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How to have a mystical experience?!

45 posts in this topic

7 hours ago, Vittorio said:

I cannot help you with that due to forum rules. I wrote this guide (I avoided any sourcing info, so you'll have to do your own researches). Check it out :)

No worries. Although it's not against the forum rules if we did it outside the forum lol.   Will check it out. Thanks. 

"life is not a problem to be solved ..its a mystery to be lived "


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7 hours ago, LastThursday said:

Some other possibilities:

  • Self hypnosis
  • Caffeine (large dose, probably unwise with a heart condition)
  • Nutmeg (again large dose)
  • Alcohol (medium dose)
  • Cannabis, I prefer edibles
  • Quieting mental chatter mostly through meditation
  • Meditative repetitive activity: walking in nature, running, painting, drawing, house chores, sex (ahaha)
  • Going to foreign places or anything away from normal life
  • Certain music. I like guitar music, must be my Spanish blood.
  • Adrenaline activities: base jumping, extreme ironing.
  • Performing rituals or being part of one
  • Dressing up, performing, acting, playing music in public, public speaking

Basically anything that gets you "out of yourself" or makes you more "present" and not lost in thought.

Thanks.  Nice list. 

Edited by Someone here

"life is not a problem to be solved ..its a mystery to be lived "


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I am able to reach nondual state through Wim Hof breathing technique and than forcefully "pushing" air into my head and abdomen. The thing.. is 5 meo DMT unlocked my abilities to do that.

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@Someone here be the self beyond objects. Seriously mate with that statement "-I know every experience is a mystical experience Bla bla. " you are showing you have the wrong attitude about this. You are looking for some experience, rather than your true essence which is the highest goal.

Once you know your true identity, YES, even writing on Actualized.Org is a mystical experience mate! Thats what you actually want. You dont want to have a one off peak experience, those come and go and you will even forget it with time. Omfg! Peak experiences are nothing. Seriously, dont chase peak experiences, its a big trap of the ego. You want to have a peak experience to feel special. Let me break it to you, you are already special. 

From the state of pure being-ness, whatever needs to happen will happen - if you are meant to have peak experience it will happen naturally, without forcing. The universe might need you for something else and if you are busy chasing peak experiences you are not available for God to work through you for what you are actually supposed to do in this world. Be connected and stay with your essence. I am sure you know how to do that since you are here for a long time and there have been like a gazillion pointers by everyone. Just trust this process and allow God to move you and trust your actions that come from that state of consciousness.

If you need some clarification on how to remain as your essence identity ask or pm me I am here to serve.



Edited by Dodo

Free yourself from attachment; Free yourself from fear; Free yourself from desire; Take deep breaths through the diaphragm and train that muscle; Meditate and meld with reality; Never skip spirit day 🙏 🤲 Don't have enemies, they are you.

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"Dudo" look... All this Ramana maharshi stuff that I taught you I know very well 9_9

There is no contradiction between what you're saying and chasing after a mystical experience.. Or any kind of peak experience for that matter.its not like you should give up everything to be a mature spiritual person.. Let me ask you this.. Do you care about eating good food?   Why so?  Just be the changeless Self beyond the space-time bruh?.. Don't chase after tasty food... Don't marry.. Don't buy nice clothes


etc..... How do you like that? ?

"life is not a problem to be solved ..its a mystery to be lived "


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29 minutes ago, Someone here said:


"Dudo" look... All this Ramana maharshi stuff that I taught you I know very well 9_9

There is no contradiction between what you're saying and chasing after a mystical experience.. Or any kind of peak experience for that matter.its not like you should give up everything to be a mature spiritual person.. Let me ask you this.. Do you care about eating good food?   Why so?  Just be the changeless Self beyond the space-time bruh?.. Don't chase after tasty food... Don't marry.. Don't buy nice clothes


etc..... How do you like that? ?

I hear ya, I am not chasing good food, I get the food I feel like without overthinking or chasing it. 

If you are in that state and you feel like chasing a mystical experience, sure, but you seem to not be satisfied with your "ordinary" state which hints to me that you are not following the ramana maharshi stuff you have taught me <3

Free yourself from attachment; Free yourself from fear; Free yourself from desire; Take deep breaths through the diaphragm and train that muscle; Meditate and meld with reality; Never skip spirit day 🙏 🤲 Don't have enemies, they are you.

