
Self-actualization is biased!

6 posts in this topic

One of the foundations that I learned years ago from leo is understanding that there isnt such a thing like right and wrong.

These calificative adjectives are just judgements in our brain derived from nour believe system, just mental masturbation, hallucinations. In nature it snt good or bad, everything is neutral. Good or bad only exist from a ego perspective and its interests.

Why should I self-actualize?

-Leo said if you self-actualize you'll have a fantastic life, if not you'll be miserable and will regret in your death bed.

But leo, who determines what is a fantastic life and a life that sucks? Our believe system? mainstream society? Or in the other hand should we hear our body, our intuition?

Me, hardcase introvert, shy, quiet, I'm happy alone, get drained in social situations. Exposed myself and forced into being social, I'm not happy being social It doesnt matter how interact and practise. I know its in my DNA, it doesnt feel good in my body socializing, I'm ok alone or with 2-3 close friends and family.

I realized in vacations when people leave the city and there isnt traffic and masses I'm more happy!

Since child my mum took me to psychologysts to make me "social talkative and normal" the doctor forced me to socialize, I told her: But I'm ok having 2-3 friends, I dont want more! I'm ok the way I am!

The doctor told to my mum: the thing is going worse, hes backsliding...

Why it isnt accepted to be the way is determined by our genetic? No matter how we delude to change, later homeostasis kick in. Trying to be someone else es exhausting, it keeps me literally with no energy.

What you thik guys?

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Be however you want.

Self-actualizing is not about being some particular way. It is about growing more and more conscious of yourself.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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If your life is 100% perfect the way it is right now and you are completely happy then so be it. But the fact that you are here and watching all those videos tells me that you’re seeking something more, and seeking help.

"Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death." - Albert Einstein


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15 hours ago, Moreira said:

One of the foundations that I learned years ago from leo is understanding that there isnt such a thing like right and wrong.

These calificative adjectives are just judgements in our brain derived from nour believe system, just mental masturbation, hallucinations. In nature it snt good or bad, everything is neutral. Good or bad only exist from a ego perspective and its interests.

Why should I self-actualize?

-Leo said if you self-actualize you'll have a fantastic life, if not you'll be miserable and will regret in your death bed.

But leo, who determines what is a fantastic life and a life that sucks? Our believe system? mainstream society? Or in the other hand should we hear our body, our intuition?

Me, hardcase introvert, shy, quiet, I'm happy alone, get drained in social situations. Exposed myself and forced into being social, I'm not happy being social It doesnt matter how interact and practise. I know its in my DNA, it doesnt feel good in my body socializing, I'm ok alone or with 2-3 close friends and family.

I realized in vacations when people leave the city and there isnt traffic and masses I'm more happy!

Since child my mum took me to psychologysts to make me "social talkative and normal" the doctor forced me to socialize, I told her: But I'm ok having 2-3 friends, I dont want more! I'm ok the way I am!

The doctor told to my mum: the thing is going worse, hes backsliding...

Why it isnt accepted to be the way is determined by our genetic? No matter how we delude to change, later homeostasis kick in. Trying to be someone else es exhausting, it keeps me literally with no energy.

What you thik guys?

If your fine, your fine.  But if your asking why should I do this, means you have a place inside yourself that you think there may be a reason to, bringing you back to the first place, are you fine?

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16 hours ago, Moreira said:

Why should I self-actualize?

-Leo said if you self-actualize you'll have a fantastic life, if not you'll be miserable and will regret in your death bed.

But leo, who determines what is a fantastic life and a life that sucks? Our believe system? mainstream society? Or in the other hand should we hear our body, our intuition?


There is a reason this path focuses very heavily on self inquiry. It is not about figuring out and obeying what other people say. Its about figuring out what YOU want. What YOU need. How YOU feel.

A lot of so called 'unconscious behavior' leads you to not really pay attention to yourself. You aren't figuring out what you want. You follow thoughts and emotions blindly without truly thinking about their cause. You can end up in self destructive traps.

Leo isn't telling you that everything he says is ultimate fact, truth, or will always result in the best possible outcome. But see taking in information and then inquiring to yourself about such information is how one can dissect and filter things beneficial and not beneficial from them. Its like getting a TV show recommendation from a friend, you check it out on the possibility that you may or may not get enjoyment out of it. After you watched it you do the judgment on ultimately if that show was or was not entertaining to you and if their recommendation is well suited to you.

Self-actualization has a high probability for a fantastic life because you ultimately will end up more aware of how you feel and think and what things do and do not work for you.

Edited by Shadowraix

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