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How is a siddhi developed?

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So from what I've read you gain a siddhi (an ability) by meditating or doing yoga enough, such as being able to heal supernaturally.

Do you just wake up one day and have it? Or do you set the intention to develop a specific siddhi? Are there examples of people using siddhis?

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@tenta They are developed or unlocked through meditation or yoga. Everybody has them, but it's not yet learned to do. It's like reading, very few people understand that it's a miracle that you can read. Imagine being in the middle ages and having some text given to you by a priest and not being able to read it, so you search everywhere for a person who can read, it's like magic.

In my experience on deep levels of consciousness I could control the weather if I use enough imagination. I've read and heard about it, but didn't take it seriously, but somehow on those states you kinda know that you can do it. And it's like a totally normal.


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The purpose of meditation is to get rid of all the mental noise, not to gain superpowers. They should come naturally when the mind-body is ready. I think that spending time in nature is essential besides eating healthy and eliminating stress. The mind cannot transcend its limitations if the body doesn't work properly because the body affects the mind and vice versa. So you should start with the basics. Once you don't identify with your body anymore (because if it hurts and influence you mentally, you won't be able to detach from it) you should work towards purifying your mind more and more. And meditation helps you wash all the mental mess. But superpowers shouldn't be the purpose if your goal isn't to help others. When you're healthy and your mind is pure, you can feel heaven on earth and that's the only thing that actually matters to you ?

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7 hours ago, herghly said:

Read dean radins books.

I was unfamiliar but found this video interview with Radins


Edited by Nak Khid

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7 hours ago, herghly said:

Read dean radins books.

What book specifically?

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This has a lot of information about Siddhis in the Indian texts, Vidanta is especially critical of Siddhis however

must read

The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, The Threads of Union
Translation by BonGiovanni




"He broke an egg over my head and a black ribbon came out of it "


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