
How to self-inquiry?

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I am asking who am I, but its very dry as if i am repeating mantra, i dont understand how to do it properly.

Plz help

How to become defenceless or resistanceless against awakening? coz mind keeps its defence and postpones its death, now I guess the only way is to end up defenceless in front of consciousness. 

Edited by Monkey-man

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Follow the thing that is aware of your thoughts, body and your visual field. Find the perceiver. It is important you have a silent mind to do it effectively.

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Asking question who am I mechanically wont do need to find the source(Awareness Consciousness) from where thoughts arise..its subtle and busy and restless mind veils it hard

Another way to explain is to find that "feeling" of just being just existing..feeling of I am and stay there as long as you can

Good luck:)

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@Monkey-man self inquiry is like putting the light on the source of light.

Limit external senses with focusing in one point or closing eyes and be aware of what is aware. 

Maybe try Who is aware instead of Who am I. That one is easier for me.

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