
Nobody Has Time To Watch Your Videos Leo

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"Nobody has time to watch a one hour video, Leo's videos are way too long"

I've heard this countless of times from my  friends . Always complaining about how long Leo's videos are.

The funny part is that the whole day these friends of mine complain about everything in life but when i recommend a video they complain that it is way too long or they say they could not finish it because it is stupid or they don't agree with it and or it is boring. 

Don't know if anyone has  realized but nobody has "TIME" for self-help not even touching the deep topics like enlightenment. All these people who don't have time don't want help or put the effort to studying their mind / psychology. These friends of mine that complain about the length  of Leo's videos are the same friends who literally watch 5 hours of tv after work. They literally get off work and watch all these tv shows . My friend literally watched 2 or 3 seasons of that show S.H.I.E.L.D in like about 2 weeks and he is one of the number one complainers. Nobody wants to do the Dirty EMOTIONAL work. 

About 99% of people I speak to are this way , insane ! haha But there is nothing wrong with that, in fact there is nothing wrong with thinking that there is something wrong with that and that its frigggging INSANE!!!!!


"The belief that something is wrong is the fire under the ass of humanity,"" - Jed Mckenna quote i read in his book Spiritual Enlightenment 

Edited by pete

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The ego's favorite defense is to stall out the clock. So of course there's never enough time to do the important stuff when all the unimportant stuff is prioritized higher.

But I can also empathize with the lack of time problem. In a sense, it's a lack of energy problem. I remember working a frustrating 9 to 5 job. It's grueling. By the end of the day, after work, dinner, gym, and some daily chores, all I wanna do is crash and veg out in front of the TV. I want to watch something fun and easy-going, not a bald dude yelling at me for 60 minutes, telling me everything I'm doing is wrong. Lol ;)

Pushing past that is really tough. I had to do it though personally to start my first business and create the free time I needed to do personal development work and pursue my passions.

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60minutes per week - that's the most productive way to waste time. A time when I can reflect on myself. I sometimes play the video 2x if I have a tight schedule that week.

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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

The ego's favorite defense is to stall out the clock. So of course there's never enough time to do the important stuff when all the unimportant stuff is prioritized higher.

But I can also empathize with the lack of time problem. In a sense, it's a lack of energy problem. I remember working a frustrating 9 to 5 job. It's grueling. By the end of the day, after work, dinner, gym, and some daily chores, all I wanna do is crash and veg out in front of the TV. I want to watch something fun and easy-going, not a bald dude yelling at me for 60 minutes, telling me everything I'm doing is wrong. Lol ;)

Pushing past that is really tough. I had to do it though personally to start my first business and create the free time I needed to do personal development work and pursue my passions.

Anyways thats true nobody wants to hear a dude yelling at them . lollers The funny part is that i stumbled upon your meditation / mindfulness videos while being high . Haha I couldn't put my judgements asides about this "weird guy" telling me that everything is im doing is wrong.. until one day i got high on, helped me just relax and decided to give your video another shot . The mindfulness concept about stepping outside of yourself and seeing yourself in a nonjudgemental way really shocked me !! I could see how I would interpret events and start storytelling all day. I was always storytelling / daydreaming mostly all day...  We are prisoners of the mind ! I can't believe it seriously .... Is the Human condition really that what  we believe we are is only a thought 

Edited by pete

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3 hours ago, pete said:

 Nobody wants to do the Dirty EMOTIONAL work.

I think it's rather a few than nobody. But it's true in most fields. You have to put in some effort if you want results.

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I like his longer videos the most.. I loved the two videos: "Understanding awareness" and the video about free will, they were both long. I want more of those that really go deep. 

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3 hours ago, pete said:

These friends of mine that complain about the length  of Leo's videos are the same friends who literally watch 5 hours of tv after work.


It's probably a direct result from the declining attention-span humanity is getting, due to vines, facebook etc. Quick titillation.

I personally enjoy the length, I feel like you're not just warming up, but also getting in the real exercise.   

3 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

By the end of the day, after work, dinner, gym, and some daily chores, all I wanna do is crash and veg out in front of the TV. I want to watch something fun and easy-going, not a bald dude yelling at me for 60 minutes, telling me everything I'm doing is wrong. Lol ;)


Endless nuance

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My brother belongs to the same category. I really love my brother and I always try to help him out, always introducing him to new amazing self-help concepts and how to improve his life. I tell him about how to lose weight, how to cut shitty habits, what Gurus to watch online, how to hack the sub-conscious mind and so on. But he never dares to make the work. All he does is complaining, be upset and play videogames and watch TV all day long, lying in bed. Not only is his excuse that he has no time, but that he is tired also. Tired from doing nothing but complaining while lying in his bed, playing games all day long. It's disgusting.

