
Tales of the kid turning into a normal person

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ahahaahaha good ol' mustafi, Now theres a dumb god who's scared to play football :D  

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The problem with faith is that it infests your mind, any pre-logic is wiped out and replaced with post-logic. It doesn't matter which logic it is, it could even be god- logic itself. In this way, you become a vehicle. One stays either quiet or reactive to relay such information, unbeknownst to their own limitations. A virtue to share in pure awe yet always short. How does one say, look this is us! look how amazing we are, by idea alone. The need for proof or any notions is absurd, always "me" , words do not describe the non-experience. Which is "self-homing" sensations. I, ME . Proof is not for this I, it is for you. Consider these words: " Delusion has no bottom, when it is actual. " 


the one.jpg

Edited by Aakash

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I have the proof, 

Actuality goes full circle to Actuality only 

Thats what the god particle is, it's "I" 

We like to feel grounded by knowing for 100% sure 

But the truth is its Actuality only to an innumberal/ insurnumberable/ non-actual amount/ non- quantity amount / non- logic amount 

Do you know why this logic is proof

because god does not say "i" ,  he is acknowledged groundlessness 

That's the proof. God is not a seeker. God is the "   seekers AND the seeked 'i'    " 

"i" stands for indefinable. 

God is also a strange loop topic, all words point to whatever you consider "i" so all words are helpful via home-seeking attempts. We will only think at the groundless level we know "i" 

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what if i'm not from around here? 


doubt can go on for infinity, all things go for infinity 

but how do you communicate a term that your trying to imply is beyond infinity,

a) it can't be imagined unless it's told to you 

b) it can't be actualised unless an action is done for you, in direct experience 

Both faculties are out, hehehe but the point about faith is that the universe first has to imagine it up and then has to prove itself for you to consider it actual. 

why not just call everything actual. What "i" is.. is refering to what is actually the case 

But god-logic concludes that with: 

- no begginning and no end 

- a single point of origin , non causality 

- fictional 

- no reasoning of any need besides "i" 

All knowledge is incorrect and all sensations are true. 

However, what it truly means is absolute truth is completely relative 

Leaving you in a constant state of falling alone into a black hole, which will be interpretted remember by your definition of "i" ,,, said via words, no falling just no-where, does god need to eat ? NO. 

when absolute truth is relative. that is. 

Including that of your infinite amounts of awakenings and enlightenment. 

Ofcourse this can be intepretted on the level of actuality 

but i'm talking from actuality only. A place where there is no absolute truth. See the difference? 

The place where there is no need for an absolute truth is ... god.  in real time. 

of course this is only theory and concept, with no direct experience




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There is no "I". That I is ego self not actual SELF. 

tough self mind Self. That's the False one. 

Hope this helps. 

So what are actual sensations, that's actual real SELF. See no "I" in them. 

Edited by zeroISinfinity

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@zeroISinfinity Hehehe god logic proving god logic wrong ;) 

I'll let you be in charge of the strange loop


Just kidding you are correct we are existance after all :):D  you are the enlightened master! 

How do you know what i'm referring to as imagining :) , i would mean unlimited anything, without contradictions. no grounding particle, the god particle 

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You Will Find I only in toughts never in anything actual. God has no self. Hence NO SELF. 

If you ever reach Self Realization and I really wish You that You Will very quickly actually realize You never were or had a self. 100% actual proof. 

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@zeroISinfinity We are saying the same thing, just in two different ways.  Yours is limited to actuality, mines is limited to imagination 

Yet both of us are restricted to existence. 

I know you can only know in "direct experience" but you agree with this term yes 



You agree with it because its absolute ground. 

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There is no Grounding particle.

All of this is empty It's Pure Love. Nothing physical about THIS. 

Get ready to get blown away kiddo. 

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@zeroISinfinity Lol we never won the lottery my friend, we were never blessed by ourselves! 

God is a strange loop because it is itself, it has to put itself into limited form to even actualise itself. Even then lol, it is not the whole because to be the whole in the form, it to not be the whole by logic of needing a form to experience itself. It makes you god, it just doesn’t make you all of god. Because god is itself through you. Which is why your saying to be “this is you”. 

Whilst I’m saying to you. 



Mind = blown 

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Reality is Spirit. 

Spirit is Love. 

It's always PRESENT hence I AM. 

You are that Infinite Spirit. For real. 

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you are mirroring me, 





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I am Just a regular average human not enlightened master. Please do not call me That. Call me Alex. 

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Just now, Aakash said:


you are mirroring me, 





Yup that's totality. Yup mindbending ha! ❤️?

It's Total. Reality is Total, Complete, full. 

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@zeroISinfinity lol you such a dummy. 

Ofcourse you are just Alex, see if you call a person an enlightenment master, they don’t like it :P so I just do it for fun 

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@zeroISinfinity yes ? so there’s always more to awaken to, it’s groundless pure love :P 

namely still seeking ;) and god is not a seeker when he’s complete. But as I said you are still in form, so the strange looo is your true self is always more than your form. What you have is the nature of true self and that is the nature of I AM 

Total unity consciousness 

thats what enlightenment are 

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Which means you my friend are not outside of consciousness, your slap bang in the middle of it actualising god. 

You are in an open form of pure consciousness. Consciousness itself is infinite. That is what absolute infinity is. No end and no begginnig. 

The moral of the story is: the enlightened man who says he is done is not. But there is a resting place for whenever you feel is okay to stop. You can choose to reap what you sow. You have absolute free will. And you are god, but you are becoming god through yourself. 

True nature is infinite. What you have realised is that true nature is love. but true nature is infinite laterally and verticlly. That’s why it’s callrd absolute infinity. 

Absolute love, absolute free will etc etc because you are a paradox and strange loop discovering yourself. But we’ll you could have either an awakening to an infinite or an enlightenment to an absolute. 

The question is then what is the absolute? 

That is the absolute truth. All the absolutes! 

Absolute love is one of them, or the only one ? 

This is the grounding of total freedom. It’s the absolute truth. 

Edited by Aakash

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