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What is concentration ?

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How can I cultivate this/ what is it in essence ? 

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Concentration is the power of god/ego to conjure up creation.


''Not this...

Not this...

PLEASE...Not this...''

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Sometimes it’s more effective to express all that arises appearing to prevent concentration. As mental distractions arise when you desire to & attempt to concentrate, by default you’re aware of them. Write them down over a few days period. You’ll essentially have a list of ‘your’ karma and attachments to body, mental patterns and identity. Inspect those to understand and see through them. Be more open minded than you have thus far, and be patient, loving, understanding, and forgiving with yourself and others. You’ll likely free yourself of things like guilt, shame, hypocrisy, dishonesty and denial, and it will be more worthwhile than can be imagined before doing the inspection work. You will also likely reveal to yourself ways you’ve been avoiding doing such an inspection & compensating for it. Be prepared to discover fundamental, foundational misunderstandings about yourself & your world / reality. Look for cultural, psychological and environmentally influenced beliefs & views you adopted in regards to how you think about yourself & others, and how you relate with other people in your relationships. Much of what is thought to be known in thinking / thought at the surface level ‘cover’s up’ what is going on in emotions. Researching defensive mechanisms and the development of coping mechanisms can be most informative & fruitful. Such discoveries can appear to be scary or intimidating at first, but keep in mind they’re equal to the burden of distraction and stand to be let go & thus greatly liberating. If beliefs arise, to the contrary, that is, that ‘you’ have a problem with concentration, trace it back to when & how it started. Again, be sure to write on paper rather than trying to understand & ‘figure it out’ in your thoughts only. The emotional scale is an ideal tool for this, if you utilize it properly (give it a google). The key is expressing emotions. The key to that is ultimately forgiveness.



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Let us look at the etymology of the word. Maybe the word itself can tell us what it is.

concentrate (v.)  - to bring or come to a common center. 

So the word literally means to find a center of something. But a center of what? The center of whatever we focus on. If you focus on finding money, you might find the money. If you focus on finding God, you might find God. Concentration is the process of focusing on what is it that you want to find.

Let us look at it from another perspective. If we split the word, we would get Con and Center

con - persuade (someone) to do or believe something by lying to them.

center - the point from which an activity or process is directed, or on which it is focused.

To concentrate is to persuade yourself to a point that is not yourself. I had to use your concentration to lie to you that I know the definition of concentration while I don't. :) 

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