
Following politics is tier 1 thinking, right?

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14 hours ago, NoSelfSelf said:

@Leo Gurawhats the good for the world? My view of good world is bad for another person...because everything is so interconnected you cant make everyone happy many people will benefit but many will suffer...

There is Goodness as an Absolute. It's what you would do if you were totally selfless and unconditionally loving. It's literally what God is doing to design this whole show. It is a Good which has no opposite.

What you can do if fully align your agenda with that of God. Then your will becomes God's Will. This would be the ultimate way to live, but right now it is totally out of your reality. First you must realize what God is.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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14 hours ago, mandyjw said:

Well, I've just done on a lot of reading on Hitler especially about religion in order to better argue my points. Now I just feel confused and like I have a bit of stomachache. xD It seems Hitler that hated religion, loved Social Darwinism and loved science. A lot of the SS were into mysticism and occultism, Hitler may have been too.

how long do you think it takes until a society is at the same point again where it was before - i mean in sense of spirituality after someone ripped a hole into it? the twenties have been deeply infused with spirituality, flourishing, the nazis just rode the wave, it was en vogue, nationalism was too, the nazis where a pseudo spiritual mix of everything that was in fashion - thats why cults are so dangerous. but a lot of people where opening up in the twenties in sense of art and culture. if you want to get a taste read “in a tender hold” of wolfram fleischhauer - it’s partially very cheesy but it draws an interesting picture and connects the dots really nicely. 


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Recommended reading.  Get for free on Audible.

"The Mueller Report: Report on the Investigation into Russian Interference in the 2016 Presidential Election "

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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@Leo Gura But selflessness doesnt mean im going to help people,help them really and do it again comes down to what i want to help people with and how i want to do it...and that comes from ego...

Who teaches us whats real and how to laugh at lies? Who decides why we live and what we'll die to defend?Who chain us? And who holds the Key that can set us free? 

It's you.

You have all the weapons you need 

Now fight.

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No that would largely depend upon your skill. What ego is and what it not is, is just not relevant when you genuinely want to improve a situation, you work through the ego, the same with meditation. It's not like every sitting is a total bliss as an advanced partitioner.

Yes, it comes down to what you want to help people with and how you want to do it, yet it does not mean that ego is not involved or even your biological, psychological or biographical self. The point is the ego obviously will come, otherwise, the "game" would be way to easy. Yet, it does not mean that effortless action or service does not exist. Similar to flow states while meditating, running, studying or listening to music, playing an instrument a high concentrative state penetrates ego. So, your actions become more free of them. A flow state is highly energetic and feels purifying and not egoic and greasy.

To embody this is not easy and needs daily practice. I want to reach this place of living from. Regardless of what currently happens. 

The point is without sitting on a cushion day by day nothing will happen, especially without retreats. You could greatly benefit from the audiotapes of alan watts, to realize the meaninglessness of meaninglessness and how beautiful it can be to create and enjoy creation.

This is IMO the best out of the 3 audiobook series I listened to and do not crank up the speed, otherwise, it just does not make sense. 

I started this path before because the first video I watched from Leo was. Why I am a dick and why you don't change. I was so pissed and did not watch him for the entire year, until when he started talking about meditation. Since I just moved heavily into green from a more green/orange and could not deal with the directness of his way of teaching.

Edited by ValiantSalvatore

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