
Random Subconscious Imageries

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Sometimes during my meditation sessions I get these random, intense flashes of images in my mind. They come suddenly, randomly and they do not make any logical sense at all. What I see are different objects and people and things that do not exist in this world but still I get the feeling that I have seen it before, either when I was very young or before I was even born. There is this feeling of 'knowing' when I see them and that I've either experienced it somehow or that there is this pre-life that happens before you are born that you exist in (kind of like the starting menu of a game) before entering life. 

I wish that I could describe the images that I see but they are very hard to describe. I remember yesterday that during my meditation session I suddenly saw a man whose head was shaped like a goat, he had beard and he was very kind, and I felt like I have seen him before in real life even though I know that I haven't obviously. And then randomly I saw a box with tentacle-like arms (but not really arms, more like flowers lol) reaching out, moving in a weird geometrical pattern with an amazing pattern of random colours. 

When I see these things I sometimes feel a bit overwhelmed and amazed, and it feels a bit "healing" to see them, as if there is something subconscious getting resolved and brought to life when I experience it. I don't really know how the hell to explain this in a proper way, it has a very psychedelic feeling to it but it only happens if I am in a very deep meditative state. Sometimes I "see"/"feel" Truths that should not be known, like seriously just a feeling of "this one image is the truth of existence and people should not know this, this is totally unimaginable but it is so fucking real at the same time".

Just wanted to share this and see if anyone else have similar experiences.

Some of the imageries reminds me of illustrations from Carl Jung's "Red Book".





Edited by QandC

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@QandC I’m sure you will figure it out in time. 

"Not believing your own thoughts, you’re free from the primal desire: the thought that reality should be different than it is. You realise the wordless, the unthinkable. You understand that any mystery is only what you yourself have created. In fact, there’s no mystery. Everything is as clear as day. It’s simple, because there really isn’t anything. There’s only the story appearing now. And not even that.” — Byron Katie


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Look into hypnogogia.  There's something very familiar with seeing direct creation. Dream memory can arise during hypnagogia and tell you that you've seen this before or that it's familiar because of that. It's familiar because it's closer to an authentic you than @QandC is. 

Check out my lucid dreaming anthology series, Stars of Clay  

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@QandC thats psyche shit lol

"We are like the spider. We weave our life and then move along in it. We are like the dreamer who dreams and then lives in the dream. This is true for the entire universe."

-- The Upanishads


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I also experience this kind of thing but pretty much 24/7 even in normal waking life (in a weak way). Everyday I have a character that I having my minds eye that stays with me through the day.  I "imagine/perceive" constant streams of morphing and distorting stuff and characters which happen on my minds eyes with about the same intensity of a song stuck in my head.   

I have a few questions for you

do you see these characters often?

do you go through your day in regular life with these character stuck in your head like a song?

do you sometimes see just colors and shapes and sometimes see things like memories that have new things added?

are you perceiving this right now with open eyes?  

like for me it could be something like "a man plowing a field with a big red hat"

then the big red hat is the key which unlocks slightly different image, that big red hat become a red dress then it becomes a red sailboat on and so for distorting slowly into new images for ever.   

there are similarities that happen which tie each image together into a stream of trippy visuals in my minds eye.   


I have created a new vocabulary system to describe these distortions as to create more conceptual distinctions about it and if you would like to I could share them with you. Just let me know. 

it looks a lot like this music video sometimes


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It's a practice with the end result being close to what you described. It shows that the dreaming never really ends. Also sounds like you have a tulpa friend... 

Check out my lucid dreaming anthology series, Stars of Clay  

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@seeking_brilliance Interesting, yeah I kinda am dreaming when I am awake. Most of my dreams that I have when I am asleep take place in first person and I have a dream body that is close to my real body. These images I see in the day time have no dream body, nor do they have a character doing the watching them. It is like a random trippy image that is usually flat like a tv screen. On this screen there can be 3d, but it is not like real 3d space time.  so it is kind of like a dream but more like a viewing of art on a mental cinema screen.



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15 hours ago, seeking_brilliance said:

Look into hypnogogia. 

