
Intoxicated with Bliss!!

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So I decided to finally meditate seriously on the deepest I could go. I got intoxicated by bliss seeing that there is no substance, nothing is happening to no one. I have no idea why but this is so.... fucking blissful. I am still feeling it. It started in the forehead, spread to whole head. Then I focused how the different feelings of my body were not happening to anyone as well and were made of nothing, and then my whole body felt that bliss. I feel so relaxed. Like damn. I sat for a good while. Then I focussed on how this bliss itself is happening to no one, and that intensified it 5X. 

What do you guys have to say on this? Like could I be falling in some sort of trap? 

The bliss feels like the universe is(I am) in a constant state of blooming outwards as a flower. It's better than an orgasm.

Edited by Swarnim

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11 minutes ago, Swarnim said:

What do you guys have to say on this? Like could I be falling in some sort of trap? 

Only if you get stuck there.

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6 minutes ago, WelcometoReality said:

Only if you get stuck there.

How do I get past this?

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Why in the world feeling bliss would be a bad thing? THAT IS THE BIGGEST TRAP!

How happines, joy and celebrating your life is trap? It is in fact the very essence of life. Get fucking lost in that bliss, get absorted, get lost, get so drunk u die in that bliss, feel so much ecstasy that u literraly explote in infinite orgasms which are increasing infinitely infinite in intensity and pleasure.

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43 minutes ago, Swarnim said:

How do I get past this?

If you are constantly trying to be in the bliss or trying to get back into bliss then that's a trap because it's the ego chasing feeling good. The way out of it is seeing it for what it is and let it go.

I wouldn't worry about it though.

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16 minutes ago, The Buddha said:

Why in the world feeling bliss would be a bad thing? THAT IS THE BIGGEST TRAP!

How happines, joy and celebrating your life is trap? It is in fact the very essence of life. Get fucking lost in that bliss, get absorted, get lost, get so drunk u die in that bliss, feel so much ecstasy that u literraly explote in infinite orgasms which are increasing infinitely infinite in intensity and pleasure.

It's not bad. It's only the way that ego works.

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@WelcometoReality Of course but every time u have joy u numb it down and every time u suffer u know that happines will come back. I don't understand this resistance and this play. If it is natural the ego works like that let it be like that, u are happy be happy, u suffer then suffer, when u suffer u want to be happy, when u are happy u want to be more happy. It's how it works and I'm absolutely fine and at peace with. Just trying to change it or suprres or killing the ego or going beyond is seeing a problem where there is none, is asking the lemon tree to give u apples, it doesn't work like that. I know that lemon tree gives me lemons and I love the lemons that the lemon tree gives me because it is it's own nature. I cannot complain or regret that it is acid, of course it is acid, it is a lemon, from the lemon tree and I love lemons. For this whole game is what makes that lemon tastes even more acid because of your resistance to it and more delusion appears for u longing for it to give u apples. The moment u fall in love with the lemon tree, the ego will dissapear because the ego is not the tree but your projection towards the tree. The moment u intensely love the lemon tree u will be able to enjoy it's fruit and it's own nature. For it cannot be anyway arround, or u think gurus have no ego? Of course, but what is the problem? Only u see the problem there, guru sees lemon tree, guru sees lemon, guru enjoys lemon. That's all.

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58 minutes ago, The Buddha said:

Why in the world feeling would be a bad ? THAT IS THE BIGGEST TRAP!

How happines, joy and celebrating your is trap? It is in the very essence of . Get fucking lost in that bliss, get absorted, get lost, get so drunk u die in that bliss, feel so much ecstasy that u literraly explote in infinite orgasms which are increasing infinitely infinite in intensity and pleasure.

Thanks I'll do that. I actually felt like I was slowly dissolving. Probably why I stopped.

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@The Buddha I mostly agree with what your saying. I do however use different terminology than you.

The way I define suffering is believing your thoughts. That is basically what suffering is. An enlightened being that which you call guru I presume will still experience bodily pleasure and pain. He/she will still have a preference to experience pleasure than pain but he/she will not experience suffering which is the thought about the pain. If I understand you correctly, that which I call preference you call ego. I however use ego in a different way. Ego to me is that which avoid pain and seek pleasure. Like you said:

3 hours ago, The Buddha said:

For this whole game is what makes that lemon tastes even more acid because of your resistance to it and more delusion appears for u longing for it to give u apples.

Is that ego you mean?

Because you also wrote this:

3 hours ago, The Buddha said:

For it cannot be anyway arround, or u think gurus have no ego? Of course, but what is the problem? Only u see the problem there, guru sees lemon tree, guru sees lemon, guru enjoys lemon. That's all.

You seem to say that the guru both has and hasn't got ego but maybe I'm misunderstanding you, can you please clarify what you mean?


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@Swarnim Nice, good work. Try not to get (too much) hung up on bliss. Its a great thing and shows that you're doing the right work, but it can lead you to believe that "bliss" is the goal. And that ordinary everyday life is somehow "inferior" to this blissful state of consciousness. In Zen they warn about this and say: "The monk who has attained Satori goes to hell as straight as a flying arrow." So when you think you have "attained" the goal/enlightenment/bliss or whatever - therein lies the trap. Because it sets up a duality. So, you let the bliss come - and then you let it go. 

