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Psychedelics - just chasing experiences?

8 posts in this topic

I seriously wonder why - when realizations are real - one needs to continue taking psychedelic substances. Doesn't make sense to me. Shouldn't it be the other way round that experiences are seen as just experiences and the need to alter the state of consciousness (aka "spiritual materialism") drops away? Can someone explain why you continue to take substances?

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Do 50 trips, then let's talk.

Words cannot explain.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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1 hour ago, Toby said:

I seriously wonder why - when realizations are real - one needs to continue taking psychedelic substances. Doesn't make sense to me. Shouldn't it be the other way round that experiences are seen as just experiences and the need to alter the state of consciousness (aka "spiritual materialism") drops away? Can someone explain why you continue to take substances?

If you had a huge library, would you read only one of the books?

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It's tricky isn't it, having the courage to follow your own unique path and inner guidance and at the same time watch others follow theirs without expecting all paths to look similar?

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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Well obviously taking psychedelics is not my path. One of the reasons I don't plan on doing so is because I might get too fascinated with experiences and develop a narrative that might be delusional without recognizing it. I'd rather spend time with spiritual teachers and get real life feedback. Most people on this forum are probably afraid of it because it might question their narrative / state they are in.

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57 minutes ago, Toby said:

Well obviously taking psychedelics is not my path. One of the reasons I don't plan on doing so is because I might get too fascinated with experiences and develop a narrative that might be delusional without recognizing it. I'd rather spend time with spiritual teachers and get real life feedback. Most people on this forum are probably afraid of it because it might question their narrative / state they are in.

You'll do this sober you just won't be aware of it. 

The mind is a weasel. 

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3 hours ago, Toby said:

Well obviously taking psychedelics is not my path.

One of the reasons I don't plan on doing so is because I might get too fascinated with experiences and develop a narrative that might be delusional without recognizing it.

I'd rather spend time with spiritual teachers and get real life feedback.

Most people on this forum are probably afraid of it because it might question their narrative / state they are in.

Obviously? Having no experience of them and you think you know? 

Your current narrative seems judgmental and ego driven. "I know better than those people".

I smell a trap there... 

Contemplate on what your ego is afraid of losing.


Tip: Have Ayahuasca a few times and let's talk. 

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