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Conciousness and diet

13 posts in this topic

Ok so I remember leo saying on how your diet is important and all that if that's the case then why are some gurus fat? Example -shinzen,mooji,eckhart ramana maharshi and plenty more lol I'm guessing that I can eat anything or drink anything  I want while I meditate everyday cuz it dont look like their diet is all leafs and water like leo suggests 

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you call this fat??
old age and little/no exercise will probably give anyone a belly.



We all know Mooji cant control his sensual desires so he is simple to explain.

As for others who knows.

Some say they take in others 'problems' and they get a belly from that not sure how that works...

For most Guru's its probably just not doing enough exercise and eating too much (being offered too much food)...

Also use the search function on this forum pretty sure this has been discussed several times.


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There's more than diet to consider. 

Body factors like metabolism which ties into health conditions as well as exercise. I eat very unhealthy and I'm skinny. Can't gain wait. The body will slow down as you age too. These people are in their 60+

Not to mention there are many degrees of how conscious one is. You could be conscious on one thing but neglect another. Nobody is done. 

Also consider weight can be misleading in determining health. Fat and skinny perceptions vary between people and there's a range there where it all is healthy and that range also varies a bit by individual which is why it is important to keep up with doctors. 

Health is a complicated thing that you might be over simplifying. 

You can eat whatever you want. If it's not healthy and for long enough you'll reap the consequences though. Or you could bet on being an outlier. 


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A sattvic diet can quiet the mind by balancing the guna energies within the body/mind allowing some a steady enough mind for Self-realization. For others, a specific diet it's not needed at all.

“You don’t have problems; you are the problem.”

– Swami Chinmayananda

Namaste ? ?

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Alright thx got it yea when ur 60 it doesn't even matter 

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29 minutes ago, Anton_Pierre said:

@Garuda A man can become a woman.

yea i heard about that.....

1 minute ago, Zeke said:

Alright thx got it yea when ur 60 it doesn't even matter 

no need to be buthurt

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2 hours ago, Zeke said:

Ok so I remember leo saying on how your diet is important and all that if that's the case then why are some gurus fat? Example -shinzen,mooji,eckhart ramana maharshi and plenty more lol I'm guessing that I can eat anything or drink anything  I want while I meditate everyday cuz it dont look like their diet is all leafs and water like leo suggests 

It maybe seem like your experience of being is similar to your experience of other people, but if you scrutinize & contrast those experiences, you’ll see just how different they are. It’s not the body at play with regards to what you’re asking, it’s your beliefs, attachments, identifications, etc. Transcend it in direct experience of both sides of the duality with food / health / well being. 




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@Zeke If you neglect your diet, it will very soon show up in your health. This in turn will prevent you from doing consciousness work as fully as you would like.

poor diet ---> poor health ---> poor concentration / no space for inquiry as you feel like shit

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