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How to make exercise less exhausting

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In my personal experience, phisically you need to implement some time rest, train with More controlled reps. Find some schedule training based on activities that dont have that "IM SWEATING AND HAVING DIFFICULT TO BREATHE", i'm actually doing Strentgh Training, more explosive and intensity is high, but the things you feel after this exercises are fatigue and a little bit tried(I ALWAYS feel better). 

On the mind set, start to focus on the exercise, enjoy that feeling, when you do this, your mind is not worried about all happening on you, you'll feel calm and sereno with feelings and pain.

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@kagaria Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but the pain and exhaustion ain't going anywhere! There is no silencing it.

There is solace though. By doing it over and over and training, you will reduce the levels of those things. The hardest part is always the beginning, but it's comparatively smooth sailing after you get into it.

And with enough time eventually you'll change your relationship and perspective on the negative feelings of exercise. They'll start to become actually somewhat enjoyable for you. Because you'll realize the pain and exhaustion is an indicator that your body is feeling resistance and therefore getting stronger and healthier!


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Just keep working at it, you'll start to like it.


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