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This is fascinating

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I thought It was a good idea to get my brother into meditation he is 9 to see what would come out of it , just a little experiment .

The first time he meditated for like 5 minutes during the process he was very quiet didnt make any fuss or anything he is usually very noisy so this was suprising., after the five minutes were up I told him to explain to me what happened,  he then started saying that during meditation he could see shapes and stars sort of things . I thought that was interesting and we kinda just forgot about it.


A few weeks later which was today , I told him he is going to meditate for 5 minutes but what he didn't know is that I put a timer for 10 minutes so I started and played the music for meditation,  the timer rings as he opens his eyes he looked like he had seen something amazing, so I proceeded to ask him what he experienced this time it was entirely different from the last Time .

He told he saw aliens but they looked human , he told they didnt look like what people think they look like he told me they had three eyes and that they were digging something on a planet the aliens saw him but they ignored him  , he also saw shapes and colors and things that's he couldn't describe with words. He didnt seem scared or shocked he was calm when talking about it .

Even though I do meditate occasionally I think the closest "mystical " experience I've had is when I was completely in it I couldn't feel my body and I felt like soul was formless it. I felt as if I could my "energy or soul" in any directions I  wanted I could wave my hands in a way i couldn't do with my physical hand i could rotate my head almost 360 to a normal person it would appear as if I was not moving at all I was listening to shaman drumming music at the time i got I'm the "zone"in about 20 minutes by the end I had meditate for about 40 minutes longest I ever have. My mind was completely empty at the moment.

Sorry if this doesn't make much sense 


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Great! Children's minds are still really open and it's easy for them to manifest psychic skills. They don't know it shouldn't be possible :D

Use the Prayer Swat Team!

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@Bryanbrax @okulele  I always thought whenever I have kids, the one thing I'd do is meditate with them! I'd have them do it daily, but I'd do it with them! Create Superkids!

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@Bryanbrax Ok well be careful not to jump to any conclusions.  At that age he's not far past the point where he's learned to distinguish that what is being told to him in a story isn't actually happening right in front of him.  So if he goes into a mind-story, and inhabits it for 10 minutes, what adult here will know what that experience would be like for him?

Also, did you actually ask whether this was something that he thought was real or just something he imagined?

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Sounds like he meditated his way into a lucid dream, otherwise known as WILDing. Still a mystical experience in the sense that consciousness appears to go somewhere else than we are used to

Edited by seeking_brilliance

Check out my lucid dreaming anthology series, Stars of Clay  

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