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1 hour ago, Dodo said:

If you are in that state and you feel like chasing a mystical experience, sure, but you seem to not be satisfied with your "ordinary" state which hints to me that you are not following the ramana maharshi stuff you have taught me

Then you didn't fully grasp that ramana maharshi stuff that I taught you ?... Let me adjust something for ya......... 

You can't go "wrong".. You are the eternal Self.. You are God regardless of what you do.. What you think.. Whether you are satisfied with your experience.. Not satisfied.. Or in between.   The ultimate teaching is there is no teaching.  A teaching of any kind  is still in the realm of duality.. It assumes a you that is outside of everything that can or should do a specific one thing.. One right thing.. And all other options are false .  That's what you are preaching recently.  Now you are entering the realm of dogma..of religion.  Of right vs wrong. Of this the way and whoever doesn't follow it is an evil sinner. 

Consider this.... There is nothing outside of everything that needs a teaching or a one right formula. You are a drop in the ocean bro.. One with the ocean..Everything is the Self unfolding in a perfect eternal harmony.  Which means you are free and safe.. and you can't ever get it wrong.. because wrong does not exist except inside your skull. 

.  You go on teaching people to stop chasing experiences and recognize that they are already the Self.. Without recognizing that this very chasing of experiences is itself the Self. ?

Edited by Someone here

"life is not a problem to be solved ..its a mystery to be lived "


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2 hours ago, Someone here said:

Then you didn't fully grasp that ramana maharshi stuff that I taught you ?... Let me adjust something for ya......... 

You can't go "wrong".. You are the eternal Self.. You are God regardless of what you do.. What you think.. Whether you are satisfied with your experience.. Not satisfied.. Or in between.   The ultimate teaching is there is no teaching.  A teaching of any kind  is still in the realm of duality.. It assumes a you that is outside of everything that can or should do a specific one thing.. One right thing.. And all other options are false .  That's what you are preaching recently.  Now you are entering the realm of dogma..of religion.  Of right vs wrong. Of this the way and whoever doesn't follow it is an evil sinner. 

Consider this.... There is nothing outside of everything that needs a teaching or a one right formula. You are a drop in the ocean bro.. One with the ocean..Everything is the Self unfolding in a perfect eternal harmony.  Which means you are free and safe.. and you can't ever get it wrong.. because wrong does not exist except inside your skull. 

.  You go on teaching people to stop chasing experiences and recognize that they are already the Self.. Without recognizing that this very chasing of experiences is itself the Self. ?

If you can't go wrong, why are you telling me I got it all wrong ????

Thanks for teaching me these stuff its important.

Now tell me what is that which is seeking to have a mystical experience and why not having a mystical experience is considered less desirable? 

Was it not Ramana who said "everything that will happen will happen try and stop it".

Ramana was the opposite of a chaser, he let everything come to him or not, if it was not meant to be. If you chase mystical experience, abundance and anything else, that means you are not it, because you want to add it on to yourself - and you attract that which you are, not what tou want.

So what I'm saying is you will attract mystical experiences if you do not chase and try to hack your way into one. Especially if you want to enter from the door of being and not just look at a mystical experience  through the window. 

There is no ultimate difference between being selfless and selfish, so be selfless. Why not? There is a relative difference.  There is no difference between chasing and not chasing, so why not stop chasing and see what happens if you trust a higher intelligence than yourself and you put your waking self identity in its hands.

Free yourself from attachment; Free yourself from fear; Free yourself from desire; Take deep breaths through the diaphragm and train that muscle; Meditate and meld with reality; Never skip spirit day 🙏 🤲 Don't have enemies, they are you.

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@Dodo first of all you have to understand.. You are not here on this earth to live the life of ramana maharshi.. That was his life.. His way of relating to existence.... You are here to live your life.. Your way of relating to existence...why should you listen to what ramana said and follow it?  How do you know he is not full of shit? What makes ramana's teaching better in any way than the teachings of a prostitute?     

