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Bashar - What It Is And Why You Should Know It

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Today I wanna share a story about channeling Bashar - an entity from another dimension. I know it sounds hillarious and it surely requires some amount of open-mindedness to get that idea. If you don't know it and yet take seriously your path to enlightenment, you should stay with me right now. But if at this point your rational mind judges it as some crazy shit not worth of reading - just go back to whatever you were doing, maybe it's not the time:) 

Before I get to the point - You probably noticed how expanding consciousness works. It might have started couple of years ago when you accidently saw a picture on facebook about the benefits of stopping watching TV, then you might have accidently bumped into a self-help book at your friend's house, then let's say you read somewhere about meditation or affirmations, maybe somebody told you about The Secret and Law of Attraction and the story goes on and on. You might have fallen asleep from time to time but let's be optimistic here and eventually you DECIDED to "stay on the track" forever and you took it very, very seriously. Is this your story?:) Let's continue.

I am 25 now. I read, watch, experience, everything connected to expanding consciousness since being 16 years old, to the best of my ability. If I said to 17-year old myself that "hey dude, did you know that your thoughts create your experience of reality?" I would probably think something like "what are you smoking?". 

It was the same with Bashar. It took me quite a while since I started to somehow "believe" in that concept without laughing or mocking. I've had subscribed a YouTube channel with Bashar's messages for a long time and I just couldn't understand WHAT THE HECK IS THAT? At that time I was probably listening to Anthony Robbins on "life changing techniques" or read about Brian Tracy's methods of achieving happiness by learning how to sell. Then step by step, year after year, book after book, I was becoming more conscious of the spiritual side of life.

Long story short, one day I've decided to give it a try and listen carefully what Bashar has to say. 

- Alright dude, so tell me what is it?  Well. There is this guy Darryl Anka, who falls into a deep meditation and becomes a CHANNEL for an entity named Bashar, who is alive but "lives" in a different density of this Universe. Bashar is some sort of higher form of consciousness, let's say like us, humans, but with much more developed consciousness. He translates his thoughts through Darryl to English language so it's understandable for us.

- Alright. And what it talks about? About everything you ask it. And it can explain things on an Universal level, from very broad perspective. It explains... how this thing called "life" works. What are thoughts? What about free will? Am I creating my reality? What's my purpose here on Earth? What is enlightenment? How to achieve what I want? How to be happy and what is happiness? What is ABUNDANCE and how to be abundant? What about DMT? How to manifest? Basically everything in the matter of consciousness, thoughts, awareness, enlightenment, frequencies, vibrations, auras, time, intentions, meditations, creating, manifesting, being and living. And that's just the tip of the iceberg (favourite Leo's saying :D

I have been listening to Bashar's translations for a couple of years now. I apply what it says practically into my life and I have to admit that I have never been more happier and abundant and finally I am what I was always supposed to be. And I have been into self-help work for years, read like a hundred books, watched tons of enlightenment videos, been watching Leo for over 2 years etc. And on top of that there is Bashar, who explains everything on a much higher level.

And that's why I decided to share it with you. Maybe it is what you need right now.

I'm not here to convince you at a push. Maybe it's time, maybe it's not. Maybe it's for you, maybe it's not. All of you are on a different level of consciousness. But if you find it helpful, let it serve you the most. 

He's an example. Bashar here talks about manifesting our reality and how law of attraction really works. Give it a try and listen. 


If you want to talk about it - feel free to ask some questions.


Edited by Eye

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You should always watch out when playing with entities from other dimensions. Especially those who are named like Bashar...sounds like a fucking endboss from the desert level of a videogame :D The only entities that are save, as far as I know, are the ones that are helping you right now and that you don't need to actively contact. Angels, guides and so on. Watch out man, you never know if this man in the video is right, or if he is safe. Maybe Bashar rapes or will rape his soul forever after his teachings are done.

Stay safe my friend, you do not need entities in your life. That's fools gold. You have already everything you need....inside you.

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@Eye I just listened to that. Nothing new there. This 3rd dimensional existence IS putty in our hands. We can shape this world in any direction we want. The 4th-d (duration) affords us that freedom of movement into any branching timeline we choose. Every second holds possibility for change to occur. Every second we move into a new space. What we choose to do with that "new" space is totally up to us. What happens is that most people don't understand that. They "expect" that tomorrow should be no different than yesterday. And that is exactly what happens. No surprise there!

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@cetus56 Exactly. I wouldn't need a foreign entity to whisper that into my ear. Well who knows, maybe Bashar is save, and maybe he is "good" and everything is fine, and maybe that guy is not full of shit, but I still prefer, as long as I'm living in this body, being blind to so many things, sources that are more of this world. You can listen to those videos as much as you want friend, but when you want to summon an foreign entity for yourself, I just hope you will do nothing wrong there. Cheers

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I stumbled onto his videos when I first started personal development. I remember he predicted aliens would come to earth in 2015 in one video.

 I'm still waiting to be abducted ; (

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Thank you for all your replies. I'm not trying to summon any entity for myself :D

It's just, I have been listening to Bashar for some time and applied many things into my existence and it really... works. And this guy channels Bashar for over 30 years, so it's not a one-season bullshit seminar to rip off some money from newage seekers.

I have been really careful at the beginning and I had no trust, but as the time passed and as I started to raise my vibration, my inner and thus outer reality, started to change very visibly. That's why I decided to share it with you here. As I said, maybe you'll find it useful, maybe not.

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Let me share with you some of his teachings:

1) At any given moment do the things that excite you the most to the best of your ability without any expecations of what the outcome should be. This way, you will get to the things you really want much faster, through the path of least resistence.

2) Life is a reflection, a mirror. Many people are waiting for the "outer" world to change, when at the same time they haven't really changed inside. You have to change your vibration first, so that it will match the circumstances outside. The things you want are always already there, but it's YOU that has to change first in order for THEM to come to you.

3) Definition of abundance - the ability to do what you need to do when you need to do it. That's it.


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Had a dream experience that absolutely verified him for me, I made a forum about him as well.

The guy who channels him is a bit of hard head though imo in terms of not spreading the material for free and using a very outdated business model, but if you can look past that (and maybe join some sharing group, cough) then it's pretty cool. 

The only other downside I'll give is that the alien is actually a bit unnuanced at times and can easily be misinterpreted. 

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2 hours ago, AlwaysBeNice said:

Had a dream experience that absolutely verified him for me, I made a forum about him as well. . 

Can you tell us a little bit more about this experience?

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Besides Alan Watts, Bashar is one of the only beings that i have agreed with almost 100% everything he/they had to say. The divine wisdom presented was pure common sense. Its sad that his channel was deleted, all those videos could change the world :/ if broadcasted for 24hour period alone.


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1 hour ago, OBEler said:

Can you tell us a little bit more about this experience?

Yeah in my dream I became lucid and asked if I could go to the civilization related to Sirius, I flew up into the stars went through an eye, and had some normal dream like experiences of just being a in a bus in a jungle, seeing some puppies and saw some weird beings saying some weird stuff (all very dream like, Bashar said many of the dreams are symbolic interpretations). 

Then a week later his new session came out and he talked about the different symbols related to these civilizations and the symbol Sirius was an eye.

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