
How important is medium?

6 posts in this topic

I've been struggling with this for the past few years after taking the LP course. There is a bit of a conflict between some of the top career authors out there: Follow your Bliss ala Joseph Campbell, or Master your Profession via  Cal Newport.


I struggle with this because I have just graduated from an expensive chiropractic school that has taken quite a bit of time and energy to get through. I generally dislike the career path I've found myself on, wishing instead to focus on art. Still, I understand the art field is littered with bullshit as well.

So, the question I have for you all is, how important do you see medium in life purpose? Should I suck it up and plow through to master chiropractic (where I have established power and skills) or will I be wasting my time by not building skills in a more artistic medium?

Thanks in advance for all the advice and opinions!











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Id say its not the most importan but you should like your medium, otherwise you can make your path unnecessarily hard. Of course you dont need to stick to your medium forever, you can change it later. But always pick the one that fits best for now and for the next years.

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@bonesurfer Do you have some other concrete vocations, interests or hobbies? Sounds like an carrer Change would be adequate for you maybe it is time for you to get on the drawing board again and redevelop your life purpose. 


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You have to be open to letting it all go. 

Your ideal medium could be something radically different than what you're doing right now & if your instinct is to pursue Art then you'll have to make some major shifts.

Get your priorities straight & set time aside every single day to explore. 

Maybe do the Life Purpose course again. We tend to forget. It took me 3 attempts to gain some clarity as to what I should be doing. 

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Sometimes people need to change their careers.  Though, it would be much more logical and efficient if you were to evolve your career choice into something you are passionate about (life purpose).  

Think niche, niche, niche.  Brainstorm and consider how you can narrow your career into something you can be (or are) deeply passionate about. That could be teaching Chiro, or focusing your Chiro practice on children (making the environment as safe and fun as possible), or focus on geriatric people (and focus on the personal relationships) or focus on people with disabilities, or focus on a specific type of injury/treatment.  

If you are able to find an area of your profession that you can become more niche, more "specialized", it is possible you may find more professional satisfaction. 


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A lot of it feeds into what people want to hear. Follow your passion is terrible advice. A wife and kids living in a box because daddy wants to sell crayon castles lololol. 

Its unfinished piece. Follow your passion IF it is monetized. You have a hobby otherwise. If you should be do lucky as to monetize your passion, you're a outlier. There's characters I'd never see again if I was rich or monetized a gig. I have gone minimalist for the time being. 

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