
The Neutral Consciousness state

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IF there is a neutral consciousness state then surely that knocks reasonings on the head.If reasoning has been neutralised then what takes over.Does a belief system take over?

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1 hour ago, Prevailer said:

IF there is a neutral consciousness state then surely that knocks reasonings on the head.

What does a 'neutral consciousness state' even mean?

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5 minutes ago, Lento said:

What does a 'neutral consciousness state' even mean?

I don’t know....or maybe I do know? IF there is a neutral consciousness state. It does your head in thinking about it.It would appear that you can’t have a reasoning without having an equal and opposite counter reasoning.

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1 minute ago, Prevailer said:


It would appear that you can’t have a reasoning without having an equal and opposite counter reasoning.

I honestly have no idea what you're talking about, but this quote seems like a reasoning that you'd consider true without an equal and opposite counter reasoning.

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@Lento I totally understand why you come to the conclusions you have come to.At the end of the day I go in and I come out when it comes to meditation.If we think of an atom there is a positive;negative and a neutral.We can’t deny that there is a neutral.I apply what I have learnt from my inward meditations to the building up of myself rather than the dismantling of myself.I dismantled myself for years.I apply +;-;neutral to my consciousness states My negative state is when I am in the autopilot state.My positive state is when I am in the present moment state.I drift between the two constantly but have learnt to stay in the present moment more than not.The Still state I have not yet got to the bottom of.Thoughts and reasonings are null and void in the above process.

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You should probably learn some more accurate terminology when it comes to spirituality, consciousness, and whatever you are talking about. Vague terms such as ''Neutral Consciousness'' can be very easily misinterpreted by others...

“The psychotic drowns in the same waters in which the mystic swims with delight.”

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5 hours ago, Prevailer said:

@Lento I totally understand why you come to the conclusions you have come to.At the end of the day I go in and I come out when it comes to meditation.If we think of an atom there is a positive;negative and a neutral.We can’t deny that there is a neutral.I apply what I have learnt from my inward meditations to the building up of myself rather than the dismantling of myself.I dismantled myself for years.I apply +;-;neutral to my consciousness states My negative state is when I am in the autopilot state.My positive state is when I am in the present moment state.I drift between the two constantly but have learnt to stay in the present moment more than not.The Still state I have not yet got to the bottom of.Thoughts and reasonings are null and void in the above process.

This is the creation of a construct. Nothing wrong with that, I think up all sorts of constructs throughout the day. I just keep in mind that building these constructs are like building sandcastles. They are not made of objective concrete.

In the past, my mind was oriented toward building concrete theoretical structures and it caused all sorts of problems. My mind was hyper analytical, rigid and contracted. This also caused internal distress. I found it helpful to learn to develop mind fluidity, which I find to be far superior.This has allowed me to be more observant and creative. It has allowed a sense of awe and magnificence to enter. It has increased my quality of life.

In the above example, we could continue to build concrete constructs - or we can dissolve the constructs and allow space for new creative appearances. Yet it also involves letting go of attachment and identification to my previous constructs.

Lets start with the analogy of atoms.  . . An ion has a (+) or (-) charge. This is a duality of two poles. What would “neutral” be? Is neutral the abscence of a charge? Sure, we could say that “neutral” is neither a (+) or (-) charge. Yet, neutral is also BOTH a (+) and (-) charge. A molecule that has both a (+) and (-) ion is neutral. So neutral is neither (+) or (-) and both (+) and (-). . . . This can get into some deep observations about opposites. The mind is conditioned to think in opposites and this is a great opportunity for expansion. For me, allowing space for insights to arise is important. If my mind starts thinking up all sorts of theoretical concepts, there won’t be any room for other types of appearances. In this case, I would find it helpful to just stop at “Neutral is neither (+) or (-) and both (+) and (-) and stop theorizing. I would allow empty space and go hiking in nature and observe the interplay between opposites in nature. The combination of an empty mind, curiosity and observation is fertile ground for amazing things to arise.

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@SamueLSD  I’ve developed my own terminologies.It probably is a different language to some people.For me anyway the neutral consciousness state is the still consciousness state.This is the consciousness state that my full attention is now focussed on.Deep inward meditation I.e. just one way is not the answer for me.The secret is is to go in and then come out and apply what you have learnt from your inward meditations to your outward meditations.A fuller understanding of consciousness states then becomes more apparent.It is not a walk for the faint hearted though.

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@Serotoninluv Neutral for me is more to do with awareness/consciousness states rather than thoughts/reasonings.We can choose between + or - or we can choose to not choose at all but reject both.

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8 minutes ago, Prevailer said:

@Serotoninluv Neutral for me is more to do with awareness/consciousness states rather than thoughts/reasonings.

A “neutral awareness/conscious state” is a thought.

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8 minutes ago, Prevailer said:

It’s an experience,period.

What is an experience without any thoughts defining it?

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13 minutes ago, Prevailer said:

@Serotoninluv You need to find out for yourself

I observe that the mind likes to define “experience” through thoughts. For example “This is positive. This is negative. This is a neutral state of awareness”. 

The mind can think “That was a neutral state of awareness”. And if the mind believes it, it becomes a neutral state of awareness and not a negative or positive state! It’s like magic. 

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The neutral mind is a still state state of mind and doesn’t engage in thought, whether this be by either visualisation or voice or a combination of both.The neutral mind does not stays where it is.

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13 minutes ago, Prevailer said:

The neutral mind is a still state state of mind and doesn’t engage in thought, whether this be by either visualisation or voice or a combination of both.The neutral mind does not stays where it is.

If you think so, it becomes so. It’s beautiful how we create our reality. 

A fun exercise is to just BE without thought and never define it through thought. After a while, the thinking mind will try to categorize and define it as a “thing” different from another “thing”. For example “That was a neutral mind that didn’t move”. There is nothing wrong with that, it can be fun and practical in life. Yet its also very insightful to just BE without defining anything as a “thing”. This allows for modes of being that are non-defined by thoughts. Yet the thinking mind can’t stand this. It wants to jump in and create a narrative. 

Anytime the mind thinks “is” - that is a thought story. “X is Y” or “A neutral mind is a sill state of mind”. 

The thought “A neutral state of mind is a still state of mind” IS the thought “A neutral state  of mind is a still state of mind”. 


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@Serotoninluv My thinking mind can stand it and is perfectly in peace with it.You must be on the wrong path.

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@Prevailer @Prevaileryou need to separate the thinking mind from the i am.You work back from the i am back into the thinking mind which you appear to be struggling with and then and back in touch with the body.

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@Prevailer If we believe the thought “a neutral mind is a still mind” is true, how can we realize that a busy mind is a still mind?

If I believe the thought “I need to separate the thinking mind from the I Am”, how can I realize the thinking mind is the I Am?

If a thought appears and we believe it’s true, the mind will be limited to that thought belief and not see the truth in it’s opposite. To hold a belief, the mind must use it’s opposite as contrast. We cannot have one without the other. Both are true and false. 

I’m just bringing this up because there seems to be attachment that thoughts are true. 

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