressions. 

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2 hours ago, Psych2Awak3n said:

@Terell Kirby Isn't there nobody to do the imagining? 

Correct, that nobody is you.

After all, who says that you have to be somebody to exist in the first place? 

The label of somebody is in reference to your human form and story that you are imagining, which isn't you :D.

Edited by Terell Kirby

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Experience is made up of many qualities beyond the 5 senses. Literally an infinite amount beyond the basic 5 senses. For example, thought does not come from the 5 senses. The sensation of space is not coming from just the 5 senses. 

True Love + Buddhist/Hindu/Taoist/Christian/Bipolar Enlightenment > Anal drug addiction 

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