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"life is not a problem to be solved ..its a mystery to be lived "


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54 minutes ago, Dodo said:

There is no ultimate difference between being selfless and selfish, so be selfless. Why not? There is a relative difference.  There is no difference between chasing and not chasing, so why not stop chasing and see what happens if you trust a higher intelligence than yourself and you put your waking self identity in its hands.

Again this is a teaching.. A teaching is for separation.. For duality.. For the ego. When ONENESS is recognized.. All that becomes laughable.  There is nothing that should be done. Who would do it?  There is no one. Separate. 

This whole selfish vs selfless thing.. I don't buy it. They go together. It's not bad or good to be selfish or to be selfless. 

"life is not a problem to be solved ..its a mystery to be lived "


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1 hour ago, Someone here said:

Again this is a teaching.. A teaching is for separation.. For duality.. For the ego. When ONENESS is recognized.. All that becomes laughable.  There is nothing that should be done. Who would do it?  There is no one. Separate. 

This whole selfish vs selfless thing.. I don't buy it. They go together. It's not bad or good to be selfish or to be selfless. 

You don't buy it? The separare self you! Don't be so quick buckaroo!! Enlightened ego is the trickiest ego of the bunch. You taught me ramana maharshi too well. I will not fail you, my master. 


Free yourself from attachment; Free yourself from fear; Free yourself from desire; Take deep breaths through the diaphragm and train that muscle; Meditate and meld with reality; Never skip spirit day 🙏 🤲 Don't have enemies, they are you.

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@Someone here It's intention and effort. In my experience the method doesn't really matter. We all know what needs to be done but we don't do it. 

Your method doesn't matter. The universe will set down the keys you really need in front of you. 

My most recent mystical experience came in the form of a dream last night. In my dream, I was captured by terrorists after being shot. 

And I was scared I could die at any moment. And the genuine fear of death, it shocked me into intense gratitude and appreciation for life and the present moment. So within the dream I entered a mystical state.

Knowing that life can be taken away just like that. And I woke up feeling refreshed with a good day. 


I hesitate to give this speculation, but I shall anyway. It feels as though any method only unlocks and unleashes whatever you yourself "built up" and "accumulated". However the effort can be done and built up, ready to be unleashed, in doing the method as well. 

I haven't quite made sense of it. This is my experience with methods of meditation and kundalini yoga. Albeit I'm no regular guy with these things as of late. 

Edited by lmfao

Hark ye yet again — the little lower layer. All visible objects, man, are but as pasteboard masks. But in each event — in the living act, the undoubted deed — there, some unknown but still reasoning thing puts forth the mouldings of its features from behind the unreasoning mask. If man will strike, strike through the mask! How can the prisoner reach outside except by thrusting through the wall? To me, the white whale is that wall, shoved near to me. Sometimes I think there's naught beyond. But 'tis enough.

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2 hours ago, Someone here said:

@Dodo first of all you have to understand.. You are not here on this earth to live the life of ramana maharshi.. That was his life.. His way of relating to existence.... You are here to live your life.. Your way of relating to existence...why should you listen to what ramana said and follow it?  How do you know he is not full of shit? What makes ramana's teaching better in any way than the teachings of a prostitute?     

What if I told you I am on this earth to be a jnani? Pretty much why my soul wanted to incarnate on this planet as the little D. Thats not absolutely true, its an intuition I have, i tend to trust my intuition. 

Everyone is the Self, but few hone down and actually know the Self/abide as the Self. No practice does not mean do anything. It means the practice is to let go of practices and striving for the small self to become bigger.

Its about letting go of identification with the small self. This is not done by practice, but by abiding as the pure awareness / consciousness out of which the light appears.

It's not a doing, its a being, but if you keep doing doing doing selfish action on top of it, you are veiling your true identity with a dense ego identity.

Then you are the Self but the shine does not go through,  unless your ego identity is made transparent by practicing selfless action.

Because the small self cannot stop doing, its his nature, it needs to learn to do in a way that does not create more karma for itself and in a way to not make the cloud dark and thick, but rather a good cloud which lets the sunshine through. 

Hope ya feel this is true on an intuitive level.

