
If The Purpose Of Life Is To Maximize Pleasure

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@cetus56 Preaching to the choir on that one. ;) I'm just talking in theoretical terms, if potential maximized pleasure could be measured. What if one hit of heroin provided more pleasure you could feel in a lifetime, with not too much more overall suffering compared to a sober life?

Hedonists would say the purpose of life is pleasure, and seeking pleasure. That's the definition of a drug addict to me. I disagree with the notion seeking pleasure is an intrinsic good, which is the argument of this topic on a what-if basis.

Edited by Frogfucius

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14 minutes ago, Frogfucius said:

@cetus56 Preaching to the choir on that one. ;) I'm just talking in theoretical terms, if potential maximized pleasure could be measured. What if one hit of heroin provided more pleasure you could feel in a lifetime, with not too much more overall suffering compared to a sober life?

Hedonists would say the purpose of life is pleasure, and seeking pleasure. That's the definition of a drug addict to me. I disagree with the notion seeking pleasure is an intrinsic good, which is the argument of this topic on a what-if basis.

I did feel once, on weed,an experience so grand, that i thought to myself. Now i can die and it doesnt even matter. That is all i wanted and could ever want. And it was worth the pain after it. 

But now, i dont even remember what it was, let alone the feeling, all i know it included a rose and itfelt like it was in me and i reached it and fwlt like love i guess - there was also some epic music . Life does go on, and if i dont remember it, its like it didnt happen,because now is all that matters. But i would definitely want to feel that way constantly... Or even half that.

Edited by Dodoster

Free yourself from attachment; Free yourself from fear; Free yourself from desire; Take deep breaths through the diaphragm and train that muscle; Meditate and meld with reality; Never skip spirit day 🙏 🤲 Don't have enemies, they are you.

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Hedonism and libertarian philosophies and happiness philosophy especially Epicurean philosophy fascinates me. To maximize happiness in my life, I make it a priority to pursue my passions, to discover more passions, and to truly immerse myself in the world's beauty and to stop and smell the roses and appreciate the sunshine and it's warmth and to appreciate nature's beauty. I see nothing wrong with parties, drinking, and clubs IN MODERATION but it's not sustainable for long-term happiness. Sometimes a night of pleasure can be great but it's like a great dessert that is much tastier in moderation. In the past few years and this years, I'm much happier and I've been deepening awareness on my happiness and discovering what happiness is. I'm seeking out purpose-driven hedonism where I pursue hedonism to feed my creative muse and to maximize my muse rather than pursue hedonism for a quick hit of stimulation. I'm not pursuing a quick hit of stimulation! I'm aligning my hedonism with my passions, purpose, and my values and grounding my hedonism into something concrete. 

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@Frogfucius Life can have any purpose you want be that heroin, collecting bottle caps or helping the poor. Nothing is more right or wrong than the other. In a hedonistic perspective is heroin the solution? Look at some rich people with a heroin addiction. They should have unlimited supply of it. Do they look happy to you? 


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1 hour ago, Frogfucius said:

@cetus56 Preaching to the choir on that one. ;) I'm just talking in theoretical terms, if potential maximized pleasure could be measured. What if one hit of heroin provided more pleasure you could feel in a lifetime, with not too much more overall suffering compared to a sober life?

Hedonists would say the purpose of life is pleasure, and seeking pleasure. That's the definition of a drug addict to me. I disagree with the notion seeking pleasure is an intrinsic good, which is the argument of this topic on a what-if basis.

You asked "what do you mean?" so I answered you with my opinion.  * I believe if you asked most heroin users what their idea of pleasure is, they would probably say, "living clean again".  Is it pleasure you seek?:)

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10 minutes ago, cetus56 said:

You asked "what do you mean?" so I answered you with my opinion.  * I believe if you asked most heroin users what their idea of pleasure is, they would probably say, "living clean again".  Is it pleasure you seek?:)

Im sure the heroin addicts idea of pleasure is heroin, tthats the reason he does it. To get that pleasure. If it was pleasure to the addict to libe clean, it would be as easy to him to live clean as it was for him to start crack. 

Everything else is a fairytale they tell themselves and others to feel good about being victims. 

I have/had an addiction to smoking, and yes its tough, you want your pleasure, your fix. Not saying at all that its easy to break addiction. Just saying its not pleasure to live clean. Its the opposite.

Edited by Dodoster

Free yourself from attachment; Free yourself from fear; Free yourself from desire; Take deep breaths through the diaphragm and train that muscle; Meditate and meld with reality; Never skip spirit day 🙏 🤲 Don't have enemies, they are you.

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 The point of hedonism is to strive for pleasure and avoid suffering. And what I know about heroin is that you cant have pleasure all the time no matter how much money/heroin you got. 

If you use Heroin a lot you will no longer feel high. You can go to work and you can do everything you want and no one will even notice that you're high. It comes to a point where you NEED heroin just to feel normal. You have pleasure for 10 minutes before going back to "normal" mode. 

But... If you could have the first time high all the time. I would definitely go for heroin :)

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18 hours ago, cetus56 said:

@Frogfucius That's endless nightmare. Your joking, right?


17 hours ago, Frogfucius said:

@cetus56 What do you mean?

A heroin user can explain it better than I can @29:00 I'm not passing judgment. Just facts.


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20 minutes ago, Dodoster said:

If it was pleasure to the addict to libe clean, it would be as easy to him to live clean

I was under the impression it's not that easy for a heroin addict to get clean. Doesn't the physical body get addicted to the drug also and that is the toughest part of quitting? Not true?

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41 minutes ago, cetus56 said:


A heroin user can explain it better than I can @29:00 I'm not passing judgment. Just facts.


I would say life is a nightmare for a lot of people, not just drug addicts. Depression and suicide rates have been on the rise for decades now, and will only continue to grow. Most of the people committing suicide in America? Middle class, white American males. Are these people who take their lives also not suffering, maybe more so than the addict? It got so bad they had to take their lives?

Drugs, sex, money, partying, alcohol, TV, etc. don't cause suffering. They're merely distracting oneself from feeling the intense suffering they have by not being in the present moment and finding fulfillment by turning inward. But hedonists don't turn inward, do they? They seek pleasure through outside means.

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We should all appreciate the joy that breathing, drinking water and eating healthy brings to us... It looks so simple. White american males must be too much in their stories.. The only reason i see for suicide is being tired of life because of not having enough for food/ water/shelter, so you cant keep your energy up. 

All madness is caused by the lack of resource. Otherwise you just need to start paying attention how good it feels to just breathe... Even if you've been bullied by someone etc or raped or whatever. Shame... Who cares, look how good it feels to breathe :D my ego loves to breathe too. Its reasonable. 

Edited by Dodoster

Free yourself from attachment; Free yourself from fear; Free yourself from desire; Take deep breaths through the diaphragm and train that muscle; Meditate and meld with reality; Never skip spirit day 🙏 🤲 Don't have enemies, they are you.

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59 minutes ago, cetus56 said:

I was under the impression it's not that easy for a heroin addict to get clean. Doesn't the physical body get addicted to the drug also and that is the toughest part of quitting? Not true?

I was talking out of my ass. Mixed up getting clean with being clean and jus wanted to argue. 

Free yourself from attachment; Free yourself from fear; Free yourself from desire; Take deep breaths through the diaphragm and train that muscle; Meditate and meld with reality; Never skip spirit day 🙏 🤲 Don't have enemies, they are you.

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