
Help me think this trough guys.

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Hey guys. Its been troubling me for quite some time.

A near/dear person of mine has gotten quite deep into some "far right stuff".  All that stuff about jews, holocaust denial, white genocide, etno-nationalism, anti globalism. Very intense shadow-possession, almost no "self" shining trough it. I would say he is solid spiral blue, ...with undeveloped red that he is trying to bring in. And almost any topic can very quickly turn into a discussion of these things.

To the point. I can see him suffering a lot. I feel a lot of compassion and am trying to elevate him from it. We spend time together and we will in the future. We discuss politics,spirituality,culture music quite often, he is also evidently a lot into it. I am very careful, trying not to make the impression that i want to change him and that he is wrong, I try not to speak a lot about it, but when i do, i try to say things as little as possible and as neutrally as possible. Regardless ... all i say is easily misunderstood and twisted, we get stuck into a knot and i get painted by the "influenced by communists, globalist, jews ect." brush. 

I have quite a few friends that are yellow/turquoise , have no hard time communicating with other blue/orange people. Things seem not to be projected and distorted a lot, I can have quite some good time with other blue people. But in this particulate case it is the opposite, and this is a person that is very dear to me. So far all i have achieved is to worsen the situation, actually inspired him to go deeper into that same rabbit hole, as a reaction ofc. Now he has books downloaded, videos, documentaries. The more i read about this, the better will I become at this, because this is the ultimate reality. That is how it looks to him.

I am not sure how to behave and what to think, letting him go and let all these things run off their course so he can outgrow, get hit by another life circumcise ect, always seems like a bad idea. Things can get worse, and I did nothing when It was possible for something to be done. I do not want that to happen.

I would be glad if you help me think this trough. How would you deal with such a thing :| 
Peace to all of you.

Edited by Yog

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Rule is dont try to help just understand him and it will go smoother

Who teaches us whats real and how to laugh at lies? Who decides why we live and what we'll die to defend?Who chain us? And who holds the Key that can set us free? 

It's you.

You have all the weapons you need 

Now fight.

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Idk what exact ideology he has, but you can ask him, what if he finds out for certain that what he is looking into is actually true, what now, how will it make his life better, or change it, has he ever thought about how finding out any of it will help him. 




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@NoSelfSelfPlease elaborate shortly. How would one approach this. I know I can't help, that can only start from the point when he wants to be helped. And now he just thinks he's got the truth. So I am trying to avoid that. How do you understand someone trough speaking and action (not mentally). In all that negative energy that is ready to blow and scatter all over the place.

The actual question emerging actually is: How does one speak/relate to blue/red fundamentalist that sees you as an opponent, and leaving him be is somehow out, for he is a family member.

@purerogue Lets call it ethno-nationalism in its almost most extreme form, as I stated above. Stuff in there that is on some surface level true, gets glued in to the web of the ideology as the most important absolute truth.

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@Yog ohh its a family member you distant yourself from him and have a formal relationship it doesnt matter if its a family member if hes dragging you down hes out dont waste time on toxic people ....they cant be helped 

Who teaches us whats real and how to laugh at lies? Who decides why we live and what we'll die to defend?Who chain us? And who holds the Key that can set us free? 

It's you.

You have all the weapons you need 

Now fight.

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@Yog i agree with @NoSelfSelf

if he's in love with a certain system of thoughts, then there's nothing you can do. to be more precise, nobody can do anything.

live a great life and let go of him. if he ever misses you and ask why you're so distant, then you can open your heart and say something like "you've become too ideological and i can't feel you anymore".

as long as you don't harm anyone, don't you ever deny your right to live an awesome life.

unborn Truth

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"We believe most easily what we desire most earnestly." - Stephen Covey

I support the idea that IF he wants to believe it, then you can't change his mind. Maybe it would be best to allocate your resources not to think how to speak to him but how to reduce his role or significance in your life, if possible? Maybe try to think about what is he trying to prove or validate about himself by believing these far right ideas?

In my country, there is a heated political situation, and it is making proponents of both sides "predictably irrational." There are times when I want to try and make them see that both sides have good and bad points, but then I realize that people buy what they believe.


I review self-help courses to find out which ones are good and not good: propelyourwealth.com

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I like the advice you already got here. "Dont help, just understand" & make him think his ideology through.

What I would do is, tell him I love him no matter what but that Im not into the whole blaming game bullshit.

Ultimately what he has is fear. Lead by example, show him you are fearless and full of love.

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