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I have a couple of questions on spiral dynamics

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Firstly, which colour of spiral dynamics does passion fall into? Specifically i'm referring to passion for a career or life purpose. (ignoring the contribution component for a moment, and just focusing on getting into flow states and being passionate about cultivating a craft)

For example, Joseph Campbell following his bliss by going into the cabin in the woods and reading books for years. Would this be green, I wasn't 100% sure because he's not caring about helping humanity at this point, but then again he's not reading books for any materialistic gain.


Secondly,  for people that just get a slightly above average job, in the U.K say like £40-50k , working in a marketing role or something. I wasn't sure if this would be orange or blue. It's not like they're hugely career driven like investment bankers looking to make 6 or 7 figures, they probably just see their job as a means to pay  the bills. However they probably still have some aspirations to increase their salary over time, it's not like they're working in a coal mine. I'm not really sure where the line gets divided.



Edited by rd5555

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Passion and life purpose can occur at every stage of the spiral.  It's more about values and psychological development than any particular job or salary.

  • Toddlers (Beige) are pretty passionate about not napping. 
  • A medicine man (Purple) can have a life purpose of serving the tribe and communicating to the gods through psychedelic visions. 
  • Genghis Khan (Red) believed he was destined to rule the world using the three dragons he hatched in a fire. 
  • A Blue priest could have a life purpose to reform criminals through Jesus. 
  • Orange is the ambitious, materialistic, "science is God" stage. 
  • Green could be passionate to save the whales and have world peace. 
  • Yellow and Turquoise have a global, structural understanding of their life purpose.  

This clip is a good primer on Spiral Dynamics.  It's only 11mins.  

Edited by FlyingLotus

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@rd5555 Passion can happen at all stages in different ways. @FlyingLotus describes this well.

RE salaries, It's not necessarily a good indication of where somebody is on the spiral because spiral dynamics is a values-based system. There are stage green and stage blue people who do very well career-wise and earn good salaries. Equally, there are stage orange people who work in McDonald's and just had some bad luck in their lives. 

Ambition and success are traits of orange, but they do not need to necessarily have those things to be at orange, so long as they believe that that worldview is the best way of doing things. 

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Just a point, on the UK, because I am from there too. It's mostly a stage orange/green society.

Unlike the US we have much less blue, though it does exist, one of my relatives is stage blue. The Church of England is strongly blue, for example, and some of the most conservative rural regions are stage blue. Jacob Rees Mogg is a good example of a blue politician. UKIP & the Reform party are stage blue. 

Stage orange is the moderate conservatives and many moderate members of Labour and Lib Dems. It's sporadic across the country, appearing in cities, and some small towns/rural areas too. The city of London & the banking industry is basically peak stage orange. When you hear that junior bankers should be "proud" to work 100 hour weeks, to be ambitious and successful, that is stage orange in a nutshell. Boris Johnson is around orange, maybe with bits of blue in him. 

Stage green is the left-wing branch of Labour & Lib Dems. The SNP is mostly stage green. The Green party is stage green. London is very green, despite the obvious pockets of orange. The NHS is stage green. Jeremy Corbyn is strongly green, notice how threatening he was to stage orange and blue. I'd say Keir Starmer is green, but he's got more orange than Corbyn which actually might make him electable. 

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Let's admit it, we have to embody this first

Edited by Goldzilla



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Blue tends to be very dutiful work/craft oriented. Like a Japanese sword craftsman. That's Blue.

But passion for work is certainly not limited to any one stage.

Remember, every higher stage includes all the lower stage capacities if properly integrated.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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