
Creating a Business That Provides Value and Helps People

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This is just a post from development that I've been going through Post-Awakening regarding business and the issue of many modern businesses and society. 

The main issue (leo talks about this in his politics series) is that the system doesn't necessarily reward those that provide the most value and help to society, instead, it is stacked heavily towards those already at the top and who know the loopholes and system best. 

Now, I'm not saying all billionaires are bad people or anything like that, but a high % would've used forms of exploitation, manipulation etc to get there. 

I mean look at industries like Banks, Insurance, PayDay Loans etc, these aren't geared towards helping people they are solely geared towards maximizing profits at any costs, compare it to playing sports and winning at any costs- who cares if you cheat right? You can see this best in the Food industry that packs in processed shit into everything as that has the highest profit margins. You never see adds for broccoli or Chickpeas do you because there are no profits to be made. 

So, it's actually understandable from a basic POV that business is the issue and Capitalism is completely evil, but of course, this is also a reductionist way of looking at things. 

It's the way companies do business, not business itself that is inherently evil. Same with money. Another issue that arises with this is because people are so used to being scammed and conned out of money when 'spiritual' or people who genuinely want to help charge money for their products/ services, this instantly raises a red flag. Again, understandable, but in reality doesn't someone who is genuinely helping you deserve the money more than the CEO of a PayDay loan company who has destroyed families to get there?

Luckily, we are starting to see many businesses evolve past this, and companies that aren't solely profit-driven are starting to arise, of course, it is MUCH harder to thrive when this is the case, hence companies don't want to do this and it is shareholders biggest nightmare. 

And, I'm not saying Profit isn't important in a business, of course, it is, but to put it above all else, at the expense of anything and everything is the big issue. It is merely a symptom of Stage Orange Capitalism gone WAY too far. It will take decades to even begin to see real change, however, for those of us who run/own businesses, or are even employees we can change on an individual level. 

We can make sure our businesses/ companies are actually having a positive effect on people, helping people and providing value in their lives. It doesn't matter if you're a musician (or any form of entertainment) or an E-Commerce seller when you actually start to focus on helping people and providing value this not only makes business more meaningful and enjoyable but actually increases the longevity of your business. 

Companies like Coca-Cola and McDonalds run riot now, yet in a more conscious society, who's going to want to eat and drink poison, when health is actually valued as people's highest values? Almost nobody.

In my own businesses, I have begun to employ this 'Philosophy' if you will, in that the number one focus is always the quality of the product and making sure any product or service I am providing is actually helping people with their issues or providing amazing entertainment they will enjoy and will bring joy into their lives. 

I haven't done Leo's LP course, but I remember a post on Creator vs Competitor and Reading a book on the Toxicity of the food industry-inspired this. 

Sure, you could create a typical stage orange Profit > everything business and make bucket loads in the short term, but wouldn't it be better to create a long term, sustainable business, where you know the products and services you are creating are genuinely providing value in others lives? To me, it certainly would. In the short term, it may be a LOT harder, however, in the long term you will reap the rewards and know that you are actually running a 'Conscious' Business that helps people/

Like I said, it doesn't mean you all have to become Spiritual Teachers or Humanitarians, you could employ this in your life serving Coffee or being a cleaner for example. However, I would like to add @Leo Gura is a great example of this, he could quite easily go down a different route with Actualized.org but hasn't and I very much respect him for that. I'm sure there's plenty of other examples on here, like @Nahm giving 1-1 sessions with people (I've heard great things so keep it up!). 

And, helping people comes from a place of love, when you open up to this love, you are no longer able to simply scam and manipulate, therefore, you HAVE to grow your business to meet your own standards and like I said it comes with a LOT of challenges, but sure is worth it!

Sorry, I kinda ranted there but writing this has actually inspired me to get back to work and back to creating better products and services to help my customers and clients. 

Personally, I run online businesses and am doing so to create financial freedom, however, recently I've also made them more passion-based, and now I wake up every day excited to start my day of work, and that to me alone is amazing!

As Leo called it in his Politics series, let's upgrade to a more Conscious form of Capitalism ;) 

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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Also, forgot to mention a great example of this is @Raptorsin7, he shared with me his LP and it sounds awesome and HELPFUL as FUCK!

I think @Michael569 is doing something in nutrition and is also helping a shit tonne of people just on here, so i imagine IRL he is as well.

@haumea2018 is also another great example, he's also personally helped me so much!

And, like I said there's probably 100s of you guys doing just this, but I don't know you all, so if you are mention this below and mention any businesses you know of doing this on a larger scale maybe, we need a change from McDonald's and Coca Cola to a Healthy global food and drink chain! All in good time ;) 

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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@Thomas_VH Glad, it could help man, living a life of purpose, service and love doesn't necessarily mean we have to only go and feed homeless people forever. It's doing what we do best, what we love and sharing our gifts with the world. (And of course enjoying ourselves!) 

For example, professional athletes are often living a life of purpose, love and service by reaching their human potential, entertaining fans, doing what they love and of course, usually coaching and helping others improve their game also. This can apply to any endeavor of work.

Edited by LfcCharlie4

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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Yeah, it is quite hard to make something profitable and hit the level of impact that you want. It takes a lot of extra effort and thought than just making up some garbage that contributes to a lot of the low conscious stuff out there. It can be really hard to decide if you want the profit or to make a change. But I will say that there is a lot of rewards that come from really helping people and adding contribution. The illusion of money keeps so many running on the treadmill for it their whole life. Society likes to make it seem as if money is what a successful person has, but really it is just the result of success. I would rather have a bit of impact changing the lives of a few, than destroying the lives of many for a big profit.

Finding a good balance to get there is good though. I maintain myself by selling stuff on eBay and while I know that is not quite the contribution I want it really is not causing harm. I think there is some items that are really low conscious. But there is some good stuff too and general things that people need. Every business I have made has gradually got more and more towards making more of an impact. I quickly realized that selling some stuff was not really going to do that. But it does sustain me to explore more ventures. So if you find it now or later it is okay. The sheer fact that you are aware of this will make changes in your businesses as you evolve. 

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@Average Investor Yep well said mate, selling products is still important as you said, as long as these products help people. 

And, exactly as we grow and develop so will our careers and businesses, and as you said survival is still important and that's part of the issue of the current system. Many get stuck in something they dislike/ hate, and can end up there for decades on end, hence as soon as I left school I decided to aim for complete financial freedom within 5 years, hopefully, I'll make it lol. 

Then, once you have that money behind you, you are 'free' so to speak and don't have to worry about the BS stuff. 

However, many then can get stuck on the treadmill of seeing money as success like you said.

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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@LfcCharlie4 Thanks for the shout out man, it means a lot. I think we have a responsibility as people on the path to go out in the world and be successful and make money etc. The world would be a better place if awakened beings were at the highest levels of government, business etc. 

I plan on making a lot of money and having a lot of influence as i grow. But the difference is I will do it with a high level of consciousness and with the intention to help others. 

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