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Thoughts on China threatening to nuke the shit out of Japan?

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So Japan defended Tawain because China has been in a crusade to make it Chinese territory just like they didi with Tibet many years ago. China proceded to threat and say they would nuke Japan non stop, followed by some other insensitive comments like Japan already being nuked, etc etc.

What would be a high consciousness take on this? IDK if Im letting my self fall victim to the media (and maybe overestimating China) but China does seem to be out of control and too powerful. They've got people in high places in corporation and the government specially in the US. I don't wanna sound all paranoid and all but their style of government doesn't seem to be too friendly. At least from here it looks like they've got a whole 1984/Brave New World situation there (referring to the books). If indeed there was something to worry about, at least I've got some peace of mind because that level of tyranny (and forced economic/tech growth) cannot be sustainable. I imagine people eventually will get sick, no amount of brainwash can get through that right? Also their energy environmental situation leaves a lot to desire. It's not optimal if you want to rule the world.

here's a link if you want a quick read about the nuke thing but feel free to search your own sources.

Edited by Alfonsoo

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A psychological tactic to scare Japan's citizens. The aim might be to apply pressure on the citizens against the government so as not to intervene in case of war over Taiwan. Realistically, a Chinese nuclear strike on Japan isn't a great military strategy.

The more interesting thing is use of the phrase: "when we decide to liberate Taiwan", as if implying that war is virtually inevitable.


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@cookiemonster It feels as if they're hungry to take all the world. They're quite behind everyone else, specially behind Japan in most aspects so I wouldn't trash the possibility  they might try to do something (maybe not nuke). It's like a kid making a tantrum, except there's the world at stake.

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5 hours ago, Alfonsoo said:

IDK if Im letting my self fall victim to the media (and maybe overestimating China) but China does seem to be out of control and too powerful.

Fearmongering about China is what is out of control. Naturally systems of power (countries) will use various forms of coercion and force within their sphere of influence to maintain and expand their standing in the world.

There is nothing China could do that would even put them in the same category as the US. Any time China (or Russia) attempts to do just a smidgen of the things the US has been routinely doing all over the world, we hear this hypocritical furor about "China/Russia taking over the world". Notice their "foreign meddling" is usually limited to their direct neighbors or countries right within the local system (ex. Taiwan, Tibet or Crimea, Chechnya), because their ability to project power remains minuscule compared to the US.

The fearmongering about China would be appropriate if they had actually overthrown dozens of foreign governments on every continent, had been militarily involved in 190 different countries, and routinely carried out bombing, terror, torture, and assassination campaigns in every corner of the world. There is only one country that has done this on a global scale. And there is no chance of China or anyone else being able to rise to this level of international villainy. Even if they one day become the dominant power, they won't be able to get away with the things the US has done because there is much more accountability in today's world than just 50 years ago.

None of that implies that China is good/bad or the US is good/bad. It is just accidents of history that certain powers rise to prominence in certain eras. If the timeline had been different, the roles could have been reversed. So this is not what-about-ism.

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Japan is what is known as a de-factro Nuclear Power.

Even setting aside its alliance with the United States, the country has both the technological base and the industrial capacity to begin making nuclear weapons (within a little as one year) if they were ever forced to do so for reasons of national survival.

Though whether a country that was psychologically scarred by nuclear weapons would ever choose to develop (let alone use) nukes under any circumstances, is another question...

Edited by DocWatts

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@Husseinisdoingfine  "Beijing has already promised that Taiwanese independence means war

This is obviously double speak by the CCP, as Taiwan has been independent from mainland China since 1895 otherwise why would they need to go to war to conquer it? In fact China doesn't have a very strong claim to the island anyway, occupying it 1683–1895 until the Japanese took over. The CCP is certainly becoming more belligerent and haven't forgotten the trauma inflicted on China by Japan in the 20th C. It looks like Joe Biden's honeymoon period is coming to an end. 

Relax, it's just my loosely held opinion.  :) 

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Oh sweet jesus... I just saw this story is based on a tweet from  "human rights activist and author" Jennifer Zeng, who is actually from The Epoch Times

FYI: The Epoch Times is recognized as the leading professional conspiracy and fake news operation in the world. It's run by the far-right apocalyptic cult, Falun Gong. Famous for it's spreading of pro-Trump QAnon conspiracies, Covid-19 and anti-vaccination propaganda, as well as various UFOs alien mind control, and other complete nonsense. The cult was banned in China, is now operating in the US with the stated intention of fomenting anti-Chinese sentiments in order to affect US policy towards China. They believe Donald Trump was "sent by heaven to destroy communism", and they specialize in fearmongering fake news about the Chinese government. 

So without checking I can't say for sure that this particular story is made up, but it's a safe assumption that it's fake news.

@Alfonsoo I worry that you are vulnerable to being mislead if you are fed stories like this.


Edited by Stomatopod

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