I can confirm this. I experience a lot of hypnogogic states, especially when meditating. It's basically like having a minor dream. You're still awake, but part of you has already fallen asleep so you start seeing random things or have completely random and nonsensical thoughts. You can even start hearing things, but that usually only happens as you come close to entering sleep-paralysis.

This can be useful, because it becomes a lot easier to connect with the subconscious mind while in this state. You can actually use this for creative purposes.

4 hours ago, seeking_brilliance said:

Btw, the hypnagogia is used to enter dream worlds consciously...

I can also confirm this. If you do experience hypnogogia, you'll have an easier time developing a habit of lucid dreaming. You can also, as seeking brilliance said, enter dreams consciously, which can be difficult but also a lot of fun!

beep boop

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1 minute ago, DefinitelyNotARobot said:

but part of you has already fallen asleep so you start seeing random things or have completely random and nonsensical thoughts

The weirdest part about it IME is that the thoughts feel so natural and logical when you're in them. They feel like actual memories you should know about at certain points, but when you try to focus on them you realize they don't make much sense.

"God is not a conclusion, it is a sudden revelation. When you see a rose it is not that you go through a logical solipsism, 'This is a rose, and roses are beautiful, so this must be beautiful.' The moment you see it, the head stops spinning thoughts. On the contrary, your heart starts beating faster. It is something totally different from the idea of truth." -Osho

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2 hours ago, Osaid said:

The weirdest part about it IME is that the thoughts feel so natural and logical when you're in them. They feel like actual memories you should know about at certain points, but when you try to focus on them you realize they don't make much sense.

Yes! Right? It's just like when you are dreaming some weird shit about flying through space on a banana and it makes all the sense in the world, but then you wake up and you're just like: ???

beep boop

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3 hours ago, DefinitelyNotARobot said:

It's just like when you are dreaming some weird shit about flying through space on a banana and it makes all the sense in the world, but then you wake up and you're just like: ???

Stuff like that has started to come up during hypnagogia for me... Imagine not really being asleep and getting those weird memories and then snapping out of it... 

Check out my lucid dreaming anthology series, Stars of Clay  

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10 hours ago, Jay Ray said:

@seeking_brilliance Interesting, yeah I kinda am dreaming when I am awake. Most of my dreams that I have when I am asleep take place in first person and I have a dream body that is close to my real body. These images I see in the day time have no dream body, nor do they have a character doing the watching them. It is like a random trippy image that is usually flat like a tv screen. On this screen there can be 3d, but it is not like real 3d space time.  so it is kind of like a dream but more like a viewing of art on a mental cinema screen.



They are definitely dreams/dream imagery. If you learned some visual projection techniques I think you are very close to projecting mental imagination onto your waking visual field, like augmented reality. Basically the images will not be popping up in only third eye, but 'all three'. I know of a instructional tek for this if interested. But maybe learn to tune this stuff out first(on demand) so that it doesn't become disruptive... Don't need to be driving and having a cartoon Bambi jumping across the road

Edited by seeking_brilliance

Check out my lucid dreaming anthology series, Stars of Clay  

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Seems like this is more common than I thought then. That's quite a relief. 

Edited by QandC

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@seeking_brilliance yeah I seem to be able to make the visuals strong quite easily but making them weaker is another story. Alcohol reduces my ability to visualize but that is not a great way to turn down the visuals.  It seems like non-resistance and just letting it happen is the best way. Though when these images are creepy or disgusting  like bugs and vomit, then it seems more difficult to ignore sometimes.  Having a way to turn it off would also be cool. 


6 hours ago, seeking_brilliance said:

 I know of a instructional tek for this if interested. 

I would be interested if you have the time or a link to a page. thank you! 

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@Jay Ray here is one... I'll look for more, but the buzzwords seem to be 'visualization compositing' and 'imposition' if you want to google for more.

Of course this guide applies to more than just tulpas. 

As far as shutting it off, I would look into how mediums break off clairvoyant messages when they want to be left alone. 'shielding' and 'cord cutting' are really powerful to learn. 

Edited by seeking_brilliance

Check out my lucid dreaming anthology series, Stars of Clay  

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