Edited by Dodo

Free yourself from attachment; Free yourself from fear; Free yourself from desire; Take deep breaths through the diaphragm and train that muscle; Meditate and meld with reality; Never skip spirit day 🙏 🤲 Don't have enemies, they are you.

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@Dodo check this chick out.. I don't feel like rambling all day.. She says it better than I can ever say it anyways. 


"life is not a problem to be solved ..its a mystery to be lived "


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1 hour ago, Someone here said:

@Dodo check this chick out.. I don't feel like rambling all day.. She says it better than I can ever say it anyways. 


Lul you found the person to share her with. I was posting her like mental few weeks ago and she was on my signature, you mightve picked her up from me! Might not.

Hehehe yeah :) I agree wth her and disagree with you, because you're chasing experiences.

I am saying I don't feel that you're really relaxed in being and not sure that your seeking a mystical experience is just the fruit of being. It seems like an egoic quest to be bigger as the character. It might be just me.

Also check out her vid titled "Nondual Vibrancy" its my fav. 

How are you not seeing that what she is saying is that right now is a mystery, you are, right now, having a mysterious/mystical experience.  Its only your egothat has nornalised this. 

Have a closer look. This is a crazy ass experience and nobody knows what thefuq this is. They only know their normalised projection. They, we, same thing. I include myself in this. Not exempt.

Thats why its important to just calm down, breathe a little and let WHAT IS just be. Not to seek to change what is to be more mystical, because it already is.

If you don't see it now, then you will always seek for experiences and you will join the ranks of people who" get there" and then" lose it" which means they never really got there. Because "there" is always here and now.

Edited by Dodo

Free yourself from attachment; Free yourself from fear; Free yourself from desire; Take deep breaths through the diaphragm and train that muscle; Meditate and meld with reality; Never skip spirit day 🙏 🤲 Don't have enemies, they are you.

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38 minutes ago, Dodo said:

Thats why its important to just calm down, breathe a little and let WHAT IS just be. Not to seek to change what is to be more mystical, because it already is.

So why you seek so hard to make me not seek this freaking mystical experience?  Why don't you just breathe a little and let  what is just be(which is me seeking the Mystical experience) ? ?

"life is not a problem to be solved ..its a mystery to be lived "


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4 minutes ago, Someone here said:

So why you seek so hard to make me not seek this freaking mystical experience?  Why don't you just breathe a little and let  what is just be(which is me seeking the Mystical experience) ? ?

Hehehehehhe nice trick theere

but I am trying to show you that you're already having a mystical experience and that your search is over. There you go

tadaaa gg wp 

My dude you are wearing the hat and you're looking for the hat! Of course I'm gonna tell you to stop looking! Hahahah otherwise you're bound to look in the wrong place  

Edited by Dodo

Free yourself from attachment; Free yourself from fear; Free yourself from desire; Take deep breaths through the diaphragm and train that muscle; Meditate and meld with reality; Never skip spirit day 🙏 🤲 Don't have enemies, they are you.

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Starve yourself nearly to death like the Buddha did (I don't actually recommend that).

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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@Dodo seriously are you trolling at this point?  Why so freaking annoying about to have a mystical experience and become enlightened from the level of patience that is necessary to argue with you at this point lol.....

"life is not a problem to be solved ..its a mystery to be lived "


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4 minutes ago, Someone here said:

@Dodo seriously are you trolling at this point?  Why so freaking annoying about to have a mystical experience and become enlightened from the level of patience that is necessary to argue with you at this point lol.....

There you go, I'm glad I've been of service. Next 

Hehehe but I assure you Im not trolling

You wiping your ass is a mystical experience. I mean WHAT THE ACTUAL FUQ?? You 're a human on a rock flying in the middle of an ocean of stars and planets and you have these things called legs and hands and you're wiping your butt after you went for a poo??? WHAT ... THE... FUCK. How are you doing that???? How ??? whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat xD 

Seriously though, I think my pointings are pretty  good  and direct if you see past the projection you have of me! I am not trying to one-up you, we are the same being.  

Edited by Dodo

Free yourself from attachment; Free yourself from fear; Free yourself from desire; Take deep breaths through the diaphragm and train that muscle; Meditate and meld with reality; Never skip spirit day 🙏 🤲 Don't have enemies, they are you.

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