Joseph Maynor

Is Intuition Something That's Completely Governed By Survival Dynamics

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More than survival; expansion, growth.

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I think intuition has alot to do with our Stage Purple tribal genetics from 10.000 years ago. Surviving in a harsh environment you needed keen intuition about weather and dangerous animals etc. 

Thats probably only one of the reasons though. 

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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Intuition transcends survival dynamics. When you're in a state of joy, your level of intuition is so high that it goes beyond words.

If you are thirsty, the body will say 'Give me water' if you are hungry the body will say 'Give me food' this is a survival mechanism. If you are a christian and I rip your bible in half you may become upset and angry, or feel like I have threatened you. I have threatened your perceived identity, and you feel fear. Intuition transcends fear. 

When you are awake you do not identify with things, but there are a very small number of human beings that experience life this way.

The body has its way of signalling what it needs to keep on functioning. If you are conscious, Intuition goes far beyond this.

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I think intuition is accesible at every stage of the spiral. 

The more I become conscious of survival tactics, strategies and dynamics. The better I could utilize them and transcend them slowly. 

For instance purple imagination and beliefs describe the territory in an abstract way and can be a guide therefore. 

Or red power drives ideas and hunches serve to outmanouver a person in a game. 

Orange success drive and ambition spotting "loop" holes in a system absuing them or reporting them. 

Beige: Different brain waves cause different kind of thinking intuitive or not. For instance more attentivness then dreamy imaginary "intuition". 

Yellow: connects single points of modalities or ideas and forms an unconventional system. 

I think at third tier first intuition is post survival or it is a new survival game.

Green: Uses intuition to bond an share empathy not based soley on kinship or family tribes. For instance compassion to help a person across the street, for instance the elderly. 

Turqouise: Has insights about humanitry problems for instance after a meditation session and finds macro solutions to macro problems. 

No idea about spirit releam. I think terms like "makio" is stage red/purple fantasy (not that it can not be experienced), most likely I am wrong with this. 

Edited by ValiantSalvatore

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I think our egos can use tool of the mind like logic, spatial reasoning and intuition but they don't belong to the ego.

The road to God is paved with bliss.

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Can you every really transcend your intuition in the same way that you can transcend the mind, the heart, and the body?  This is a perplexing open research question to chew on for me.  It's not readily obvious to me yet how to come to any kind of interesting or useful determination on this issue.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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Intuition is what makes creation and you (mind) possible. Safe to say it’s what arises from Truth


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@Joseph Maynor What about jhanas or high states of "absorptions"? 

I did not transcend any aspect mentioned, but just listened to someone who transcended his body. In presence + feedback from a highly competent teacher.  

Edited by ValiantSalvatore

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