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Is "Patience" a value or virtue?

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I am trying to figure out my top values in life plus the values that I need to have.

Right now, I really lack patience dew to my anxiety. I am always in a rush. 

So, In establishing patience in my life for growth, is it going to be my virtue or characteristic or trait of my being or a value itself? 

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2 hours ago, YaNanNallari said:

Why not both

I am just confuse on how to place this on my list.

Example - I already have happiness and growth on my list and I understand that patience is like of a sub value/virtue for being happy and growing. So, I do not think that it is necessary to have it.


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4 hours ago, Saumaya said:

Patience come from process orientation rather than goal orientation. Thats all.

I love that perspective.  That’s pure gold right there. 



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Consider how a patient person would act and behave in your shoes, then embody that. What you're looking for here is an answer to how to live out your value of patience. The only important thing about patience is how well you go about demonstrating it. The nature of values is that you take the idea and live it. 

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leo said happiness is not a value because your values are what give you happiness 

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