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What is Living Waters!

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I saw this video,

Who is Ray Comfort, what was he trying to teach this young man?

What Spiral Stage this kind of teaching belong to? 

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Their both anthropormorhizing God it seems. The interviewer seems to be a Devils advocate, enneatype 6 in the first tier of Spiral Dynamics practicing Jesusism, being a little argumentative.The kid being interviewed is looking at everything in a more abstract way. Seems they were talking past each other, in the beginning at least.

In Alchemy, water represents feeling. To me Living waters represents truth or purified heart. There are other takes on what water represents.

In a following YouTube, the interviewer seems even more stage blue, very dualistic with fundamentalists frames of reference.

Just my 2 cents. I would be interested in hearing others views.

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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Ray Comfort is a stage Blue evangelist and creationist. 

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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@Zigzag Idiot  Yeah, I mean this man made a complete fool out of this kid. It's astonishing how with his clever intent he made- kid cry and proved himself a winner. Sheeesh....!

The boy was doing good and was happy being an ignorant naive gentlemen, his points were more legit than the Devil himself.

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who is this Mario guy? he seems so at peace. And I'm so interested where he learned all of this. Parents? internet? Where is this filmed? That's the stuff I want to know. I also think he's hearing the christian rhetoric and understanding holistically and intuitively and meta.  When he says he sinned he is thinking about karma and prison. Even if he's still making assumptions. That guy is a beautiful soul. 

Edited by seeking_brilliance

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The interesting thing to note is Devil's devilish shtick- the moment he saw the kid talking about his mother he was like, oh yea gotchu boi!!, that's your most sensitive nerve huh let me twitch it for ya, it's insane how these people do all this trickry in the name of their anthropomorphized God.

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A sick video of a fundamentalist devil violating innocence in order to spread the virus.  

Vincit omnia Veritas.

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I've watched a lot of these videos just to study Ray's behavior—he has practiced the same line of questioning on thousands of people who are unprepared and mostly uninformed or without solid beliefs. Many of these guys like Ray first set up the playing field to trap the person in their 'reasoning', so they can avoid all the possible arguments the person may have, and guilt or fear them into submission. 

Of course, when Ray is debated by Lawrence Krauss he gets destroyed. (Orange dominating Blue)

However he is working everyday to make people stop and question their lives/morals/goals which is great, but he doesn't understand the deeper reasons why this is necessary or why people usually get emotional. And the forcing of his beliefs on others tends to muddy the results. 

The channel is basically a way for Ray and his subscribers to reaffirm and 'prove' their religion daily. 



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@willl Very well explained brother, ?

39 minutes ago, willl said:

Many of these guys like Ray first set up the playing field to trap the person in their 'reasoning', so they can avoid all the possible arguments the person may have, and guilt or fear them into submission

Which makes it even an upscale blatant Motherfuckery !!

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