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Air does not exist. Flawless nonduality.

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It's one thing to kinda know, intellectually, that everything is One. Knowing this in itself may not make you feel more connected and one, at all. 

It is completely different when one has a direct experience of no separation. Let alone live a nondual life and feel no separation at all, at no time.

Constant unity. All things; eternally expressing themselves; through themselves; for themselves. For nobody.

No pause. No break. Nothing.

Everything is in perfect order. Running smoothly. Precisely. Yet there is no one in control. Everything is overlaid, so to speak. Focus magnifies. Goes where awareness sends it. Focus is fast. It is multipractical. Multifunctional. Multidimensional. No corner of creation is inaccessible. Focus is an all-seeing eye. All-hearing ear. 

No thing is defined until focus notices it. 

While focus travels through infinite configurations of consciousness; everything remains untouched and empty. Yet it does not seize to be. It is singular and undefined.

Even if focus acts as a separate part; there is no real separation occurring. What is happening is infinite intelligence and magic.

Awareness is capable of sending out an agent. A free agent (of awareness). An investigator. Awareness creates an illusion. What is the illusion, you might ask? - The agent does not act as a whole. It acts as a fragment, which has a specific purpose. It experiences itself as being separate. Awareness thus has the opportunity to explore itself through the agent, by creating a limitation. An illusion. Simply put: by dumbing itself down.

Awareness can be focused on experiencing itself as a separate free agent, while being asleep to a big chunk of itself. It does not experience itself as a whole. And the lights are off on purpose, intentionally.

This is how consciousness plays with itself. It is pure intelligence. Falling asleep to it's totality in order to explore it's infinitude. It can be no other way. This happens on so many levels it is unbelievable. Awareness is constantly sending out free agents. All off them are exploring Infinity. The five human senses are agents as well. They are capable of experiencing various degrees of intensity of that which they are focused upon. They are also capable of viewing and experiencing that which they single out in many, many different ways. Through many different filters.

A flower can smell a thousand ways to a thousand agents; noses.

There is no space for a perspective to be born outside of awareness. And it can explore nothing but awareness. There is nothing for an agent to explore outside of Oneness. Nothing for focus to single out; to focus on. To extract. To objectify. To describe. To give qualities to it. To remember it.

None of that can happen without the illusion of separation. 


How is One like; in direct experience of One? What does unity feel like?


It feels whole. Obviously. 

Everything is happening at precisely the same moment; now. Yet no thing is fighting for attention. No noise is too noisy. No light is blindingly bright.

Everything is in place and empty. Effortlessly happening for itself, on it's own. There is no need for eyes to search. No need for focus to jump all around the field. No need to be noticed, either. Just pure ongoing nothingness. And it is whole, indeed. Two eyes could never truly see the beauty of nothingness; perhaps catch a glimpse. They are not still enough. Used to seeing objects; not through them.

The mind's eye stares straight through everything. It is like a razor sharp knife. It sees through the disguise. It sees nothing; and it sees it clearly.


Air does not exist. There is no empty space between anything, at all.


Again; one thing to know - another thing to experience it and have no doubt left about it. I cannot unsee nothingness anymore.

I am not looking through Ivan's eyes. That's obvious. I am not in here in this body; looking from the inside out. I am looking from everywhere. Looking in, out and through. Seeing in all directions at once. I am all eyes.

Awareness sees itself by needing no eyes.

That which seemed to be empty space between my point of view and that which I was observing is now obviously awareness. There is no air between Ivan's body and the tree. There is awareness. And that's what sees both Ivan and the tree. It is also what both Ivan and the tree are made out of. Awareness is omnipresent. 

There is no empty space left whatsoever. No hollowness. Awareness curled itself around everything. Around itself. Filled itself with itself. Heaven.

It is unspeakable. Feels like I am melting eternally in myself. It's so warm, loving and unifying. I feel that which cannot be perceived. Nirvana.

I hold Ivan in place. I hold the ground in place. The skies, the moon and the sun, the stars. I hold both light and it's reflection in place. Light is not traveling through air. It is traveling through awareness. Through me. And so does sound. Gravity exists within awareness, as well. It is not a physical law. It is not a rule. It is an effect. Just like wind is. There is no air that could blow. All awareness. All effect. All illusion.

No thing has one size; size is relative; changing with perspectives. No thing can be viewed only one way. Awareness can zoom in - zoom out. View all things while it is all things. And it can do that in infinite ways, through infinite points of views.

A biological organism; a body, may need to breathe air in order to survive.

Awareness breathes in only more awareness; in order to become more aware of itself. In order to keep everything running smoothly and effortlessly. In order to remain awake. In order to be infinite.

Of course.

Of course, of course, of course.

It is so obvious now. It can be no other way. Flawless nondualiy. Perfect unity. The eternal continuum. The snake eating itself. Consciousness breathing in itself through itself; experiencing itself. Forever.


Breathing in nothing; breathing out everything. For all eternity.



Edited by ivankiss

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It is in pure emptiness that awareness sees itself purely and directly, without the illusory ego. And indeed, it is self-aware, self-conscious. And then it goes back to the ego, the sense of person hood, and in there too awareness sees itself playing the great game, being itself the great deceiver. At that moment, the game ends, ignorance ends.

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@Highest No more sense of personhood in direct experience. That is now recognized as pure imagination and it is consciously being used in that way.

There are expressions and perceptions. There are roles, as well. Everything is relational; connected. Exchanging. Sending, receiving.

Expressions are being perceived. Perceptions are being expressed.

By nothing. For nothing.

It's like a giant waving energy field; dancing eternally for itself.

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@ivankiss Indeed, the person is consistently created by the mind. There are expressions and perceptions, there is the mind and the ego. All are witnessed by awareness. However, eventually we have to drop the notion of awareness, for awareness is aware of that concept too. That comes with it being aware of the mind, without the mind, awareness simply doesn't exist. Only... exists.


Edited by Highest

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@ivankiss Yup

Good work. You speak from Truth.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@ivankiss Wow, I loved to read your thoughts. Very eye-opening. Thank you. 

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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Wow, beautiful.

Sometimes the ineffable really can be expressed just a little bit..

How to get to infinity? Divide by zero.

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@outlandish Thank you.

I highly value expression. It is what I am all about; one could say.

However; music is that which I naturally and most often prefer; when it comes to expression. It is my field, one could say. My deepest passion. My love towards words and literature has been discovered just recently. It's a different form of expression and it has it's own beauty and charm 9_9 

Thank you all for the incredible support. This forum is a true gem :x

Much love and respect.

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