
How did you ditch porn?

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I have an account on a well known porn site where I can select my favourite videos etc....

I realised I've spent a lot of time on it and I know porn is evil anyways for me and in general.

So for those who did, how did you completely stop watching porn?

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Chop penis and testicles off, problem solved ;) (joke obviously)

Porn is not the root problem, however porn is easy to access when the lust comes.

There is a beast in you that is programmed to desire sex in your biological body, remember your first time you watched porn? you couldn't be addicted to it right off the bat but it was still very luring.

The addiction is hard wired into your biological makeup, I guess if you really want to be OK with not watching porn you need to become OK with the lust and urges that arise all the time and then not react.

You can't get rid of the urges or impulses, the key is whether you react to it, and whether you can keep saying no to porn every time you feel the urge to bust a nut.

Edited by blazed

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Interesting, well I supposes noticing the problem is already a step forward.

I'll see how I react to that craving.

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3 minutes ago, Pebble said:

Interesting, well I supposes noticing the problem is already a step forward.

I'll see how I react to that craving.

Yes knowing the problem and being aware of it helps, just dont get too stressed about it.

Next time you have an urge to watch porn try to sit with that feeling and see how long you can hold it before reacting, see if you can hold it long enough that the urge passes away.

If you fail, admit it wasn't your best but forgive yourself, just believe that each time you practice not reacting to it, it will get better. Build that discipline or mental willpower muscle.

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;It's indeed not the end of the world (since I have many addictions to deal with) but it needs to be adressed

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I realized I will probably be fucking girls soon and I bust really quick and I think NoFap is a way to last longer, so...

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Several drugs (well I don't use all the time but I have periods of addiction)

Women / Sex

Alcohol (yes I know it's also a drugs)

Smoking (depends on the moments)

And yes I'm Bipolar which probably explains a lot.

Trying to fix all this shit

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5 minutes ago, Pebble said:

Several drugs (well I don't use all the time but I have periods of addiction)

Women / Sex

Alcohol (yes I know it's also a drugs)

Smoking (depends on the moments)

And yes I'm Bipolar which probably explains a lot.

Trying to fix all this shit

One at the time. Better one fixed and the others still unresolved, than trying to fix every single one and failing. Take it slow. Life is long.

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Indeed, I've been struggling with all this for many years with big spikes in dependance.

Everything is far from great but it has been worse.

Oh I forgot another one, messaging and my phone, I litteraly check it 1000 times a day

Edited by Pebble

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43 minutes ago, Pebble said:


Oh I forgot another one, messaging and my phone, I litteraly check it 1000 times a day

Hahahaha that was cool

Choose first whichever is more harmful

God bless ur efforts . 

With love u can cure everything.

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4 minutes ago, egoeimai said:

Hahahaha that was cool

Choose first whichever is more harmful

God bless ur efforts . 

With love u can cure everything.

Yeah one time someone asked me "Do you ever sleep? Ever?"

I'm in Europe so at night I sometimes message american friends or thai friends, both in different timezones :/

Edited by Pebble

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37 minutes ago, Pebble said:

Yeah one time someone asked me "Do you ever sleep? Ever?"

I'm in Europe so at night I sometimes message american friends or thai friends, both in different timezones :/

I do that too. ? sleep is so important though. I love a good  8-9hour sleep .

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3 hours ago, Ether said:

I realized I will probably be fucking girls soon 

#nice xD

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8 minutes ago, Shroomdoctor said:

#nice xD

Do you do it? Does it take a lot of stamina?

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By re-routing your sexual energy into your own earth (1st chakra). 

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@Ether A long NoFap Streak does make you cum quite quickly, but hey 1) you can just go a second time 2) if you have done i right she has already come before you even start with the penetration and then its not so much of a problem. you both laugh it off and go again ;)

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@Shroomdoctor Whats the point of NoFap if im just going to cum quicker? How do I last longer with no disgusting techniques?

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@Ether The point of NoFap is learning to control your urges and stop your addiction to porn, if you have one. 

To your second question:


26 minutes ago, Shroomdoctor said:

@Ether  1) you can just go a second time, you both laugh it off and go again ;)

She won't mind. 

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