
Toxic Skeptisicm and Meat Machines.

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You see the cat? Has its own traits you know, climbs and basks in sun.

Also the dog. And every creature that counts as "alive".

Human has a big ass trait called conceptualization. No matter you do science, religion, philosophy, spirituality, ect you conceptualize.

Human puts itself on the top of the worlds and calls itself special. Uses the concepts for its own intrest. Obviously it even goes for conceptual survival.

The reality is just like the cat, the dog ,the ant, human machine will stop working. The only difference in an ant dying and my body dying is that I am attatched to my body. 

Or I care about my father dying but I don't care if I kill a fly.

"You are concsiousness.

You are immortal.

Death is an illusion.

There is no you."

All these are just mere ideas for me and I can't stand them anymore. Since I have 0 experience with them they just stimulate my mind and maybe make me feel good about how immortal I am and how I am beyond the body.

All I say is, non duality became a toxic idea in my mind killing other ideas. It's turning into gross skepticism.

The human being is just conceptualizing and will just die and stop. I don't experience any infinity and concsiousness. All I see is meat machines working until they stop.

And maybe all I said about was pure bullshit and doesnt make any sense.

Skeptisicm is really toxic for me.

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@Pouya the conceptualisation is probably causing you problems because you are trying to become enlightened as soon as possible, your true self wants to find out who it is, but you haven't given yourself time to contemplate the nuances of the wisdom that has been put before you. Immediately you take it on as belief and this is where it pains you later because you have not considered the infinite variables and the paradoxes at play here. 

A good place to start would be to see the duality in things first before considering they are non dual and illusory 

i.e humans hate and humans love, but are hate and love different or similar things, where does hate come from, is hate the opposite of love and love the opposite of hate

before you start concluding with 

hate is the same as love, there is no such thing as love, these are advitta traps that people get into, once in a while, because they haven't considered the nuance of the topic and because they aren't wrong about calling everything illusory, but they don't consider that the illusory is existant as everything else. 

also i would recommend spending more times on the practices as opposed to looking at actualised.org, just do it for a month, don't come on here and just get a good grounding of where you at, what you know to be true, what you know is a belief and go again from there. that way you will engage with your direct experience only. 


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11 minutes ago, Aakash said:

enlightened as soon as possible

Yeah of course I do want it.

@Aakash Do you think contemplation with notebook can help me deal with it? I really like this practice.

Edited by Pouya

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yeah i would recommend contemplating with a book at first for everyone because it comes with practice to juggle paradoxs in your brain without notes,because you have some of the infinite variables already contemplated 

have you contemplated regular topics, or do you only contemplate non dual topics 

i.e ethics, economics, polotics , self improvmet

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@Aakash havent contemplated normal stuff. Just metaphysical. Like meaning purpose concept actuality. And not so much. My practice is very low.

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@Pouya Well, you've been given dozens of techniques. Are you doing them? Fruits come from work. To pick apples you must first plant and water an apple tree.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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And yet, you know it for a fact that you are not a meat machine.

How on earth can you rest sure that everyone is merely a meat machine?!

Edited by Truth Addict

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