
question for psychonauts

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I will work towards a dose where I can introspect but since I'm a big hairy p***** i wanna do it safely you know ?

Edited by levani

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@levani There is no perfect dose. ANY dose can give you a bad trip.

You mentioned the ego, the other day while on a weed trip I was talking to myself. Nothing outstanding there, everybody talks with themselves, but I notice myself talking to my other self and one of myselves thought he was the boss and he talked like an arrogant prick. The tone of his voice was so authoritarian, so proud, so arrogant. Right there and then I understood a big part of what is being discussed here daily about the ego and all that.

My ego needs some serious humbling.

We have an authentic self and we have an ego. I think they can work in alignment.




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10 hours ago, levani said:

I will work towards a dose where I can introspect but since I'm a big hairy p***** i wanna do it safely you know ?

The good thing is that it's safe. You could suffer a while but there is no real danger (Maybe yes is huge doses but not in intermedium) , and almost 100 % at the end is going to be good for you

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@levani in many ways. A bad trip is a challenge, but at the end it finish, and you are more experienced, more wise and you Know better yourself. With 1,5 grs of dry mushrooms it's very rare that you could have a bad experience

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On 12/19/2020 at 8:08 PM, levani said:

I have never tried psychedelics. I have overdosed immensely on MDMA one time in Fabric in London (nightclub). but I know some of you do and some of you don't consider it a psychedelic, it's kind of like a psychedelic.


My question to you is - do your thoughts and feelings and inner imaginations reflect in the real world or wherever you are during your higher state of consciousness whilst you're on psychedelics ?

what is my long-term fears, even though I know they are not real in my every day to day "real" life are demons and exorcism (the exorcism of emily rose) kind if shit, so the questions are would that reflect in real life whilst I'm on psychedelics if I have the thought come up in my head and question 2 is if the answer is yes how do I handle it whilst being on the psychedelic trip - is there something like an adrenaline shot to get out of it or ?

Love ya, but you are not readily for tripping. Just opinion. 



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54 minutes ago, levani said:

when is one ready for psychedelics ?

You will be ready after watching this video:

On 12/21/2020 at 8:18 AM, levani said:

The question is how do you avoid a bad trip though ?

You just can't.

I don't care if you have meditated 3 hours a day for the last 10 years prior the trip you can still have a bad trip.


One day I almost called 911. I was dialing it already, but I remembered some horror trip report stories of people being taken to the hospital, and I didn't make the call.


Us psychonauts think that there are no bad trips, just difficult ones.

I am tripping until next year.

Stay trippy

Happy tripping.



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I would address the thoughts & beliefs which don’t feel good about the demons & exorcisms, rather than make any attempt to correct or suppress with psychedelics, and consider then suppressing the effects of the psychedelic with something like an adrenaline shot. (Imo) the aligned mindset with the anticipated effect of a psychedelic is letting go. You are currently holding tight. Daily morning meditation addresses the thought attachment and brings much clarity to experience. ‘Real’ letting go is discovered, very very very important ‘tool’ for a trip. You can do this with psychedelics, but it (just in my opinion) would be tripping without a proper foundation, which can be a discouraging & frustrating experience. 




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On 20.12.2020 at 2:08 AM, levani said:

do your thoughts and feelings and inner imaginations reflect in the real world or wherever you are during your higher state of consciousness whilst you're on psychedelics ?

Ime this is already the case. Psychedelics might enhance these faculties, but psychs are quite unpredictable on a subjective level.

I've had experiences, in which thoughts, inner imaginations etc. got wiped away because of psychedelics.

But I also had experiences, in which thoughts, feelings and inner imaginations got saturated. This led to the situation, where I had to live through my fears.

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@Nahm how does one address the thought/belief of this fear ?

how do i not hold tight ? i don't understand this analogy

1 hour ago, Nahm said:

You can do this with psychedelics, but it (just in my opinion) would be tripping without a proper foundation, which can be a discouraging & frustrating experience. 

i feel you okay okay



but this is good to know that's why i asked in the first place you know ?

Edited by levani

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37 minutes ago, levani said:

how does one address the thought/belief of this fear ?

