
From Boy To Beast

224 posts in this topic

Done With School!

6 o'clock dayz - back to six o'clock dayz because I just did some research about sleeping. You have to have order in your sleep that way you sleep better. You get faster in deep sleep and if you do it for long enough you wake up automatically.

Meditation (20 min) - I realize that meditating during the day gets me into some kind of weird state. I was walking around and feeling like this world we live in is bullshit with all our electronics, cars and money. Its all just distractions from us slowly dying. You would think it is "smart" that we created all these things but its just evolution at play. We are asleep just making and analyzing things to better the world to let more humans live on this planet, to sustain more humans. But in the end these humans that we create are asleep doing bullshit to achieve more asleep people on this floating rock. How about we look to ourselves once and just realize that the majority of things we do is just bullshit. And we should focus on understanding ourselves more, not doing our auto-pilot shit of expanding the human species.

Gym (Mon, Wen, Fri) 


  • Create online business
  • No alcohol

Holy moly whoo whoo shit above here. Epifany's dropping like bombs in my head. This time I did not only understand what Leo meant I suddenly felt it or something. Tomorrow I'm going to focus on my business list. 1 day I was very productive in my business and then school got in the way so tomorrow I will go hard at it again. Plus I need to meditate more.

- The Dude

Edited by dude
- The Dude

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6 o'clock dayz - 9 o'clock

Meditation (20 min) - With mindfulness meditation I use the cycles that Leo said. At first I thought I would run out of things to notice but there is always something happening it's very funny how the mind blocks information out.

Gym (Mon, Wen, Fri) 


  • Create online business
    • Article 2
    • Article 3
    • Painted my new board for the e-book
  • No alcohol

Woke up late but managed to still do things for my business. Also watched a documentary century of self, quite interesting.

- The Dude

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as fuck

6 o'clock dayz - 7 o'clock

Meditation (20 min) - Done.

Gym (Mon, Wen, Fri) 


  • Create online business
    • Article 3
    • Clear coated my board almost done!
  • No alcohol

Climbing is cool as fuck. Waking up at 6 o'clock is hard as fuck. Life is weird as fuck. Everytime I lay in bed and its like why should I wake up early I can just lay here and do noting but I need to first establish this habit. From now on its on.

- The Dude

Edited by dude

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6 o'clock dayz - 6:30 o'clock

Meditation (20 min) - Done. Streak on 14. to Infinity and beyond.

Gym (Mon, Wen, Fri) 


  • Create online business
  • No alcohol << I use alcohol as a crutch to be a funny guy.

Work and did another layer of clear coat on my board. Then worked out. Browsed YouTube. Read the 7 habits and got an insight about planning more on that later. Went to the cinema and chilled the the bar. Now I am going to rest. 

- The Dude

Edited by dude

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6 o'clock dayz - 6:30 o'clock

Meditation (20 min) - Gona do now.

Gym (Mon, Wen, Fri) 


  • Create online business
  • No alcohol << lol

Worked, finished my longboard as seen above. Wrote a article for makealongboard. Tommorow I will create the mailing plugin. And mission statement and 7 habits of highly effective people effectiveness

- The Dude

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Pokemon Go

6 o'clock dayz - 6:45 o'clock

Meditation (20 min) - Gona do now. (did not do it WTF)

Gym (Mon, Wen, Fri) 


  • Create online business
  • No alcohol

Worked, went to my grandmothers birthday. And playing pokemon go I am getting addicted.

- The Dude

Edited by dude
meditation breaks

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Pokemon Go

6 o'clock dayz - 9:00 o'clock

Meditation (20 min) - 

Gym (Mon, Wen, Fri)


  • Create online business
  • No alcohol

Pokemon go the whole day so I fucked up my account and deleted it because I am wondering of of the narrow path of succes.

- The Dude

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Work, Business, Play

6 o'clock dayz - 6:30 o'clock

Meditation (20 min) - 

Gym (Mon, Wen, Fri)


  • Create online business
  • No alcohol

Worked and put a mailing list on my site so you can sign up also installed google analytics. So the Pokemon Go delete worked for a little bit but then my I went to my friends and they were all playing Pokemon Go so I downloaded it again. I need to keep a balance tho. I now understand the saying that goes like this. The path of success is learning to reject things.

- The Dude

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6 o'clock dayz - 6:30 o'clock

Meditation (20 min) - My concentration is getting weaker when meditating

Gym (Mon, Wen, Fri)


  • Create online business
  • No alcohol

Bruv U even conscious of what ur doing bruv? Fucked up my whole day. After work I don't have the willpower to do anything.