It's really disgusting, mostly because it hurts watching my own little brother going down that path of self destruction. The same path I was going down earlier that led me now to the shitty life I am in from whereout I have to climb out again, and it sucks. It's painful and it's hard.

He is always negative, always close mindet, is very unhealthy, overweight and has barely any motivation or interests in life other than videogames. It just hurts to see. I wish I could do something to wake him up, to open his mind for the idea that he should improve his life, before it's too late. He is 16 now, the best time. I am afraid that he will damage his life, his body and psyche permanently if he doesn't make some changes right now. On the other hand I am also starting to give up on him. There is only so much I can do, and if he doesn't want to that's simply his decision. He will be left behind in a shitty life. Just because he doesn't have the time to learn new things and watch these videos, he only has time for videogames.

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I start watching videos of Leo since the start of 2015, I shared it on fb but no likes. I put amplifier speaker on my laptop so that my siblings woul hear all the important advise but they just ignore it and questioning who the hell is that bald guy, is he perfect ? asked by one of my sibling. Then I notice their ego, even my own ego I see it from a very subtle one to a big one. Watching hours and a half of Leo is fun because Im interested. First blowed my mind is when he revealed his vision, that video you know he cried because of seriousness and love of his personal development, that was amazing. The second is when I stop being a victim, that was amazing too. Hope for longer videos in the future:)

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7 minutes ago, Jaypee Lituañas said:

I start watching videos of Leo since the start of 2015, I shared it on fb but no likes. I put amplifier speaker on my laptop so that my siblings woul hear all the important advise but they just ignore it and questioning who the hell is that bald guy, is he perfect ? asked by one of my sibling. Then I notice their ego, even my own ego I see it from a very subtle one to a big one. Watching hours and a half of Leo is fun because Im interested. First blowed my mind is when he revealed his vision, that video you know he cried because of seriousness and love of his personal development, that was amazing. The second is when I stop being a victim, that was amazing too. Hope for longer videos in the future:)

No likes. :D 


The genuineness I perceive from Leo was the mortal blow that caused me to follow his content.

Endless nuance

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It's true that many people don't have the interest or commitment to watch an hour-long self help video, or even 30 minutes. I think the problem is more related to perceived benefit than anything else. Instant gratification. Unless someone believes that the effort will be rewarded with some tangible benefit they will not take the time or put in the effort.

The problem with self-help is that most people are sceptible about it in the first place. Everyone thinks they know better. Secondly, the results of self-help are not always instant or obvious. You may not get a mind-blowing epiphany right away and the results may be far more subtle, at least for a while.

It's very hard to promote self-help when you can't promise a direct, positive, result. The results really depend on the mindset of the person viewing the material and unless they have the right attitude in the first place they may not get any results at all.

I've tried to encourage others to watch Leo's videos. I've even tried to engage others in conversations about some of the concepts I have learned from the videos. But people aren't even receptive to it in casual conversation, let alone getting them to sit down for even 15 minutes to watch somone on the internet talk about fanciful 'theories' and psychology (that's how others tend to see it).

It's sad that people are not so receptive to it. If only we could find a way to promote self-help. It should be addressed in schools and colleges.

I, for one, wil happily invest an hour or more to watch one of Leo's videos. I have the openmindedness and interest to engage in the content without even knowing whether or not I will agree or benefit from it. I like to consider the possibilities of what I hear.

Thumbs up for the new forum. I really like the platform. Well presented. Better than any others I've have seen.

“If you correct your mind, the rest of your life will fall into place.”  - Lao Tzu

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I happen to think that Leo's videos require about 5-6 hours (with pen and paper handy) to be properly integrated... so if a NEED/MOTIVATION is not there to support this kind of time investment, that hour you spend just watching the video, doesn't have the intended value. 

Whatya think about that @Leo Gura ? 


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Just now, Ayla said:

I happen to think that Leo's videos require about 5-6 hours (with pen and paper handy) to be properly integrated... so if a NEED/MOTIVATION is not there to support this kind of time investment, that hour you spend just watching the video, is lost. 

