
Dopamie Detox Isn't Actually Possible

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For those who use the term "dopamine detox" loosely, then this isn't intended for you. Dopamine is one of the most misunderstood neurochemicals. Many people have the idea that dopamine is the reason for all their bad habits and addictions. While this is partially true, dopamine is not just about reward. And it is not possible to lower dopamine by (((detoxing))) as these neurotransmitters are continuously regulated to achieve homeostasis in the body. It would be dangerous if you actually could lower dopamine, so that's a good thing.

The same amount of dopamine will be released every single day; the choice is, what will you spend it on?


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The problem is just that dopamine will default towards quick "fixes" via such things that is unhealthy, and not towards what's actually good for us.

But that doesn't mean that we can't get to a point where we get our serotonin flowing from accomplishments of what has healthy aspects.

When getting our fixes that way, dopamine will kick in to ensure that we chase more of the same.

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Ohe can say at least the craving can be reduced. 

The cravings usually disappear or reduce in intensity when you're practicing detox. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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Lol, I literally saw a YouTuber who I think is great do a 60 minute meditation and call it a 'Mini Dopamine Detox' 

The name is just a catchy trend, in reality it's just spending your time consciously on what you want to. 

Hardcore 'Dopamine Detoxes' are great for intense work cycles, say you have exams in 2 months, well 1-2 months of intense studying & less entertainment would be great for you. 

But, doing it long-term with no entertainment or relaxation can backfire pretty quickly, stifle creativity, life satisfaction etc, so I think it's important to be careful with the intense 'detoxes' as I've seen people get so bad they say they 'feel bad' when they spend time with friends & family and aren't working, the productivity space can really fill us with some toxic beliefs. 

Dr Cameron Sepah (the coiner of the term) has a more holistic approach- 

He says about taking time off daily from our problematic behaviors, one day a week, a weekend a quarter & 1 week per year (vacation) 

As he's an actual psychologist, it makes more sense. 

Also, we need to remember TV shows, Movies, entertainment in general isn't 'bad' when we are consciously choosing to consume it, it is only problematic when we are procrastinating with it, or addicted to it, or it is taking over your life etc. After all, these mediums are art forms!

So, yeah sorry for the rant I just have seen this go so far another way that people now feel guilty for enjoying themselves, it's a tool to use cyclically & in a holistic way not takeover your life!

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

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The name is incorrect but the practice works. 

Id recommend not just a detox day but doing a full day of meditation with it too, makes you super mindful, its pure bliss.

Maybe a "Do Nothing Day" would be a better name for it. 

Edited by Rilles

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