
The dark side of meditation

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Hey guys, I finally watched Leo's video on this and it explained many things that were happening to me. I kind of knew that they are caused by this, but it's getting pretty weird and I am curious if you guys have any of these experiences as well. I have quite weird nightmares and thoughts about my family being butchered, even though I wont hurt a fly in the real life. I also go on binges quite regularly these days, I considered myself addiction free, but after maditating for longer time, these ego backslashes just started to kick in and sometimes I just feel like eating a whole chocolate bar or creating an account on some stupid game... I dont usually do that but the craving is still there... Do you experience anything similar? 

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Yeah i sometimes want to kill my dad and eat the whole fridge

Who teaches us whats real and how to laugh at lies? Who decides why we live and what we'll die to defend?Who chain us? And who holds the Key that can set us free? 

It's you.

You have all the weapons you need 

Now fight.

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Never had nightmares in my life till about a year ago and I got an extreme case OCD anxiety, crazy thoughts & shit, so I decided to start mediating, about once every 2 weeks I have some seriously whacked out dreams, mediation is purging shit on a micro level, kinda like how therapy purges shit on a macro level, there will be back lash (ego is holding on to for dear life) but over time mine has diminished, you'll be fine. Also a dream has no content & dreams aren't who you are. All we are is the awareness of dreams/ thoughts. Namaste ? 

Edited by Tony 845

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I regularly use a printer at work. And even though it was working fine I wanted to shake it and beat it with a hammer cus the paper moving literally freaked the crap out of me. I saw blank paper pass through the printer to go on the other side, now full with words. It was quite nice, beautiful even but then 3 seconds later I was like :



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@NoSelfSelf Do you mean the food or the actaul fridge? :D 

@Talinn I hope this doesnt happen to me at school lmao.

@Tony 845 So what do you think about dreams, do they have a meaning? From the beginning, I used to be pretty damn scared after being put into the Hunger Games pit with my family and friends, it was a freaking horrible thing, I was glad that I woke up, but I am actually a very happy and stable person in real life... do you know something more?

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@bejapuskas look I'm not enlightened so I can't tell you everything about dreams, but don't let them play tricks on you either, the past is a story & the future is a story, the only that is real is this very moment, everything else is a hallucination.

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@Tony 845 I see... I am not someone who would get carried away by that, its just a terrifying experience for the very first time... I am getting better and better at recognizing dreams. I have just watched a video were Alan Watts was talking about if someone was able to have a 75 years long - average human life span - dream, it would be like living a life each night... Its pretty exciting idea.

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Dreams are often your unfulfield desires so maybe there was some anger in you towards your family that you didn't express and meditation might make you more aware of that so you decided to kill them in hunger games :D

Or maybe its nothing like that, it's just a dream and you don't need to pay much attention to it but it's usful to keep in mind that dreams tend to be unfulfield desires becouse it might bring you some clarity.

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@wavydude  My dream was super weird, I didnt kill anyone, but in the end I had a huge killing spree and I won, but I wasnt happy from the victory, I killed my friends and family... it was horrible, it made me more grateful I guess.

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You have those macabre dreams because is true. Your core is relying on your family, you need to detach in order to discover yourself, and to do that you have to become a superconductor and really love your family fully, not only at heart level, has to be all the chakras level in order to escape. 

If I love only with the heart is dangerous, the loved one in this limited manner can get destroyed in time. 

... 7 rabbits will live forever.                                                                                                                                                                                                  



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@Hellspeed Thats interesting, it seems kinda true... How do I achieve that? I dont know anything about chakra... any recommendations?

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