- The Dude

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On Top

6 o'clock dayz - 9:30 o'clock

Meditation (20 min) - Good meditation

Gym (Mon, Wen, Fri)


  • Create online business
  • No alcohol

On top of my shit again. Read a bit. Worked on my site. And I had a very deep talk about meditation with my father. I'm trying a new week schedule from the book 7 habits of effective people. 

- The Dude

Edited by dude

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6 o'clock dayz - 7:00 o'clock

Meditation (20 min)

Gym (Mon, Wen, Fri)


  • Create online business
  • No alcohol

A sea of red.. 

- The Dude

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6 o'clock dayz - 7:00 o'clock

Meditation (20 min)

Gym (Mon, Wen, Fri)


  • Create online business
  • No alcohol

I failed to write a post yesterday. Sometimes when I come home late from a party I just want to sleep. So I don't make a post. I'm thinking of quitting my side job. All the people there just drain me of energy and when I come home I'm in a haze and can't do anything anymore. If I quit I can focus on my LP (Life Purpose) full time.

- The Dude

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Beatifull Wheather

6 o'clock dayz - 7:00 o'clock

Meditation (20 min)

Gym (Mon, Wen, Fri)


  • Create online business
  • No alcohol

Failed my driving test. Worked on my business. and went longboarding and chilling in a boat. Discovered Gary Vanderchuck hes my type of guy so I will be watching him on yt for business hustle.

- The Dude

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Green Green

6 o'clock dayz - 6:05 o'clock

Meditation (20 min)

Gym (Mon, Wen, Fri)


  • Create online business
  • No alcohol

It was really hot today so I enjoyed the weather. I did not work on my business at all but I did get everything green YAY! I recognize that I'm in a different head-space when I started this journal. When I started this journal I was making a lot of examinations and models in my head. Thinking deeply about things. Now I'm just going through my day and I don't have any epiphanies anymore. I don't know if this is a bad thing? Maybe I'm more present while it doesn't feel like it. I guess I was more ''with my head in the clouds" while now I'm actively thinking about business and how to grow. I guess there are times for both but when fully developed both can be done simultaneously because of your growth of awareness.

- The Dude

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6 o'clock dayz - 8:00 o'clock

Meditation (20 min)

Gym (Mon, Wen, Fri)


  • Create online business
  • No alcohol

When I am depressed I get a more holistic view of my life. But everything seems pointless.

- The Dude

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Slacking Hard

6 o'clock dayz - 6:45 o'clock

Meditation (20 min)

Gym (Mon, Wen, Fri)


  • Create online business
  • No alcohol

Been slacking hard. In 3 days I will go on vacation so no updates in my journal. Realized that my environment shapes me, when somebody says something about me I get a shift in emotional state, whether its good or bad doesn't matter my mood follows. When just observing and going meta I realize that the choice is mine whether to feel good or bad about what people say about me. So I just interpret it in a good way or just give zero fucks. Also realized that society fucking hypnotizes people its scary sometimes.

- The Dude

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Hard Reset...

Been gone for almost a month now. Went on vacation and got some great life experiences. But it is time for me to return to hard fucking work yay. I read two great books: 

zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance, this is a radical mindset altering book really powerful if you understand how deep this applies to your life. I am going to read this book again because I think life experiences can ground the information even better with another look.

Bones of the Master: A Journey to Secret Mongolia, a nice story about a monk and his practices.

A new round, new chances. Lets get-it, lets gooo.

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School Again

6 o'clock dayz

Meditation (20 min)

Gym (Mon, Wen, Fri)

My first day at university again. Home at one o'clock. Made a prototype eBook and put it online for my newsletter. After vacation I realized that making this longboard site is short-term thinking. The only thing left is marketing and that is the most time-consuming and hardest part. So I decided to focus on my life purpose and watched the making it real video's in the life purpose course. Tomorrow I will make my game-plan and start putting it into practice.

I realize that meditating during the day gets me into some kind of weird state. I was walking around and feeling like this world we live in is bullshit with all our electronics, cars and money. Its all just distractions from us slowly dying. You would think it is "smart" that we created all these things but its just evolution at play. We are asleep just making and analyzing things to better the world to let more humans live on this planet, to sustain more humans. But in the end these humans that we create are asleep doing bullshit to achieve more asleep people on this floating rock. How about we look to ourselves once and just realize that the majority of things we do is just bullshit. And we should focus on understanding ourselves more, not doing our auto-pilot shit of expanding the human species.

I just realized that my realization here is still fucking true...

- The Dude

Edited by dude
markup + realization

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  • 6 o'clock dayz 
  • Meditation (20 min)
  • Gym (Mon, Wen, Fri)

I made a game-plan for my life purpose today. Writing down obstacles and skills I need to master. Tomorrow I will elaborate on this further.

I procrastinated a lot. The good thing is every time I did it I noticed it.

Watched Mr. Robot in the evening. Its great to watch. I like it.

- The Dude

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