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Derek White

Has anybody been to Sadhguru's Dhyanalinga? How has it impacted you?

9 posts in this topic

We here usually talk about psychedelic experiences that can bring about enlightenment, supposedly, but what about Sadhguru's greatest creation? He spent like 2 to 3 lifetimes creating it so serious spiritual seekers should give it at least a try.

If you have been there please let me know how it felt/ you experienced it. 

P.S: Also, if Leo's reading this let us know if you experienced something similar to DMT if you have been there. Or if not then maybe, if you want to, let us know if you plan to in the future.

“Many talk like philosophers yet live like fools.” — Proverb

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18 minutes ago, Derek White said:

We here usually talk about psychedelic experiences that can bring about enlightenment, supposedly, but what about Sadhguru's greatest creation? He spent like 2 to 3 lifetimes creating it so serious spiritual seekers should give it at least a try.

If you have been there please let me know how it felt/ you experienced it. 

P.S: Also, if Leo's reading this let us know if you experienced something similar to DMT if you have been there. Or if not then maybe, if you want to, let us know if you plan to in the future.

My wife has been there, she went for the Isha Hatha Teacher Training in 2016, in tamil nadu for 5ish months.

It all comes down on where you are in your life at that moment, how "stable" you are in life and some other aspects.

Some will go completely "crazy" (I don't mean this in a "bad" way :p) some will have no "effect" at all.

In general what she said is that there is an very (for the lack of words) positive atmosphere there in the ashram.

The place itself is located in the mountains so this makes it already a very "connected" place to be.

What he did tough is kind of great (with the mercury and stuff) and he knows much more than he is willing to speak in public that is, one on one he is more specific about certain things and i guess he has his reasons for it ;)

I followed the inner engineering program and the Shambhavi Mahamudra, which anyone who is seeking should try, the Shambhavi Mahamudra is something that will align/bring balance in your body if you do it properly, you will notice a change in your experience IF you are sesitive enough to notice it of course :)

The rest is all up to you I would say.

Hope it helped ;)


Warm regards!

Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.

∞∞∞∞ Rumi ∞∞∞∞

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what happens in that course? is that the one where your life goes in fastforward motion? sorry I couldn't be bothered googling lol

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3 hours ago, passerby said:

what happens in that course? is that the one where your life goes in fastforward motion? sorry I couldn't be bothered googling lol

Is that a question for me?

If yes, the Inner Engineering program is 7 videos of about 1h20 each with a practice at the beginning and end.

Each video is about another topic (self, food, emotions, ...) Depending on where you place yourself in the "progress" of your spiritual journey I would personally say this course is suited for "beginners" and more sensitive/emotional people.


The Shambhavi Mahamudra is strictly a physical practice which will kind of "automatically" set a decent (physical) platform for your spirituality to evolve :)

Here is a nice video about it:

Here are some search results which can give more info for the lazy ones :P :


Isha Kriya is something very simple and free if anyone is interested:


Edited by Dimi

Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.

∞∞∞∞ Rumi ∞∞∞∞

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23 minutes ago, Anton_Pierre said:

Always wanted to know some reviews on these. Can you give your honest opinion of them and how it has affected you if at all? :)

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27 minutes ago, Anton_Pierre said:

Hold your horses. Didn't expect such an extensive feedback :o

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@Derek White Yes, been there. Felt a weird tingling vibration inside the throat/ chest. Maybe the heart chakra doing its stuff? but no idea. 

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