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16 hours ago, WelcometoReality said:

Is that ego you mean?

Yes exactly, I'm trying to point it from different angles it's a very complex phenomena.

16 hours ago, WelcometoReality said:

You seem to say that the guru both has and hasn't got ego but maybe I'm misunderstanding you, can you please clarify what you mean?

That's exactly what I was saying u got it perfectly. They have ego in the sense that they are still playing this game, but no ego in the sense that they are totally at peace with their own inner nature and the nature of the ego, and that understanding makes the ego useless. In the sense that it is like the best ilusion generator, once you see through the ilusion and do not try to change the ego or ask him to not do that (impossible because it's his nature), u arrive to the dissolution of the duality of ego and egoless.  With this understanding, ego will gradually become silent because he sees that no-one is engaging in his play, that is why they usually say awake beings have no ego, however it is not true, ego may come back and talk again he was just silent, however what problem is there for the liberated being? Oh lemon tree, gives me lemons, lovely.

I think this video explains better what I'm trying to say. It is one of the most advanced topics and I may understand it in an intellectual point but living it, wow that's another whole level.


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@The Buddha I agree with what mooji said in the video. 

1 hour ago, The Buddha said:

That's exactly what I was saying u got it perfectly. They have ego in the sense that they are still playing this game

What do you mean with this game? 

1 hour ago, The Buddha said:

but no ego in the sense that they are totally at peace with their own inner nature and the nature of the ego, and that understanding makes the ego useless.

The ego arises but is seen for what it is. There is no identification with it so it falls away.

1 hour ago, The Buddha said:

In the sense that it is like the best ilusion generator, once you see through the ilusion and do not try to change the ego or ask him to not do that (impossible because it's his nature), u arrive to the dissolution of the duality of ego and egoless. 

It's about seeing the egoic movement. Of course the identification to ego might still happen like Mooji said it's not a problem. It's about closing the gap between the identification to it and the seeing and discarding it.

1 hour ago, The Buddha said:

With this understanding, ego will gradually become silent because he sees that no-one is engaging in his play,

The lesser the gap between identification and seeing is the less ego tends to arise.

1 hour ago, The Buddha said:

that is why they usually say awake beings have no ego, however it is not true, ego may come back and talk again he was just silent, however what problem is there for the liberated being? Oh lemon tree, gives me lemons, lovely.

No problem for the liberated being since the gap is so small it is as if the was no ego.


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33 minutes ago, WelcometoReality said:

What do you mean with this game? 

Using a human vessel to interact with reality. However, I want also to be clear and explain everything, even though this case is extremely rare. So everything I said, accounts for the one who even though being liberated operates and manifests through a physical body. However, some extraordinay beings have attained (or where born) what is called the light-body or rainbow body. It happens when u elevate so much your frequency that your body is all light (yeah sounds hella crazy). Obviusly, for this to happen the individual has gone vegetarian, then vegan, then just fruits, then just juice and water, then just water and then no eating (this is not done in a torture way, it is a very natural procces towards the highest possibility, do not mistake it as hardcore indian ascetics or things like that). So, what happens is that the body elevates his vibration so much that it literally bursts into light and disappears, when this is attained, the liberated being has 2 options, rest liberated in formless form, or rest liberated in form, both are one and the same, it is up to the being and his free-will. So the ones who actually decide to keep the light form, we can say that this are not playing the "game" they just decided to keep their form. I just now for a fact 3 beings who use light bodies: Mahavatar Babaji, Sri Anandamayi Ma (which was born as The Self and used a light body till he left the body) and Karmapa (reincarnated buddha who performs outwardly the beingness of a buddha). There are more but I cannot give my word. So in extremely rare cases, we can say that some have even gone beyond this game, we can say that they won the game and stayed in it, like when you win a videogame and u decide to keep playing it. However, it's supremely rare that one wins the game while being alive and then decides to keep playing, however to honour truth everything has to be said. (PD: to be clear this does not make some more liberatd than others, they all are, however subtle distinction can be made between liberated beings and I find it profoundly fascinating)

1 hour ago, WelcometoReality said:

The lesser the gap between identification and seeing is the less ego tends to arise.

Yes, it's in fact a very easy explanation. U play chess with someone, you move and then he does not do anything for eternity, you get bored and u just stay silent. It may try to start another game when he is distracted, but he will not play with him.

1 hour ago, WelcometoReality said:

No problem for the liberated being since the gap is so small it is as if the was no ego.


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1 hour ago, The Buddha said:

Yes, it's in fact a very easy explanation. U play chess with someone, you move and then he does not do anything for eternity, you get bored and u just stay silent. It may try to start another game when he is distracted, but he will not play with him.


Then I think we mean the same thing. :)

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On 17.6.2021 at 11:58 AM, Swarnim said:

Like could I be falling in some sort of trap? 

You're only saying that because you're afraid it would end at some point. If it will, keep training your mind and elevating your quality of consciousness until it happens again, now for an extended period. Keep walking the path until you merge with this bliss and be in constant communion with it. The intensity will be lesser but continuous.

Good luck :)


"I believe you are more afraid of condemning me to the stake than for me to receive your cruel and disproportionate punishment."

- Giordano Bruno, Campo de' Fiori, Rome, Italy. February 17th, 1600.

Cosmic pluralist, mathematician and poet.

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