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Ayahuasca sounds like a healing medicine! How is it different from DMT? Many people go to South America for their ayahuasca retreat. Can I do it with shamans in my city? 

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I went to an ayahuasca ceremony in Tulum Mexico. The trip was pretty intense, similar to some of my bad mushroom trips where a lot of unconscious fears come to the surface. I know DMT is an active ingredient in aya but I don't know why they are so much different. I doubt there are shamans in Toronto you probably have to go to Mexico or Peru.. I didn't really notice any lasting benefits from Aya, I was hoping to be transformed and all this stuff but I basically felt the same the very next day..

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@sausagehead You don't go to one Ayahuasca ceremony hoping to get transformed. You have to do a bunch of ceremonies to get growth.

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@Esoteric Not necessarily true, some people had one or few experiences and changed them indefinitely. It all depends on how well you integrate and embody what you come to realize that eventually solidifies. If you are already spiritually aware, it only reminds you of what you already know thus forgetting again and falling back to old states/loops is extremely unlikely.

Edited by pluto


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@pluto Of course. You can awaken spontaneously too. My point was that in the VAST majority of cases you shouldn't count on that one ceremony/trip is going to produce long lasting benefits.

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@Shakazulu I would recommend doing research to find a community that resonates with you. The shamans and community are as important as the Aya itself. There are some highly conscious Aya ceremonies and others that are shabby or shady. The environment is interrelated with the Aya. 

As well, I would recommend doing at least three ceremonies, if possible. Each ceremony and trip can be very different and reveal different insights. You don’t know which will have the really deep life transforming insights. For me, it was the second ceremony of three.

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@Serotoninluv @sausagehead I will definitely look into more research! I did holotropic breath work for a year now. Trauma is coming up, I'm finding insights occur when I'm expressing myself

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