
Help the dark souls and suicidal.

11 posts in this topic

Hey everyone, I want to create a virtual platform, in which there will be reasons given for -why we should continue our journey of life till we die naturally.  People are suicidal and this is increasing, I lost my dear friend. 


The first thing I am thinking to do is sharing cards that have got reasons printed or questions that ask one to continue living. These cards will be shared  mostly with college graduates, and high school students. When further content develops  all platforms like FB , YouTube can be used to discuss further and bring clarity and order in life. 


Motive of this : to help find reason to continue amid all negativity. 


Any suggestions ?



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The one thing I'll say is that you're going to have to learn to pace yourself and take a break when you need it.

The demand for this kind of help is overwhelming. I've hopped on the depression forums or subreddits before to try and help people out, and it's like a deluge. There is a constant flood of people posting for help and support. I would respond to one message, and 3 more are posted in the meantime. You can respond to suicidal/depressed people for hours straight as fast as you can, and just barely hold the line.

It's extremely fatiguing and emotionally hard to constantly surround yourself with depressed/suicidal people. So you need to give yourself a chance to recharge so you don't get burned out. Especially if you're dealing with people 1 on 1.

Also I've found that there will always be some people you can't help, and don't even seem to want help. They post online about how suicidal or depressed they are, but also shoot down every possible suggestion or attempt to cheer them up. Some people have been depressed for so long that they're just addicted to complaining and it's the only meaning left in their life.

I dunno how I feel about handing out physical cards. My guess is 95% will get discarded. Generally people will only seem to want help or reach out once they're seriously depressed. So some kind of online platform that people can find and access 24/7 would be better. I think making a website that lists all of your reasons, maybe have one display and a button they can click to display a new random reason, would be an infinitely better use of your time.

Edited by Yarco

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I'm sorry that you lost a friend to suicide. I admire your intention to help other people in similar situations.

The idea of suicide originates from three factors: I'm in pain. I'm alone. And I see no end to it. 

I think that the significance of a community is for people to talk about it openly. Suicidal people believe they are the only ones who think about it. If they know how many people are struggling with doors closed, the suicidal thoughts would drop instantly. 

People won't be killed by suffering. People are killed by suffering alone. 

Another thing is that addressing too much on positivity may not help. For me, positivity was repulsive when I felt hopeless. What truly helps is negativity met with compassion, knowledge, stories, and awareness. 

I'd also like to share with you Teal Swan's insights on suicide: 


With all of such good intentions, we still can't prevent suicide by 100 percent. But it's worth the effort. Thank you for your leadership and bravery. Wish you all the best! 

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@susanyzm thankyou for the suggestions. I will take care of these things and thanks for the video.

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6 minutes ago, Shyamal said:

@susanyzm thankyou for the suggestions. I will take care of these things and thanks for the video.

@Shyamal My heart goes out to you, I’m sorry for your loss. Suicide is a haunting thing. It leaves all parties with darkness. You wonder what they must have thought, what you could have done, what if’s about it all.
Thank you for putting your energy into this.

Speaking from my own experiences I believe depression comes in many levels. From sadness to fear, to hopelessness and destruction. And after having been depressed  for most of my life, I’ve come to find peace in the darkness that others see as a hopeless abyss. This year has been so hard for many. I have found myself in a place where I can burst out in ecstatic joy and crawling back into my wicked thoughts from moment to moment. So what do you say to those that have found darkness to be their home?

One has to find meaning, discover a purpose, some reason why you have to continue to breathe. And with something greater to live for, one can move beyond the self. But it’s so much harder than that. Because today’s world has become so unnatural and toxic. A lot of people are dead before they die.

Questions for you. 
What is the number one thing that is missing in your life? 
What can you do right now that would give you joy? 
What do you Love about yourself? 
Where do you want to be in 1 year? 
What is a dream you want to have? 
What is keeping you back? 
What is your purpose here on Earth?

?❤️ thank you

Is all that we see or seem

But a dream within a dream?

- Edgar Allen Poe 

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@Yarco Were the people willing to pay you and did you schedule private chats, or did you respond for free on those subforums in general?

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I acutally just found out that my life purpose is to help people find inner peace through developing a healthy relationship with death, which of course includes dealing with the issue of suicidal notions as well. If you're interested, I'm glad to share some ideas and experiences some time!

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@Shyamal I'm with you and can feel your pain. I lost 2 of my only true friends both to suicide.

I  think for 80% of people they just need more opportunity, something to aim towards, a sense of hope and more social connections, more activity. 

** Having said that though, one of the friends had plenty opportunity, I wonder if some people just get depression too bad, genetic susceptibility. I feel that mushrooms might have helped him.

Edited by Striving for more

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Just wait and things will change. You never know what will happen 2,3,5,10 years from now. You will look back and be happy that you didn't do something stupid back then. 

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