By questioning if the fear is in regard to direct experience, or a thought. 


how do i not hold tight ? i don't understand this analogy

(It wasn’t an analogy.) Daily meditation...thoughts come & go. Awareness is aware of this, but is not acting, reacting, thinking, planning, questioning, etc, etc, etc. Thoughts are more seen through, or recognized as ‘just thoughts’. The spaciousness the thoughts arise in is then more pronounced, more present / presence / peace. The mind isn’t running the show as much. The thought of demons & exorcisms comes & goes. The set up is recognized, that the thoughts were believed. The punchline is felt, that it was just thoughts. Those thoughts arise on the trip, and there is much laughter. 


but this is good to know that's why i asked in the first place you know ?

Yes. Good call. ? Meditation. ??



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@Nahm it is in my direct experience that the fear is a thought ... if it wasn't in my direct experience i wouldn't fear it mahmut

2 minutes ago, Nahm said:

Awareness is aware of this, but is not acting, reacting, thinking, planning, questioning, etc, etc, etc. Thoughts are more seen through, or recognized as ‘just thoughts’.

this is very good, i rate this

3 minutes ago, Nahm said:

Those thoughts arise on the trip, and there is much laughter. 

i didn't laugh about it yet but infeel neutral about it now kind off

https://youtu.be/UXEf8QkhIQ0 <- todays meditation fast forwarded in 40 secs if u wanna point out some mistakes or somethibt i'd greatly appreciate that broski


thank you once again

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26 minutes ago, levani said:

it is in my direct experience that the fear is a thought ... if it wasn't in my direct experience i wouldn't fear it mahmut

Are you saying you fear a thought............about something...?   Even in the recognition there isn’t that something...just the thought...?

26 minutes ago, levani said:

i didn't laugh about it yet but infeel neutral about it now kind off

There was a monk long ago who heard a heavy urgent pounding on the front door of the monetary. He listened through the door and heard a man say “let me in!! I want to know this peace!!”. And the monk said through the door, “if we let you in, there won’t be this peace!”

A few years ago I went to an exorcism. I wanted to see for myself. I knocked on the door and said “let me in! I wanna see this exorcism”. To which someone replied, “if we let you in there won’t be an exorcism!”.  Sneaky people in there apparently. 

26 minutes ago, levani said:

https://youtu.be/UXEf8QkhIQ0 <- todays meditation fast forwarded in 40 secs if u wanna point out some mistakes or somethibt i'd greatly appreciate that broski


It’s really about the letting go, the presence. Can’t see it in a video. ??



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3 hours ago, Nahm said:
3 hours ago, levani said:


Are you saying you fear a thought............about something...?   Even in the recognition there isn’t that something...just the thought...?

i FEAR (don't laugh) that this INTERNAL THOUGHT may come into EXTERNAL (current: in that moment) reality, just like in the Emily Rose exorcism movie she was just there sleeping and she was possessed how do I know the same thing won't happened to me when i read some people's meditation write ups/journals they say this shit happens. Some people even see large insects - I've heard this on many platforms. I am shit scared of them you know ? I am asking how to avoid it or how to face it because I want someone experienced who may have been in that situation or may have enough experience of meditation to know how to deal with the situation if it arises, I know it most likely will not arise but you can never be too safe or at least that's what my ego thinks


3 hours ago, Nahm said:

It’s really about the letting go, the presence. Can’t see it in a video. ??

i knew you were gonna say that haha j meant physically posture wise hahahahahaha anyway it's fine

Edited by levani

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On 20/12/2020 at 0:08 PM, levani said:

what is my long-term fears, even though I know they are not real in my every day to day "real" life are demons and exorcism (the exorcism of emily rose) kind if shit, so the questions are would that reflect in real life whilst I'm on psychedelics if I have the thought come up in my head and question 2 is if the answer is yes how do I handle it whilst being on the psychedelic trip - is there something like an adrenaline shot to get out of it or ?

Embrace the fear. Fear and Love are deeply connected, you will come to realise this if you feel into the fear and see it for what it is.

"would that reflect in real life whilst I'm on psychedelics if I have the thought come up in my head "

Yes, there is no true distinction between real and imaginary, ESPECIALLY on psychedelics. That is what makes the experience so profound. 

If you get scared, just be aware of the fear. Feel into it. You can do this to heal any fear / trauma. 

“The psychotic drowns in the same waters in which the mystic swims with delight.”

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