
How to learn basic productivity and habits?

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I feel like I did the classic mistake of going through the self-actualization pyramid upside down. I studied a lot of the principles taught on this site and am fairly confident in my connection to spirit, purpose in this world, finding my fulfillment, making sure my actions aren't extremely selfish, etc but I struggle with being a functional member of society on a basic level.

My schedule is a mess and my habits are extremely inconsistent. I will meditate for a few days than not do it for a couple of weeks, same thing with reading, same thing with journaling, etc. I struggle to the point of not being able to be focused and motivated enough to just get a job and pay my own bills. I feel like I'm more conscious than most of the adults I see yet I'm not as productive as a random college student.

Anyone else struggles with this? 

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I’ve struggled with these sorts of inconsistencies a lot in the past. I just started reading one of the best books I’ve read in a long time called “Atomic Habits”. I highly recommend checking it out for good advice on how to create new healthy habits that will get you further in life. Lots of actionable advice in the book. If you can’t find the motivation to read, there is an audio version on audible that you can get with a free trial :)

"Move and the way will open."
– Zen Proverb

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@LordFall maybe I can help since I seem to be the total opposite of what you are describing. I entered into the field of personal development via becoming a productivity junkie. I felt overwhelmed with my university courses and started to look for ways to improve my personal workflows.

There are countless resources out there about personal productivity, many of which are really worthwhile to consume (e.g. like the above mentioned Atomic Habits). Don't go for the free resources out there if you can. Spend a few bucks on a good resource (1-2 courses, books, ...) and consume them consciously. Contemplate them. It will be worthwhile your time.

Also, please note that you will not be able to find a system out there that is 100% made for you. You should aim to grasp the productivity principles (like you say you did with those other areas) and then build up your personal productivity system tailored exactly for you. In this process, try not to jump around many different systems. Choose workflows that come naturally and adapt them slightly over time as you grow and learn. 


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It would be worthwhile to focus on having a main habit that you consistently do every day. I would recommend mediation for that and keep working on that and growing it well. But I started with exercise myself and found that the best for my situation, however I have traded it off to mediation for every day. I maybe take a day off a week for exercise. Sometimes none at all though. 

It can be hard to juggle a high amount of habits at once and that is why I recommend having the main focus. Eventually you will have a few that are built up. But you need to really get one down for about 2 months and it will start to form in a more concrete habit. 

I have a lot of habits going and I find that to be one of the best ways to live. Sometimes some will drop off as I get sick, or other things happen in life. But as long as I stick to the core ones, then everything seems to recover fine and I start to reintroduce those other habits later.  As you go you can start building a morning routine that will help you grow exponentially each day and get a lot more done. We all get the same amount of time, but if you use it efficiently, then you can get a lot more out of it. 


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Reset the board and start from the scratch. 

Ask yourself, "What is the one most important habit I want to adopt right now?" Once you know the answer ask yourself: 

"What are the practical step for me to start implementing it every day"? Draw a roadmap: It could be something int terms of: 
1. Define the best time of the day : 7:00 every morning
2. Define the length: 15 minutes for a start
3. Define the place: My living room sofa
4. What do I do to prevent distraction: turn off phone, close windows and blinds, switch off my PC

And finally, what worked for me was: "what happens if I skip a day?" 

This year, I have set myself a penalty of sending £20 to an organisation I hate if I skip my meditation. I have not skipped a single one yet, proud to say. 

And stay on this one habit for 1-2 month. Once you feel you have achieved consistency, you can look into implementing another. As mentioned by guys before, don't try to start too many or they will all fail and create a lot of pressure. It is also important not to compare yourself with others and when people say they have all these awesome habits etc....many of them are just full of shit. 


“If you find yourself acting to impress others, or avoiding action out of fear of what they might think, you have left the path.” ― Epictetus

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Useful Advice was giving by the Authors before me. I want to add that the on/off is a normal part of the path for many. I experienced it and many I have talked with. Time is the magic ingredient. It's not linear growth and sometimes you have to go back to go further on your path.

I hope this helps.


Edited by supremeyingyang

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Just focus on one habit, until you have a solid feeling around it. If you are struggling with finances, well find a habit that suits what you need. People tend to implement pointless habits sometimes... For me the key of implementing new habits is connecting them. Maybe you already have a solid meditation habit, well if you want to develop a reading habit, it would be best that you connect those two. say to yourself "Before/after meditating I will read some pages of my book".

If you don't have any "positive" habits, well link them with "negative" habits, hell you can even link the habit of brushing your teeth with something else. The key is to not rush, or implement 30 habits in a row. Remember that your brain is always going to trick you


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a true conscious person won't neglect his own day to day stuff either.

everything is the habit. make a note of what you are supposed to do on daily basis and do it everyday and put the tick mark beside them or do it with  your mobile application.


"If you kick me when I'm down, you better pray I don't get up"

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