Whatya think about that @Leo Gura ? 

And in 5 years, lets have online Live lessons one day a week, when the forum is big enough to finance the time Leo puts in. Through ads or a small fee or whatever. :DDDDDDDD 

Endless nuance

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Hahaha I love the people that say: "These videos are too long! *Closes the screen and starts gaming* " LOL.

Yhea every video that Leo makes is a deep topic on its own to really het the full thing you have to watch the video's make notes do that a couple of times and find resources that talk about the same topic and research those too. The thing is there are not a lot of resources for the deep stuff and a lot of the times you just need to do the work yourself. Like with meditation you need to make the contious traction or other wise it will not stick.

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1 hour ago, Ayla said:

@Leo GuraI happen to think that Leo's videos require about 5-6 hours (with pen and paper handy) to be properly integrated...

I try to pack them full of juicy insights. The recent video about the human knowledge graph was like 6 years of intense research packed into 60 minutes, lol. There was a lot more than needed to be said in that one, but it just runs too long.

It's hard to balance between depth vs brevity and depth vs practicality. A 60+ minute video is exhausting to shoot and much fewer people will click on it than a 30 minute video which is much easier to shoot. Not only that, but it starts to get so abstract that people don't understand how to act on it, and then it just becomes more beliefs in the knowledge graph.

Which is why in the last video I asked people to make a long-term commitment to understanding.

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What I mean is, if takes 6 years to research, then it should at least take a viewer 6 hours to decompress it.

If someone could learn everything I learned in 6 years in 60 minutes, frankly, I would be pissed off!

The topics we're generally learning here take YEARS to fully plumb. I always feel I do them injustice, even with a 60+ minute video.

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7 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Not only that, but it starts to get so abstract that people don't understand how to act on it, and then it just becomes more beliefs in the knowledge graph.

That right there is THE problem ... and that's why I pointed the fact that people need to spend long hours studying them with pen and paper handy so that all those months work is not yet another "file" in someone's brain 


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I think it speaks volumes on our current state of ADD and short attention spam. Our lives are very fast-paced so we can't make time for the really important things. We consume fast food, we want immediate results, fast solutions. Unfortunately, it doesn't work like that. You need to invest in something constantly and long-term for it to bear any kind of fruit. That's why starting a business on your own seems so stressful - you don't know when it will start paying off...if ever.

You see other videos - they're generally 10-15 minutes, really fast-paced, use a lot of cuts etc. That's what I love about Leo's content - it's genuine, done in one take, goes in-depth and synthesizes the most valuable information, presented in a well-structured and accessible manner.

It's inexcusable if you can't find 60 minutes at least once every few days for something that might improve your life dramatically. However, I can understand why it would be a problem if you're not watching them out of your own genuine interest.

My advice: Make them even longer.

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Although now I’m really committed to self help and life-long learning, it hasn’t always been this way. There were times earlier in my life where I wanted to change things about myself and tried to read a self- help book , but it didn’t really get to me. Or it did, but I couldn’t figure out how to put it into practice effectively, and found it really frustrating. It probably wasn’t the right time for me, or the information I needed in that  particular moment. What is helpful for me right now, probably wasn’t back then.

The people who say they don’t have enough time to watch a 60 minute video, probably don’t know what this could do for them, or how it could lead to transform their lives. If they knew, if they really understood, they’d watch it. Telling someone to watch or read something which you “know” would be helpful for them, is going to be of no use to this person if he/she hasn’t previously felt the need to change. I can see how relaxing for an hour watching your favorite show after a day of work, can seem much more convenient than spending the same time watching a self-help video if you can’t see its benefit. Not so long ago I also acted this way. I have changed a lot since, and I’m so thankful for it, because although this change is due to a lot of effort and dedication on developing myself, if I hadn’t been triggered in a certain moment to have an inner realization which made me commit to a life long journey of self development I could still be this person watching TV.

8 hours ago, Ayla said:

I happen to think that Leo's videos require about 5-6 hours (with pen and paper handy) to be properly integrated... 

I think it’s almost impossible to really internalize all information in all of Leo’s videos. Even if you sit, analyze them, and take notes, it requires intentional  and constant practice of these concepts during a long period of time to really change yourself. Even if something is just adding to the knowledge-graph, I believe that’s useful  (as long as you don’t misunderstand the information). Just by knowing a certain concept exists, I may go back to it in the future when I can really benefit from it.


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